Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Good Enough

Farther Away

by -Angel-May- 1 review

Amy discovers all is not in it's place. How will she react?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-06 - Updated: 2007-03-06 - 982 words

Chapter 12

Their night was spent by a lake, Gerard said he had been wondering around New York last week and had found a beautiful spot involving the lake and a little patch of forest. It was perfect for a small picnic between two lovers.
Amy lay in Gerard's arms, her breathing peaceful as she looked out across the stretch of water, the moonlight reflected off the lake, their shadows were one as their bodies were brought closer together,
"Gerard this is so relaxing" Amy sighed, closing her eyes, listening to the beating of her lover's heart,
"I'm going to have to agree with you there" Gerard whispered, almost afraid to break her peaceful reverie, today was the best day they had had together for a year. Gerard knew this was not to last, as soon as Amy found...or rather didn't find her stash, there was going to be hell to pay.


They had fallen straight to sleep after getting in last night and Amy was the first to awaken again. She yawned then stretched, then, looking to her side, she noticed Gerard, still asleep right beside her. She smiled, it was the first time she had made love to anyone and they had still been there the morning after. She sighed then stepped carefully out of the bed, making sure that she didn't stir her sleeping love, she looked at him again before stepping lightly out of the room and into the adjoining bathroom.
She closed the door, making sure that she locked it before turning on the shower. Whilst undressing herself she caught sight of the horrible scar across her stomach, she traced it with her finger, sighing, a lumped formed in her throat and she forced herself to look away. The light on the shower, which indicated the temperature, had finally stopped flashing and so Amy stepped into the hot water, allowing the heat to relax her muscles and she began to softly sing to herself.
After the usual process of washing her hair and body and drying herself off, then wrapping her body in a warm, soft bathrobe she padded towards the sink and simply looked at her distorted reflected in the misty mirror before wiping away the condensation and seeing her true reflection.
Amy practically glared at herself. Her reflection showed her eyes blotched red, her skin was paler than ever, the dark circled forming around her eyes showed her what was slowly destroying her. She wasn't thinking about the HIV more about the drugs.
She thought about Gerard and everything he had done for her, she smiled slightly as memories of the previous day filtered into her mind and she finally decided that enough was enough. She was sick of the secrecy, sick of the lies... sick of the drugs. They had to go.
So she lifted to broken tile from the floor, the place she had decided to store her stash, only to find that there was nothing there. All rational thought had left her mind as the only thing she thought of was how angry she was that someone, probably Gerard, had gone snooping around.


Gerard had woken up and heard the shower turn on, knowing how much Amy enjoyed being in the shower to relax, he simply dressed himself and left to watch TV in the living room downstairs.
He knew that it would be sometime this morning that Amy would realize her stash wasn't where she had left it and that would mean trouble for Gerard.
About half an hour later, his thoughts were confirmed as he heard his name being screamed from the upstairs bathroom and her footsteps pounding down the stairs. Anyone could easily tell that she was enraged by something, her hair was messy and still wet, her face was red and she was breathing very heavily, however she stood in front of him very calmly,
"Gerard, what have you done?" She asked simply, she had no time for pleasant conversation,
"Amy, please, let me explain..." but she cut him off,
"No Gerard!" She raised her voice, "Do you not trust me or something?" She began, pacing around the room
"What are you...?"
"Didn't you think I could get un-hooked by myself huh?!" Her voice getting louder by every second,
"Amy... I'm..." he was about to apologize before she started yelling,
"You had no faith in me Gerard!" her pacing had stopped and she was now stood right in front of him, "I could have un-hooked myself easily!"
"Amy, you were hooked for little under a year, and yes I figured this out quite a while ago" he exclaimed, his voice rising as well,
"How did you....?"
"I've been hooked before" He said calmly, Amy's facial expression changed for a split second to a look of compassion before contorting back into rage as she leapt at him, still in a rage, her quite small hands balled into fists as she pounded weakly into his chest, tears streaming down her face, eyebrows furrowed, she was yelled incoherently into his chest about not letting her work things out for herself and taking it away from her. Gerard knew this was the early stages of withdrawal; after all she had gone at least a day without her fix, and after going almost a year of getting it once of twice everyday it was a lot to handle once it was gone. So Gerard merely held her tightly against his body as she fought against him, knowing that once she had calmed down somewhat she would storm off upstairs and he wouldn't see her until later at night.
Her body shook, almost painfully, as sobs racked her body; the poundings against his chest were nothing more than pitifully taps coming from a broken woman.
This was going to be a tough time for both of them and a test for their relationship.
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