Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Car Crash Hearts

Chapter 2

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 2

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-06 - Updated: 2007-03-06 - 786 words


Chapter Two

Joe's POV

"Well that was a waste of time" I mumbled to pete as we walked out of Tristan's.
"It wasn't that bad" he laughed unlocking his car. "not that bad! Dude that bitch threw her drink at you" I laughed jumping in the passenger seat.
"yeah but not until after Kate? That's her name right?" he paused waiting for me to answer. After seeing me nod he continued "not until kate dropped her spaghetti in your lap."
"And she didn't do that until you called her cousin a whore and asked if it was her that you saw working the street corner last night!" I laughed picturing the look on Kate's face when Pete made that comment. She looked horrified and almost embarrassed; As if what Pete had said about her cousin was true.
"Its not my fault that she looked like that hooker on 5th last night. And man did you see..."
"LOOK OUT" I yelled but it was too late. We collided into the back of the car in front of us.
"Shit are you ok?" Pete asked rubbing his head. I nodded noticing the cut on the corner of his eye.
"yeah I'm ok. Your car's not though" I mumbled pointing to the hood of his car that was now embedded into the ass of another car.
"shit! I just got this thing too!" he yelled pounding the steering wheel.

Jillian's POV

"Oh my god! That kid! He came out of no where!" I yelled fighting back the tears that threatened to spill.
"at least you didn't hit him" Janelle said trying to lighten the mood.
"that doesn't help! We were still hit! and what if they got hurt!" I yelled jumping out of the car.
"are you ok!" I asked to the two guys that climbed out of the car behind us. "what the fuck happened? Do you not know how to drive?" the driver said walking up to us. "I'm so sorry! A kid ran out in front of my car."
"Did he get hit?" I shook my head staring at the damage of the two cars.
"how are we going to pay for this?" I sighed leaning against my car.
"so much for laying low" Janelle laughed running a hand threw her long blonde hair. It was weird seeing it blonde I was used to her with black hair. I glared at her instantly silencing her.
"Hey! I know you two" I jumped in surprised staring at the passenger with wide eyes. "you do?" Janelle asked cautiously.
"yeah I saw the two of you in the airport this morning. Pete don't you remember they are the girls with the bodyguards" The one called pete nodded his head
"yeah why so many men girls?" he asked closing his phone. I assumed he had just called the cops so we could file a report. How do we explain that? Luckily I didn't have to a cop car pulled up. And hour later we were on our way home.

Janelle's POV

"Well that was fun" I laughed throwing myself down on the couch.
"yeah says the one that didn't cause the wreck" Jillian sighing sitting down in the arm chair and flipping on the tv and changing the station until it stopped on MTV.
"no one got hurt, chill out. Damn it Alexis you worry to much." Oops. She jumped up staring down at me.
"what the fuck ALYSSA! You know were not supposed to use those names! What if you had slipped in public huh?"
i looked down playing with the seems on the couch "I'm sorry ok I wasn't thinking." She shook her head in disgust "yeah you not think could get us killed."
"I DIDN'T MEAN TO OK!" I yelled jumping up to face her. "no one is here. No one heard drop it. It wont happen again." I pushed past her walking to my room. I threw myself face down on my bed and buried my face into my pillow. I want my life back! I hate this.
"I'm sorry ok" I looked up to see Jillian leaning against the door frame. "I'm just scared." I sat up on the bed staring at her "I'm scared too but you don't see me flipping out on you" she nodded moving to sit next to me "that's because you're a better sister than I am" "You said it not me" I laughed hugging her. "truce?"

yay a review already! i love you lol sorry we pissed you off in the other story lol but glad you kept reading and are now a happy readier lol anyways enough of my babbling and on to the story! yay ~Stacey
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