Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Seasons Change People Dont

Chapter Three

by youngandreckless 2 reviews

chapter 3

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-03-29 - Updated: 2007-03-29 - 703 words

I am just having the worse luck with writing this whole month. Nothing is really coming out the way I want it too. Its quite annoying. but oh well heres an update for you. To Love and To Hold will be appearing on your screens within the next couple of days, since its my job to write the first chapter. so look out for it. xoxo -- Laura.

Chapter 3--

Janelle's POV

"Now what happen to the car?" The men in suits were back. They found out about the car, how we dont know, but they did.
"A kid ran out in front of us, and another car behind us smashed into the back of the car, there was nothing we could do,"
"Correction, nothing you could do, I was in the passenger seat," I pointed out, smirking.
"Thanks," Jillian smiled, rolling her eyes.
"You're suppose to be low key about everything you do, should we move you again?"
"NO!" we both jumped up, we couldnt handle moving all our shit and going through what we went through again. There was just no way.
"Then keep yourselves low key, or we will have to," the man pointed at us.
"A new car is on the way, dont break this one too please," Another man shook his head at us.
"We'll try,"
"No, dont try just do,"
"Fine," we nodded as the men in suits left.
"They didnt even give us time to contact them, they just showed up, is that gonna happen everytime?" I looked to Jillian.
"Probably until it all blows over and we're free,"

Pete's POV

"Insurance will cover it all but damn I liked that car,"
"Yeah well get over it, you'll get another one," Joe shrugged.
"I dont want to just keep getting a new one every time two chicks who cant drive stop in front of me,"
"They were pretty at least, and dont look like the type to throw food or spill drinks all over you,"
"Yeah their the over the top, need a million body guards to watch me or i'll die type,"
"Rather have that kind of girl any day, at least I know shes well protected,"
"That is one way to think of it,"
"Think we'll ever see those girls again?"
"Probably not, why?"
"Just wondering," I looked back down at my sidekkick, then up at Joe again, shaking my head turning my attention back to my sidekick.

Jillian's POV

"Im gonna go pick up a couple of things from the store, wanna come?"
"No Im good, grab some junk food while you at it,"
"Allright," I grabbed the keys and my purse heading out the door. Doing barely speed limit, I looked at the houses as I passed them. I missed everything I had before, and all cause of one stupid little mistake, it changed everything. Now I had to keep strong for Janelle. If I fell apart she surely would, and she was keeping together quite well.
"Are you gonna stop suddenly so I can crash into you again?" I stopped hearing a voice from behind me. I turned seeing the guy from the other night. His hair looked unbrushed, and he wore jeans that were looser then the one he wore the other night.
"Sorry about your car, it was yours right?"
"Yeah, its allright, its replaceable, at least no one was hurt, ya know," I nodded in agreement with him. My eyes trailed down his arms looking at the tattoo's that covered them, "Im a huge nightmare before christmas fan,"
"I noticed, me too." I smiled.

Janelle's POV

I looked around the place again, I never really thought I'd ever be alone in this place. I didnt want to be alone in this place. I hated this place. I got up off the sofa walking into the room that was now mine. I closed the door, locking myself in. One thing I hated more then being alone in this house, was being alone in that big room with tons of windows. Windows were easy enterances; sometimes I think there shouldnt be any windows at all. A house would be better that way. Just the front door to worry about. Makes life easy.
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