Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating ((Faster)) [[Faster]]

Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating ((Faster)) [[Faster]] **Part 8**

by panicatthediscoxchik 1 review

why do you think you're getting a summary outta me?? lol

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-03-09 - Updated: 2007-03-10 - 564 words

During the next two hours each indulged in pure happiness, and dangerous passion, not knowing that the other was a virgin.

"That was.. incredible." said Brina contently.
"It was, even though it was my first time." said Brendon in an almost laughing tone.
"You. were.. a. virgin? but you seemed like you already have done this." said Brina.
"Nope. that was the first.. well actually first through third time since we went at it 3 consecutive times." said Brendon jokingly, while smiling.
Brina said after quietly laughing, "Yea.. we did. didn't we? That was my first, second, and third time too."
Wow. that. was. incredible! He was a virgin too. but he seemed so experience. OMG! I can't believe I've only known him for a day, and I already had sex with him! I'm such a whore. but I think I'm falling for him, and really hard too.
I think I'm falling in love with her. So smart. So beautiful, with or without clothes on. smiles to himself And I can say from just a recent experience, she is so sexy in bed. chuckles to himself

At that second Brina's cell phone started ringing, which at the time was in her jean's pocket, which were laying on the floor next to Brendon's pants. XD
Brina got up from the bed and wrapped a sheet around her and checked her cell phone for who was calling. It was her mom. 0.o
"It's my mom. I gotta get it." said Brina.
"Okay. I don't mind." said Brendon.
"Hello?" said Brina.
"Hi sweety. How was you first day of being a senior? Meet any new friends?" asked Mrs. Becker.
"Uh. It was okay. Yea, I did meet someone." said Brina.
"What's her name?" asked Brina's mom.
"Well, it's not exactly a girl. It's a guy and his name is Brendon." said Brina.

When Brina said his name out loud she felt a wave of emotion flow through her. Also at the sound of his name coming from Brina's lushious lips, Brendon had gotten immediately turned-on.

"Oh. That's cool. a boy. is he cute?" asked Mrs. Becker jokingly.
"Well..he's more, than cute...He's my..uh.. boyfriend." said Brina.

Brendon had heard that loud and clear. He was really turned-on. All he wanted was her. He didn't care about anything anymore, just her and only her.
After telling her mom that he was her boyfriend, Brina gave a look to Brendon that no one had ever seen from Brina in a really long time. It was a pure, true smile. Ever since Brina's parents got divorced, which was about 8 years ago, Brina hadn't been truly happy. Whenever someone was her smile, it was a fake, substitute one. But for some odd reason, being with Brendon made Brina extremely happy!

"Oh...boyfriend. okay. cool. dead silence Well I just called to say that I won't be home tonight. So, if you want you can have Angie over to keep you company. Have a great day at school tomorrow." said Mrs. Becker.
"Okay mom, see you tomorrow(yea right)" said Brina.
"Bye sweety." said Mrs. Becker.
"Bye mom." said Brina right before she clicked the button to shut off her phone and tossed her phone on the floor.
She turned to Brendon who had been all heated up at the sound of 'he's my boyfriend'.
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