Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sisterly Love

The Date

by GeeDeexx 7 reviews

The first date. Gonna be short.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-03-12 - Updated: 2007-03-13 - 1269 words

O MIGHTY REVIEWERS (if I forgot you, you have the right to get pissed at
me): lisa_lou, My_famous_last_words, MCR_dynamite, me_myself_and_MCR(I
love your username!!), isuckatlifenm, cnharp (you reviewed every single
chapter of Suicidal Changes... thankies!!), ron337, Crimsonsorrow,
LaBellaMuerte, AlexSanDee, SafeFromRobotsDAMN (you stuck with me
for-ever!!), ThePatient, deaths-destruction, icyblue858, whoever Alison
is, MCRfanxx, horsie890, A_Silent_Killing, and anybody else who reviewed
that was anonymous or something. If I forgot you I'll put you in ALL
CAPS on my next chapter!! PROMISE!!!

'Tis gonna be short. Apologies. Don't have a lot of time.
I made Mikey really sweet and nice in this one... ;)
Tee hee.

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11:54 PM
Fountain of the Naiads
- - - -
Mikey smiled at me, and I smiled back. This place was absurdly
beautiful, and in its glowing glory Mikey and I sat, staring into each
other's eyes.
"You know, once the coffee fades, you can actually be pretty calm." I
wrinkled my nose and turned to where we both had our feet in the cold
water. I smiled. The most beautiful places were usually the places where
you were all alone, and where- of course- you weren't supposed to be.
"You know El, you look exactly like Frank." I stuck out my tongue at him
and then smiled.
"I'm hoping that's a good thing."
"Well, I don't mean exactly. In a more girly, I don't know, pretty sort
of way." I blushed slightly.
"Hmm. You know who you look like?" He looked at me blankly, probably
hoping I wouldn't say Gerard. "You look like Mikey Way, in a handsome,
cute sort of way." It was his turn to blush.
"It's almost midnight." He said after a moment, and I looked at his
watch. "And I think I wanted to say... I mean, I know I wanted to say
is- Oh, fuck it." He leaned over and his soft lips pressed against mine,
first soft, but we got more into is as the seconds... and then minutes

12:23 PM
- - - -
I awoke to feel arms wrapped around my body, and instantly snuggled back
into Mikey's chest, smiling slightly. I matched my breathing with his,
and I just lay there for several minutes, breathing rhythmically with him.
"Gee, give me the fucking camera."
"No, I got it."
"I said gimme the camera!" There were two whispers, and I recognized
them as Frank's and Gerards.
"Whatever." Frank said, sighing. "Wow. My sister's already hooked up
with my best friend's little brother."
"If Mikes didn't I would've."
"You're kidding."
"Yeah right, fuck you wannabe whore."
"Oh yeah?" Gerard whispered loudly. "Fuck you, bitch!"
"Yes, many girls do!"
"Calling me a fucking whore? Look who's talking!"
"I called you a wannabe whore! There's a difference!"
"Hey, guys, if you shut the fuck up and take the damn picture I'll
pretend that I never woke up!" I finally said, squinting my eyes open
slightly to see Gee and Frankenstein staring at me stupidly.
"I am asleep." I said, closing my eyes and getting more comfortable on
my left shoulder.

I awoke about fifteen minutes later, for real that time. It was more
like ten minutes of laying there silently, because I had to convince
Frankie that we didn't 'do it.' Finally though he went away and I sat
there until I felt the urge to move. Carefully I slid out of his arms
and kissed him on the cheek, covering him with the blankets and shaking
my head as I slid into the other room.
There was a giggle from Gee-Tard.
"What?" I asked, looking around, and then smoothing my hair out. I had
taken a shower that yesterday, so it wasn't like a bird's nest or
something. Finally I happened to look down.
"Oh, fuck. That's not funny, Gerard." I felt myself blushing, but
instead of going up in flames I strode over to Mikey's bunk and picked
up a pair of boxers randomly lying on the floor. I slid them on and
looked at them, and even though they were revealing the top of my
panties I didn't care.
"Those are my boxers." Gerard said, and I shrugged.
"Whatever. Just as long as they aren't all shitted up." I was still
blushing from walking in on him in my dark purple panties, so I
retreated to the coffeemaker and poured myself a cup.
"Go easy on that crap." He said, and I shrugged.
"Who made it, anyway?"
"I think Bob did."
"Where are the others?" I asked, sipping my over-sugared coffee and
turning around to look at him.
"I think they're hanging out with Fall Out Boy."
"That's who it was!" I said, slamming my fist against the counter.
"What?" He asked, clueless.
"Pete Wentz was the guy who smiled at me and then bragged about it to
Patrick Stump about how he made 'Frankie Iero's little sister blush.'"
"You're not cheating on my brother already, are you?"
"No, first of all Mikey and I weren't even together then. And second he
just smiled at me." Gerard laughed.
"Just kidding. Jeez." I glared at him and downed my coffee, pouring
myself another cup.
"Stay away from me in about fifteen minutes." I said, gulping down just
about half of the cup before he spoke again.
"Why?" I held up a finger and downed the cup.
"Because the coffee kicks in after about that time." With that I poured
another cup.

20 minutes later
After a shower
- - -
I smiled, hopping up and down near Gerard, who was watching TV.
"So, what's up?"
"The ceiling."
"Wow. Never woulda guessed. Hey, hey, hey, you know what?"
"No. I don't know what."
"That's right! Because you're...stupid."
"Thank you."
"Damn your sarcasm."
"Yes. Damn my sarcasm." Gerard said subconsciously, and I sighed.
"You should dye your hair blonde. And cut it." He grimaced.
"Whatever. Why don't you go hang out with MIkey and Frankie and Bob and Ray?"
"'Cause I don't know where they are."
"They're just outside the bus, I think." I peeked out the window to see them off just a ways.
"OK, ciao!"
"Bye!" He yelled, and just before I shut the door I heard a 'thank God.'
I was so fucking hyper it was like I was high. First I whizzed down towards them in my black converse shoes, wearing Mikey's pants and a belt since all of my clothes were dirty, and a black MCR tank top.
"Miks!" I yelled, and then hugged him tightly as a shocked expression came over his face. "Hello!" I said, waving to everyone. I beamed, almost not believing it. How could Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy be here at the same time? I loved them!
"Hey sis!" Frankie yelled, embracing me.
"Ooh! Hey guys, wanna play tag or something? Frankie, you're it!"
"She's exactly like Frank." Bob said quietly, and all of the men nodded.
"Haha, slowpoke!" I yelled, whizzing around.
"Yeah. She just had six cups of coffee, or that's what Gerard said before I came over here."
"Oh, fuck you bitch!" I yelled once Frankie caught me. Then I was chasing after him until I tagged him back, when it started raining out of the blue.
"Aha! Sweet! Mud!" I yelled, jumping in a puddle. It was pouring now, and several of the guys hid under a tree, since it was no lightning.
It was then that I smashed into Mikey, soaking wet and covered in mud.
"Nice pants." He said, rolling ontop of me and giving me a kiss.
"Thank you." I said, kissing him back.
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