Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the pink freak speaks


by pinkkissypetefreak 4 reviews

Cursing required.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Erotica, Horror, Humor, Parody - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-03-13 - Updated: 2007-03-14 - 197 words

meh, i've decided to make myself a little fanfic blog. might as well, everyone else is... but it's really about when i'm going to update...etc..etc.

So without further ado:

I really enjoy reading the reviews all of you leave, they are way entertaining. especially when one is going through as much drama as me. so thank you. damn right i love ya!

moving on,...

i know i promised a 'teenagers' update tonight, but please don't be upset if there isn't one. i wasn't really able to concentrate today, but since i have been updating pretty regularly I am forgiven, aren't i? lol. and also, the WAY overdue new chapter of 'baby sister' will probably be done sometime this weekend (uh...can i have until sunday? lmao). i giggle everytime i see someone sending a review on that fic just to tell me to update. so i will. grin

so that's basically all i wanted to say, i don't wanna bore you too badly. and you're probably wondering why i am FOREVER typing in lower case..

well, it's simple...

i'm weird like that.

until next time sweethearts!


^yes, i like this new trademark alot, kthx :)
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