Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > my a7x romance...


by skeleton_crew13 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-16 - Updated: 2007-03-16 - 474 words

for one hour, Frank and i took like 150 pictures of the bus, dirt, Mikey pouting, Ray trying to straighten out his hair, Synyster and Zacky practicing their guitars, Johnny tying his shoes, a ketchup bottle [we took like 15 pictures of that], the toaster, 3 different pens, Frank and me making funny faces, Frank on top of the bus, me eating nachos, and finally one of Frank giving me a kiss on the cheek...[that was my favorite picture]...we finally stopped for a break from running around the stadium we had been at since we arrived...our first show wasnt for another week, so why we had to be in Cali a week early was a great mystery for all of Frank and i sat on the ground outside the bus looking through the pictures, we heard Synyster and Zacky arguing. Frank and i arent the ones to eavesdrop but you know, sometimes you just cant stop yourself from overhearing...

"you ruined my chance of being with her, you fuckin' man whore" Synyster yelled at Zacky.

"its not like she wanted you anyways" Zacky yelled back. Synyster's face looked hurt after that comment

"i helped you once with that girl and the least you could have done was help me but you just couldnt contain your horny ass self, could you?!?" Synyster was about to punch Zacky when Matt runs inbetween them. we dont know where he came from...its like he just appeared out of thin air. Frank and i watched Matt calm down the two guitarists. 10 minutes later Matt walked away from Synyster and Zacky...

"sorry Syn" we heard Zacky say

"dont worry about it...she was a whore anyways" Synyster replied. they gave each other one of those manly hugs before going into the bus.

"arent you glad we never have arguements like that?!?" Frank and i asked each other at the same time...we both smiled at each other

"its weird" Frank whispered

"what is?!?" i whispered back...

"how we can do that...its like we read each others mind...i heard that only twins and siblings are able to do that" he said in his normal voice.

"well, of course its weird..." i replied

"yeah, but...i dont know...we're not even related. i wouldnt blame you if you were able to do that with Gerard or Mikey...but with just happens, you know?!?"

"Frankie, its the bond we have. the bond we share is strong and maybe thats why we're able to know whats going on inside each other without even saying a word..." i leaned my body against Frank's. Frank put his arm around my shoulder.

"i heart you, Rox, my bestest buddy in the world" Frank whispered once again.

"i heart you too, Frankie, my bestest buddy in the world" i whispered back.
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