Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Could This Be Any More Tragedic?

Maybe this wont be that bad... Who am I kidding?!

by BenjisRiotGirl79 0 reviews

Maggie and Katie have been released from the hospital. Benji Joel Maggie and Katie haven't really been talking to each other. Benji and Joel have been coming up with a plan. Who knows... Maybe it w...

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-03-16 - Updated: 2007-03-16 - 550 words

Hey. I haven't talked to you in a long time! What's been going on? Yeah, Nothing much here either. Oh wait, that was a lie. Everything has been going on here. Let's see exactly what.

-Katie's P.O.V-
I've been depressed lately. I really haven't been talking to anyone. Not even Maggie. I know I need to talk to Benji since days are going by and soon he will be gone. I've been crying myself to sleep and I've been staying in my room. I haven't been eating either. I know. I'm gonna look like Nicole Richie. Ew. But I don't have to worry about the baby. Oh wait. There is no more baby. "Katie?" a ruffled voice called to me through the door. "Not here right now. Leave a message." I said with no emotion. "I need to see my fiance. Please, let me in?" Benji called back refusing to go away. "Fine." I sighed. Benji came in and sat next to me on the bed. "Hey baby." He said softly. "Mhmm." I replied. Could you call that a reply? I don't know. "Listen. I know you're going through a though time. But this is why I'm here. To help you. I love you Katie." Benji said putting his hand on my cheek. He has a nerve, right? "You don't know shit! You're not here to help me! You're leaving in a week!! A week Benji!!" I spat in his face. Well let's just say he returned the anger. This has been going on or a while. We have been fighting with everyone. That's why we don't talk anymore. "Bullshit Katie! You're not the only one that lost the baby! What about me, huh?! I'm still here for a week! You're not looking at a clone sweetheart!" He sarcasticly yelled in my face. Well he has a point. But this is how we lost each other in the first place. "Benji, remember in high school? When we hooked up?!" I asked a little more calmly. "Yes. What about it?" he asked suspiciously. "You promised me you would come back for me. You know what you did?" I asked anger raising again. "I came back." He said simply. "Yep, but not for me." And I left. I couldn't look at him anymore. All the memories came back to me. I left MY room. I grabbed my car keys and I went to drive for a while.

-Joel's P.O.V-
I heard Katie and Benji's fight. Another one today. Katie and Benji both had there points but... They really need to be there for each other right now more than ever. And with Us leaving, There barely talking to each other without fighting. I just had an idea.

-Maggie's P.O.V-
"Katie?" I asked before entering the room. "Nope. It's Benji." He said. "Where's Katie?" I asked. "Don't know. She left after our arguement." He turned to look at me and his face was tearstaind. I just looked at my feet since when did my all stars become so important. Oh yeah, since like my first pair 13 years ago. But somehow they just became like super duper important. "Oh." Was all I could say.

-Katie's P.O.V-
It's kind of hard to drive with tears forming...
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