Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > the pink freak speaks


by pinkkissypetefreak 5 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Horror - Characters: Gerard Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-03-16 - Updated: 2007-03-16 - 94 words

ok. i wasn't going to make this a daily thing. cause I'm no FOLLLOWER at all.

BUT, it seems I owe an explanation as to why the update for 'teenagers' will take a little longer to come out than anticipated. It has to be revamped and I'm not HAPPY about it. Sorry.

So hang tight my FRIENDS, and once again, thanks for being patient with me,as always!

luv, kris

Days left until Gerard's b-day: 23 days and counting!
Days left until My Birthday: 30 days! :)
Days left until I see Gerard (and MCR): 40 and counting!
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