Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > The Best of Friends

Will you Marry me Jayde?

by Joal_Hilary 11 reviews

15 year old Jayde Mathews and 32 year old Jane Mathews move from Australia to Waldorf, Maryland. Jayde starts at La Plata high school and befriends Benjamin Combs. Read and review please.

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-03-17 - Updated: 2007-03-17 - 1216 words

Chapter 16 will you marry me Jayde?

Jayde Pov

I walked home by myself, Benji had to go to the shop for something. I enter the house surprised to see mum home but even more surprised to see her crying.

I rush over to her and wrap my arms around her.
"Mum whats wrong?"
"Its nothing Jayde, don't worry. Where's Benji?"
"Gone to get something at the shop now what's wrong?"

I push a strand of hair out of her eyes and look at her closely studying her face for any signs of what was wrong. It was then that I noticed the letter on the table, I hugged mum again and took the letter.

It read:

Dear Jane,

I'm coming home to you. I am so sorry for leaving you and Jayde all those years ago and I hope you can forgive me, I am a changed man; for the good.

I heard Jayde's graduation is coming up soon, I hope to be there for it.

Your mother rang me the other day and asked how I was and whether I had been in touch with you. In which case of course I hadn't, I really think you should go and see her Jane she is over the whole pregnancy thing now and so is your father.

Maybe I could go with you and Jayde to see them.

I will be at your house on the 3rd of September at 2:00pm, see you then.

Sorry I haven't been in touch with you until now.

All my love

John xx

Mum looks up at me "Did you know he was coming?"
"No he didn't say anything on the phone the other night."
"Oh okay then."

I knew why mum was upset, she hadn't seen dad since he left her when I was only a baby and now he was coming here, I bet Grandma gave him the address. The whole Grandma and Grandpa thing with mum I know to well isn't going to happen.
"Mum it's going to be okay I promise."
"Yeah your right Jayde I'm sure it will be fine."

I knew she didn't believe what she had just said but hopefully dad won't do or say anything wrong.

Mum wiped her eyes free of tears and hugged me. "Thanks Jayde"

I smiled at her and Benji came in with heaps of food.

"Get enough food?"
"Well there is three of us you know and we all eat heaps, so."

I just laughed at him and helped carry the food and place it on the table.

"Is Jane alright?"
"She's been better, but don't worry she'll pick up as soon as she sees all the food."
"Hey did you get the movie?"
"Yep, Charlie and the chocolate factory and forest Gump."
"Which one should we watch first?"

Mum, Benji and I all squeeze in on the couch.

After watching Charlie and the chocolate factory, mum went to bed and Benji and I started watching Forest Gump.

"Are you okay Jayde?"
"Just a bit worried about mum, but other than that fine."
"Oh Billy has a date with Kalyn tomorrow."
"Really, he really likes her doesn't he."

Benji Pov

I put my hand in my pocket should I ask her now? I look at her and then back at the TV.

I pull the small box out of my pocket and get off the couch Jayde looks at me strangly and I just smile nervously. I get down on one knee and say those words "Jayde Mathews will you marry me?"

I look at her shocked expression and know that she is going to say no.

Why in the world did I just do that I had to make a complete idiot of myself didn't I. I should have realised that she would say no.

I start to get up off the floor and shut the box when Jayde wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me passionately on the lips, we break away for a moment and she says "I would love to marry you Benjamin Combs."

I pick up the ring out of the box and put it on her finger. Jayde couldn't stop smiling at me and I could tell that I had a big goofy grin plastered on my face.

"Benji how did you afford this?"
"I don't have to say."
"Fine, I'm going to ring Kalyn and tell her actually I probably should tell mum first."

Jayde Pov

I run into Mums room and shake her "Mum, MUM WAKE UP!" I squealed at her.

"Jayde, what's wrong?" Mum sat up worry now etched across her features.
"Nothing's wrong, Benji just asked me to marry him and I said yes."

Tears filled Mums eyes and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I love you so much Jayde and I am so proud of you."
"I love you too mum."

Now I was crying because I was so happy.

I pulled away from mum, kissed her on the cheek, said goodnight and walked out of her room.

I quickly ran to the phone and dialled Kalyn's number.

"Hi this is Jayde Mathews is Kalyn there please?"
"Yes I'll just get her for you."
"Thank you."
"Hey Jayde, what's up?"
"Benji just asked me to marry him."
"Oh my God are you serious, you said yes right?"
"Yeah, I'm so happy and excited and oh will you be my bride's maid?"
"Yeah I would love too."
"Okay well I better go, I'll see you at school tomorrow."
"Yep bye."

I hung the phone up and started dancing round the kitchen, to my embarrassment Benji was standing in the doorway laughing at me.

I ran over to him and jumped into his arms "I love you Benji"
"I love you too Jayde"

I pull myself away from Benji "Oh my God, I have to ring Katie."
"Who is Katie?"
"She is my friend, that I have like been friends with since kindergarten."

I quickly escape to the phone again, I dial Katie's number and wait for an answer.
"Hey Katie, It's Jayde."
"Hey Jayde how are you?"
"I'm on top of the world at the moment, I have some very big news."
"I'm all ears girl, spill it to me."
"I'm getting married."
"Benjamin Combs."
"The guy that is living with you and your mum?"
"That's him."
"Aww that is awesome, I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks and I want you to be a bride's maid."
"Yeah totally, will you?"
"Of course."
"Mum, Kalyn and you will be my bride's maids. I'm so excited."
"I can tell."
"Well I better go."
"Okay by Jayde and I'll come up and visit you soon okay?"
"That would be great."
"See ya."

I hang up the phone for the second time that evening and smile to myself, I'm getting married to the most beautiful guy in the whole world!

a/n okay what does everyone think? The next chapter will be the wedding and I'm really excited about writing that chapter.

Okay I would like to thank the following:


For the awesome reviews! And i hope everyone that reads this chapter reviews cause i love to know what you think!
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