Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Vampires Mate

Chapter 4

by syntheticlove1 12 reviews

She was lonely, about to be forced to marry the one who didnt love her, but wanted her for her title. She saw him, and knew then..he was her mate,

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Horror, Romance - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-03-19 - Updated: 2007-03-19 - 2449 words

Sorry that I took so long you guys.
Busy with school and work.
But I didnt forget about you.
So here is the next chapter.
Be nice.
I dont think its that great.
Also, I want to thank everyone who reviewed.
It made me want to continue on.

I laid there in my bed looking at the ceiling, thinking about how weird my life was turning out to be. I heard the party still going on downstairs, the laughter, the music, the great time they were having. I could be down there having that grand ol' time. But no, here I am, in my bedroom stairing at my ceiling..wanting to go to the cemetary and see Frank. I wasnt sure how long I had been laying there, but I knew it wasn't past midnight yet. Maybe I could sneak down and go find him, maybe Laura hadnt made it to him in time yet, or maybe she got caught with him and they were both in trouble. But one thing that I did know, I wasnt going to let him slip out of my fingers, Merrick there or not.
I got dressed in my purple robe and began my silent walk down the hall, stopping outside of Merricks room to listen in, see if he was sleeping or not. What I heard when I put my ear to the door, made me shake my head. I heard him in there, giggling with someone, a girl. Maybe he will be too occupied to notice me. How fake he was infront of my father, how he was trying to convince me he loved me. HA! Made me sick to my stomach.
I continued my walk down the spirling staircase until I came to the back doors. Once there, I opened them, stepping my bare feet onto the cold cement that was outside.
My heartbeat, if I had one, would be exploding out of my chest right now, I was scared. I looked around before I made my way to the graveyard, hearing Laura talking to Frank.

" What do you mean she can't come?"
" I'm sorry, but she can't."
" But why?"
" Merrick."
" He's an asshole. What happened?"
" I'm not sure if it's my place to tell you."
" Tell me."

He wasnt asking her, but instead demanding her, you could hear the desperation in his voice. I heard Laura sigh.

" He..he told her he would have you killed."
" What?! Why? That's ridiculous."
" That's what she said, but he is twisted enough to do it."

I clutched at my heart, it began to hurt. Frank was hurting and his heart, was breaking as mine was. I stepped out from behind the tree I was hiding behind and walked to Laura, placing my hand on her shoulder.

" Laura, go inside."
" Vesper! What are you doing? You're going to get caught if you don't go."
" I would rather me then you. Just.. go inside."
" But Merrick wont he-"
" Merrick is..tied up right now. I'm not on his mind currently..someone else is."

Laura kissed my cheek before turning back the way I came. She soon disappeared into the night, leaving me and Frank alone, watching our breath seep out of out mouths and into the cool night air.
We didn't say anything at first, but soon the silence was cut by his beautiful voice.

" So, you werent going to show up."
" No..I wasn't."
" You didn't even tell me."
" No, I didnt. But I came after all."
" What made you?"
" The thought of leaving you out here in the cold with my sister."

He laughed, putting his head down and causing his hair to fall into his eyes. He soon lifted it back up, not bothering to remove his hair.

" Come on, let's go."
" Where?"
" My queen, it is a suprise. Don't you like suprises?"
" If I say no, will you tell me?"
" No."

He reached out his hand for me to take, and I did. Putting my smooth hand into his rough one. It boggled me why his hands were so rough, but I didnt care at that point, just to feel his skin against mine made chills run up my spine. We began to walk, where, I didnt know, nor did I care at that point in time. I was just basking in the joyfulness that was called Frank.
Once we got to the end of our journy I noticed he had brough me to an old mossolium that was at the edge of the graveyard. We stepped inside, him lighting the candles and carasine lamps that were hung on the wall. It was deathly cold, and I knew that if I wasnt dead, I would catch pnemonia, and then die. He brought me to a bench and sat me down, him sitting right beside me.

" Tell me things about yourself."
" Like what?"
" Things that my body doesnt already know."

I blushed and put my head down. Just the way he said it made it feel so..wrong, naughty in a way.

" What do you mean?"
" Well, things that my heart and body don't already know. Things that don't have to deal with what makes you feel good, or how the little gestures mean more to you then anything else."

I smiled at him, because it was true. It didnt matter if you gave me a thousand flowers, or a single one. The single one would always mean more to me then anything else.

" I just..cant tell you, I wouldnt know where to begin."
" How about if we play 20 questions? I go and then you go."
" Alright."
" Okay."

He leaned back on the bench, proping his elbow on it and resing his other arm on the arm rest. He looked as if he was thinking.

" Okay, I have one. Dogs or cats?"
" Dogs, all the way."
" Alright, now your turn."
" Why are your fingers so rough?"

He looked down and opened his palms, having them face up.

" That is from the many hours and many years of playing guitar. I'm in a band with some friends of mine."
" Ah, are you any good?"
" Yes, I am."
" Sound alittle cocky."
" Well, that's what we have been told. Okay, my turn again. Do you play anything?"
" No, I wish I did. Maybe I wouldnt be so bored all the time."
" Maybe I could teach you."

I looked at him and smiled. I knew in my heart that he was just trying to find some way of spening time together.

" I would like that. What are the letters on your fingers for?"
" My Halloween tattoo?"
" Is that what it is?"
" Yes, its my birthday. Halloween."
" Your birthday is today."
" No, it's tomorrow."
" You mean today..It's past midnight."

He smiled and ran a hand across his face, alittle laugh escaping his lips.

"I guess your right."
" Oh my! A man that admits a women is right. The end is near I fear."
" Hehe, yeah true."

It grew silent, I began to fear that the 20 questions game was going to come to an end. He sat forward abit, now resting his elbows on his knees and looking down at his shoes.

" Why you?"
" Why me what?"
" Why are you marrying Merrick and not your sister?"

I sighed and stood, standing away from him and pacing lightly. To be honest, I wasnt so sure of the answer myself, all that I knew was what I was told. I put my head down in shame. I felt as if I was being bargened off.

" Because it was an agreement."
" Between who?"
" My father and Merricks. They agreed that their eldest would marry. That being me and Merrick."
" you love him?"

I shot my head up and looked at him. How could he ask me that? My heart belonging to a man who hits me. Never in my life.

" No. I don't."
" Then why stand by and let it happen?"
" What would you have me do?"
" Fight it."
" I can' wouldnt understand Frank."
" Then try and help me to understand."

Try and help him understand? I didn't even understand myself. This all felt so medivial, me marrying a man who I didn't love and infact couldnt stand to be around for longer then a minute.
Frank got up and began to walk towards me, I looked down. I was afraid that if I met his gaze then I would break into more peices that anyone knew how to put back together. I felt his hands on the sash that held my robe tied together as he untied it, slipping the purple fabric off me and onto the floor. My skin immeditatly had goosebumps across it, the warm that the robe was giving me, leaving my body.
I felt as if I was under dressed, him standing there in his black dress shirt, slacks and a red tie. Me standing there in some black shorts and a white muscle shirt.
He began to circle around me, like a vulture to its prey. It made me alittle bit uneasy, im sure he had to feel that. But then, he stopped and snaked his hands around my waist, not holding me, just..touching my hips.

" Have you ever heard the story of Olivia and Caleb?"

I thought for a moment, trying to scan my brain for the memory of those two names. Nothing came to mind.

" Well, since you didn't answer me, I will take that as a no. The story goes like this."

He began to walk around me again, his hands coming across my arms, my shoulders and my stomach. His fingers just gently caressing my skin. I closed my eyes, enjoying what he was making me feel. I never felt like this, but I was loving it.

" Olivia was the daughter of the wealthest baron in her village and in the clan of the vampires. She was..a free spirit, care free, friendly. The only thing that hurt her was the fact that a man, who was twice her age, cold hearted and feirce had managed to talk her father into marriage. Of course when Olivia heard this, she was hurt, shocked mostly. Mostly that her father would do such a thing and not speak to her about it."

He stopped once again behind me and kissed my shoulder, making a sweet wet train to my ear, which he gave alittle nip at. I whimpered softly, which he kissed my ear trying to soothe the light pain that I enjoyed.

"One day when she was coming home from the forest she ran into a man who was carrying books. Of course, the collision caused them both to drop their items and get mixed up in the process. Olivia never once looked at the man who she bumped into, but apologized countless times for the mistake. Once they both gathered their things, they looked at each was safe to say they fell in love instantly. Olivia apologized once more and finished her walk home."

Frank walked infront of me and lifted my chin with his finger, making me look into his hazel eyes.

" As soon as she got home she ran to her room, locking the door and falling on her bed, thinking of the man that had bumped into her. She grabbed her diary and opened it, expecting to write in there the days actions. But when she did, she realized it wasnt her diary, but the mans. She stayed up all night, reading about this man named Caleb. The one who bumped into her. She learned more about him the possible. But most importantly, she learned he was of her kind. She fell more in love with this man then already."
" What happened?"
" Soon. Be paitent."

He kissed my cheeks and then my neck. I closed my eyes and moved my neck to the side, giving him more room. I brought my hands to his neck and wrapped them around him. He pulled back and brushed his nose against mine.

" She didnt mind that he had her diary, fore he would get to learn more about her as well. The next day she went to her normal spot, but when she arrived she noticed she wasnt alone. There, sitting infront of her tree was Caled with her diary. They talked and exchanged books, once again apologizing for the mishap. After that day, they fell in love. They would always meet back at that tree to spend time with each other."
" Did they get married?"
" One day her father asked her why she had spent so much time out and not with her future husband. She wanted to scream at him and tell him that she was spending time with him. But she knew she couldnt. She still left to see him, not knowing that she was being followed the entire time."

I began to tear up. I knew this wasnt going to be a happily ever after love story. It couldnt be.

" Once she got to her spot, she noticed Caleb not there. Olivia began to worry, knowing that something was wrong, something had gone wrong. Soon Caleb was brought out of the bushes by her fiance's men. Caleb was beaten badly and couldnt even stand by himself. She began to move to his side, to help him, until she was thrown to the ground by her fiance'. He screamed at her for betraying him, for giving away her innoncene to such a foolish boy. He promised at that one moment that he would kill them both."

I began to cry, it was as if he was telling me my story. As if those actions happened today, right infront of my eyes. I closed my eyes when I felt him try to clean away the black tears that fell from my eyes.

" Before he killed them, Caleb promised Olivia that no matter what, he would find her. That their souls would swim through out generations until they could meet and be together. Until they were able to reunite. Most say thats why we have these feelings. Why we have the urges we have when we meet what is suppose to be ours. Why I know to do this."

He leaned back towards my neck and kissed the spot right underneath my ear that made my knees go weak. He caught me as I felt myself falling, falling right into his arms. He pulled back and looked at me.

" If you don't fight..then I am afraid I am going to have to Vesper. But I cannot say that this will be a happily ever after."


Hope it was good :D
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