Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > ...::Fused, Fuled, And Ready To Crash::...


by MCR_SavedMyLifeX 2 reviews

oO shocker! let's indulge...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-21 - Updated: 2007-03-21 - 1067 words

MIKEY'S POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

'Mikes!' Natalie yelled. i popped my head into the kitchen.


'get the bowls. its dinnah tahm! i'm gonna let the food cool a little. i'll be right

i opened the cupboard and reached for a bowl. damn, they were stuck. maybe if i just fidgeted this one bowl out a little...
and there she was. Harley, i mean. she had both her arms around Gerard and Frank's hips, and she smiled at me.

that's what i missed about her. her smile. it was so natural--she was so natural about everything. she was fearless. she smiled through her tear-stained cheeks and glassy eyes.

'are you gonna be okay?' Gerard asked.

'yeah, probably'

'okay then' Frank said. 'we're gonna head into the living room--Halo II baby, Halo II!'

she smiled again, and laughed. she had the best laugh--a giggle then she sucked in her breath, like she was having an asthma attack. it was adorable, but she was always embarrassed about it.
'no, Mikey!' i thought to myself. 'you're with Al. you love Al'

she covered her mouth. envy creeped up my back like a monster. she must've cast a spell on me, because all the bowls suddenly went flying and i dropped to the floor.

'oh my God, are you okay?' she asked.

'i think so, safe for my lumbar'

she grabbed my hand, it was the softest i had ever felt. she grabbed my glasses off the floor and slid them onto my face with such ease. 'four eyes' she teased in her Jersey rasp, voice low, eyes glowing.

i looked into her eyes and got close to her. we could feel each other's breaths on each other and she closed her eyes...

HARLEY'S POV-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

i turned away.

'dinner time' i said, bending down to pick up a bowl. i quickly walked into the living room.

'anyone wanna eat?' i asked. my heart was pounding. no, Harley, no. it just wasn't right. we were just caught up in the moment was all. it's not high school anymore. we were grown, mature adults.

'not yet!' Ray yelled. 'i'm playing against Bob!'

Frank didn't want to eat dinner either, i knew because he looked at Natalie with pleading eyes. she gave in to him, walking over to him. she scooped her up off the ground and kissed her.

let's fast-forward it here, to a couple hours after dinner, shall we?

'bye, guys!' Alicia said before Gerard, Mikey, and i left. she shot me with that death-look again, making sure Mikey was the last to go out.

'bye, baby' she said, kissing him. he kissed her back. oh, no. that look again.

'see ya, slut' she muttered to me.

'it takes one to know one' i replied.

the car ride was nice, i got to drive again.

we got back to the Way's house, their mother, Donna, was over her sister's house for the week, they were planning a party.

'hey, Mikes, do you wanna go to the park?' i said, reffering to the park Gerard, him, and i used to go to when we were in high school.

'what? why?'

'NO! not like that! just like old times'

'oh, sure' he grabbed his jacket and i grabbed mine.

we walked to the park, chatting like we used to. it was different when Alicia wasn't around. when she was, Mikey was quieter, more willing to give in. but afterward, he was, well, Mikey--everyone's best friend.

we layed on the grass by the tree we always used to lay by.

'Mikey, can i ask you something?'

'shoot, Harl'

'what's love feel like?'


'i mean, you're with Alicia and all, you're dead in love with her. don't argue with me, you must know'

he sat up, looking uncomfortable. i decided to sit up, too.


'well what? what the hell does damn love feel like?'

'it feels like, well, like you'd make any kind of sacrifice for them. it feels like you'd jump off a bridge just to see them. you'd be able to scream to the whole world via hi-def TV how you feel about them, how perfect they are'

'thanks for making me feel left out' i teased. 'but how do you know when you're in love?' i sounded like a little kid, but i didn't care. i've wanted to know this ever since i was little. i've always been one of the guys, but this is one girly thing that would stick.

'you know when you're in love when it feels right'

'thanks for clearing that up' i said, note the extra sarcasm in my voice.

'i mean it just feels right. you just know'

'thanks' i said, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him on the cheek. 'for everything'

'wait' he said. 'i'm not finished'

'love feels like this...' he wrapped his arms around me and started kissing me. this time i didn't stop him.

i slung my arms around his neck, and he grabbed my waist. i was leaning against the tree, and i was probably going to get splinters, but none of that mattered. not anymore.

'so that's what love feels like' i said, taking a breath.

'i'm so sorry Harley, i just had to. i mean, i would never get a chance like this again. you're so pretty--i know i'm rambling--but you are, don't deny it. and so you're perfect, and i started thinking 'i could never get a girl like her, she's everything i wanted' so i just dove right in and...'

'no' i said. 'i'm always here. you're my best friend, and i will always love you...'

but instead he just covered my mouth with his...

Can someone tell me if Mikey's already married? crosses fingers I don't want him to be--i just have to know!!!!!
thx lots,


there WILL indeed be another plot twist: another man in Harley's life!!!!! Gerard WILL find someone, and she'll become a regular character. will Mikey and Harley ever continue this relationship? will this other man come between them? what's going to happen with Alicia? which girl is Gerard going to be going after? keep on reading to find out!!!
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