Categories > Anime/Manga > Hellsing > A Deep Night

Chapter Two

by Rip_van_Winkle91 0 reviews

Integra has already had enough of Alucards new form and his new, more bold aditude....will drastic measures have to be used to keep him in his place...?

Category: Hellsing - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Integra - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-03-22 - Updated: 2007-03-22 - 842 words

Hours had passed since her encounter with Alucard, and the evening was winding down. This was the head's only time to rest. As such, that was all she had in mind. Sleep. It defiantly might be able to block out all the little "issues" she had been having, even if only for an hour or so.

She now lay, comfortably in bed, secured underneath the covers.

Quiet, relaxed, alone.

Or, so she assumed. Perhaps a quarter of an hour passed by before that feeling, that presence, returned. She grunted lightly, no longer able to ignore it, and reached below the pillow and removed a small, semi-automatic, custom-made (thanks to Walter) pistol and sat right up in bed, aiming with a deadly glare into the darkness before her. "Stop fooling around, Alucard. I know you're here..."

"It took you long enough to notice. I've been standing here for over twenty minutes...", and sure enough, from the shadows came fourth the form of "female" Alucard (fondly known to the fandom as "Girlycard".)

"What do you think your doing in my quarters unannounced!?"

She took her time in responding, striding carelessly across the room until she came to the opposite side of the bed. The vampire them slowly came down upon the bed beside her and simply shoved Integra over to one side. "Sitting"

"....Ask a stupid question..."

"Precisely", she said with a devious little smirk, putting her hands behind her head and simply lay back upon the mattress beside where her master sat.

Integra was outraged beyond all reason. First the display in her office, and now her servant was lying about her bedroom as if it were her own and SHE had been the invader. She growled lightly and pointed the gun back towards the vampires temple...this was all becoming increasingly irritating. "Get out...."

"....make me", she didn't seem the least bit threatened. In fact, it was more...pleased and cocky in a way.

She growled lightly and removed the gun from the vampires temple and simply set it back into her lap, mumbering some curse, no doubt, under her breath as she lay back down and replaced the gun beneath her pillow. Integra simply turned away from the being beside her and closed her eyes, doing her best to ignore her at all costs.

Yet, time went on. Perhaps ten minutes or so, and her anger only rose. Why the devil was he...-she being so damned disobedient? Blatantly disobedient at that! She let another moment pas and turned back over glaring right at her. "Can't you take a 'get out' for what it's worth and...get out?" It was obvious she was desperate by now. "I would like to get some sleep before I'm expected to be awake..."

"Always ready to get rid of me, but never able to put the force behind your actions. You are still such a child...." she said matter-of-factly.

"I am NOT a child, Alucard." She grunted as she put her hands beneath her and propped her upper body up to look her in the eyes.

"Actions speak louder then words, Integra. That is why your still the 'Virgin of the Order', correct?"

"Get out..."

"Make me.."

"FINE!" The young women state as she simply placed one hand on either side of the one beside her, looming there and locking eyes with the master vampire below her for only a moment before she leaned downward and let their lips come together for the first time. There was no resistance on either end, to put it simply. In fact, the kiss actually deepened slightly...and there they were, for what seemed like a lifetime.

After another moment or two, Integra pushed herself up, looming above the vampire once again, thus parting their lips...panting slightly. "Now get out..."

"Is that really what you want?" The vampire asked this, quite pleased with the situation to be honest. However, she knew it would take more then this to let her master open up to her own true feelings. It is difficult to be comfortable putting yourself before others after giving so much away.

"...Stop prying around in my thoughts, Alucard. They are NOT yours to meddle with."

"And I am merely looking out for my master's wishes."

"Wishes and orders are entirely different things, Alucard", with this said, she rolled her eyes and lifted her self off of the vampire and onto the mattress beside her. ' least he wasn't as cold as I had imagined' she thought to herself. She closed her eyes, allowing an oppressive silence to set in. She then, of course, felt the mass beside her move closer. That was IT. "....Fine", she stated as she pushed her body from the bed.

"And where are you going?", the vampire inquired lazily.

If you wont leave, I will." With that said, she began to approach the door to her chambers, sliding on a pare of slippers as she went, the same shade as her pant and long-sleeved pajamas. "And don't you DARE follow me..."
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