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Lost in the Fog

by Nickelina 0 reviews

The Baroness has an encouter she never expected

Category: G.I. Joe - Rating: PG - Genres: Horror - Characters: Baroness - Published: 2005-10-06 - Updated: 2005-10-06 - 2068 words - Complete

Disclaimer: Characters in this work (GI Joe/ Cobra) are the property of Marvel Comics, Hasbro
and Devil's Due Publishing, Inc., and are being used without permission. No profit is gained from the use of these characters.

Lost In The Fog
By Nickelina

In the days before All Hollow's Eve, the warm summer breezes turn to crisp autumn air. As the day turns to night, the souls trapped in the highlands begin to moan. It is only on that one night that all are free to roam on what the spirit world calls the living earth.

You see their forms, bodies floating with the sea mist, and rolling with the fog. Their faces, shrouded with the cloak they wear. Long hair that flows with the wind and their eyes the color of fire. Those who live in the highlands will tell you the ancient Celtic tails, and the warnings. Stay indoors near the fire, and close to your loved ones. For if, you hear the sound, the moan, the shriek, and the scream, the Banshee is near.

Baroness Anastasia DeCobray was tired of the hysteria and superstitions that surrounded the McCullen estate. The small staff that was there with her had been trading ghost stories all morning. It was Halloween, or All Hollow's Eve, and even though she hated to admit it, she was getting a bit unnerved. A few were talking of the missed trip to Stonehenge, something they had done this time every year. Anastasia had enough. With James gone on business for the next few days, she was bored and no longer wanted to hear the stories of the staff. She knew she needed to get out, and the best thing to take her mind off things was a day of shopping.

Edinburgh was dreadful for her sense of style, but the two-hour drive did a lot to take her mind off things. While she did her shopping, she noticed an old woman. If this woman would not follow her into every store she went to, she waited outside for her. It was too much for the Baroness, and she could not hide her temper any longer.

"What do you want? I have no money for you." Quickly turning aside Anastasia muttered, "I hate beggars."

"I am no beggar." The woman pulled her long grey cloak around her. "I am here to warn you."

"Leave me alone." Anastasia walked into another shop, just to get away from the beggar. She called for her driver, and waited until her arrived with the car. Seeing that he was near she stepped outside and to the curb. To her dismay, the old hag was again at her side. She had a small bundle of cloth in her hand.

Anastasia put her hands on her hips. The hag was already on her nerves and this was the final straw. "What is it now, old woman?"

"Oh dear lass, take this."

"What is it? It looks dirty. I don't want it."

The woman held her hands out. "Please. If you have it, it will not be washed. You will be safe."

"What are you talking about? Get away from me." Anastasia pushed the woman aside. Her driver had her door open for her. The woman was persistent. Her hands outstretched the material hanging from it. As Anastasia got in the car, she grabbed the material out of the woman's hand.

"Now you will be safe from Bean Sidhe."

Anastasia slammed the door shut and ordered her driver to go as fast as he could.

The ride back to the McCullen estate was slow going. Night had fallen and with all the rivers and lakes in the highlands, the fog was thick. Anastasia could no longer look out the windows at the passing land, for there was nothing to see. She began to talk to her driver to take her mind off the creeping thoughts and stories from earlier that day. When she asked him if he knew about Bean Sidhe, the car came to a halt.

"Where did you hear that?"

"When I was in town. Why did you stop the car. Get moving."

"Bean Sidhe is what you probably know as a Banshee."

"Foolery!" She sighed in annoyance. "Get this car moving. I have things to do back at the estate."

"I'll go as fast as I can. But with this fog..."

"Yes, you will go as fast as you can."

They rode in silence for a short time. Anastasia's curiosity was getting the better of her. She asked her driver if he knew anything about this so-called Banshee. He told her of the myth, and of how if you were to see the banshee washing a shroud, it means your death is near.

"But don't they wail or something?"

"Only to call death himself."

Anastasia got a chill and sat back in her seat. She put her hands in the pockets of her coat and remembered she put the cloth the old hag had given her. An old hag. One of the forms of the banshee. She shook her head and closed her eyes to nap.

It was not much later when she awoke and the car was at a dead stop. The headlamps of the car did not penetrate the fog very far. Her driver was resting. She nudged him awake. "Why are we stopped again?"

"The fog is too thick. Can't drive through it."

"How far away from the estate are we?"

"We can't be more than two miles."

Anastasia was completely annoyed. "And you can't drive that?"

"I don't want to risk it."

She looked out the window. The fog seemed to float around the car. She rolled down the window, and thought she heard an animal howl. The sound gave her yet another chill. She rolled the window back up and took the cloth from her pocket to occupy her hands. While she ran her hands over it, she heard the sound again. This time it was louder. Her driver shifted nervously in his seat.

"Just an animal, I'm sure." He tried to reassure both of them.

Just then, the car shook and the unmistakable sound of a shrill was heard.

"An animal?" Anastasia zipped her coat, and began to gather her things. "I think I'll just walk the rest. When you decide you can finish driving, I will see you at the estate. Be sure to bring all my packages in."

"I wouldn't suggest that. Being All Hollow's Eve and all."

"Rubbish! I will not hear any more of this! Ghosts and goblins, pure rubbish!" She opened the door and got out, making sure she slammed the door.

She looked out down the road as far as she could. Turning on the small flashlight she carried with her, she judged that her trip would take her twenty minutes. She was only a few feet away from the car when she was no longer able to see its headlamps. Occasionally a low moan would echo through the trees. Anastasia would tell herself it was just the wind. The only other sound she heard was the crush of gravel under her heeled boots. It was not long before that was gone as well. She had not turned with the bend in the road and was now wandering alone in the countryside.

There were times that the fog would lift and the full moon would shine down to light her way. In a clearing of the trees, there was a small stream. Past that, the road met up with her again.

As she got closer to the stream, it seemed as if there was a small patch of fog hanging above it. Baroness looked again and saw it was moving. Anastasia could not believe her eyes, she took another step closer and it was not a patch of fog, but a woman in a long grey cloak. The woman was washing a shroud in the stream. When she sensed Anastasia, she stopped. Her body floated above the stream. The figure looked at Anastasia, and then continued her washing.

With her heart racing, the Baroness took slow steps toward the stream. This could not be real. It was all in her mind. All the stories and folklore was getting to her. It was just the fog. She stepped into the stream and tried to keep her footing in the water. Just as she got to the edge, she heard a low wail. Brushing it off as more of her imagination, she stepped up the bank and on to the grass. Anastasia's curiosity, again, got the better of her and she turned around to see if it really was just fog. When she had completely turned around she saw, the face of the woman she had seen in Edinburgh. It was enough to scare her into a run.

The fog had started to gather again. It was getting hard to see the woods in front of her. The low tree branches grabbed and ripped at her clothes and hair. She failed to see the fallen log in front of her and she tripped. Anastasia hit the ground hard. As she got up, she looked to see what direction the road was. Pulling herself up she turned to her left before she could break into a full run, she felt a rush of wind surround her. The wind had a life of its own. The sound of it rushing around her turned from a gush to wail. Other low moans came from the surrounding woods. The wind grabbed her arm. Anastasia twisted to get free. It was then the figure came in front of her. Its grey body floating with the fog, its long red hair flowing in the wind. Blood red eyes that seemed to burn with the fire of hell itself. Its mouth open, crying its song, calling death. Anastasia was in the direct presence of a Banshee.

The Banshee's scream was only outmatched for a brief moment by that of Anastasia's. Disregarding anything that may be in her way, she made a break for the road. The banshee followed her wailing its lament. On the road, Anastasia ran as fast as she could, but the leather she was wearing slowed her down. Ahead of her, she saw dim lights, and ran towards them. It was a car, her car. She slowed down, as she got closer. The sound of the Banshee had stopped. Anastasia looked into the car. The driver was not there. She opened the driver's door. The interior light came on and she saw small droplets of blood leading out of the car, and down the road. Before she could contemplate what had happened to him, the Banshee had returned. Anastasia jumped into the car and shut to door. The fog seemed to roll back in around the car and it began to shake. She reached in her pocket, desperate for a cigarette. Instead of her case, she felt the cloth that had been given to her. Believing that the cloth was her only hope of salvation, she took it out and tied it around her neck. The Banshee swooped down and hovered in front of the car. Its wail was so deafening the windows on the car began to crack. The Baroness closed her eyes, knowing this would be the end.

When she opened her eyes, daylight had started to break though the fog. There was no sign of the Banshee. She started the car, and pulled away from the side of the road. Driving slowly, she made it back to the estate. The staff at there took one look at her and knew she had spent her night, with the Banshee.

"Very funny Lady Jaye, did you make that one up?" Shipwreck put another handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Maybe, it may just be true too. I guess you will never know." She folded her hands in her lap.

"What I don't get is what ever happened to the driver?" Alpine asked.

"Other than the few drops of blood, he was never found." Lady Jaye paused, and then giggled.

"Hey!" Bazooka yelled. "When are you going to turn on the lights? It's too dark in here."

"You wanted a story, I gave you one. Happy Halloween, gentlemen." She leaned over and blew out the one and only candle that lit the room.
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