Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome To Highschool aka. Hell

Chapter Three: Mental Break Down In Front Of Brittany

by artistelamore 6 reviews

Gerard still isn't telling Trish how he feels and now could it be too late as the populars befriend Trish?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-03-24 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 1335 words

[A/N] ohmigod! I'm so sorry. My computer blew up for like the fourth time. It's really starting to annoy me. Right now I'm on my Dad's laptop though and I'm meant to be doing homework. Well I say screw homework, I shall bring you another chapter... =]

I continued out to the back table straight after class. Everyone was already there except Gerard. As soon as Frankie saw me, he jumped up and came running towards me.

"Did you tell him?" He asked almost bowling me over.

"He doesn't feel the same way." I said as I took seat next to Mikey.

"Huh? What you guys talking about?" Ray asked as he looked up from the sandwich he was stabbing continuously with a compass.

"Nothing," I said.

"Gerard and Trish and how Gerard kissed Trish last..." Frankie began but I shoved my hand over his mouth. He continued to talk but it was muffled.

"I knew it! He totally likes you Trish!" Mikey said.

"Score one for Gerard. So are you guys official?" Ray asked.

"It didn't mean anything to him," I said trying to hold back tears. Wait! I'm crying over some guy I've known 3 days now. I felt Mikey's arm wrap around my shoulders.

"He'll come around." I heard him whisper. I looked over to Frankie but he was gone.

Frankie raced up the stairs to the library.

"Frank Iero..." The librarian said shaking her fist.

"I don't want to set the books on fire or anything like that I just need to talk to my friend," Frankie explained as the librarian caught his collar.

"Out!" She said sternly still holding his collar. Frankie was flailing around a couple of centimeters off the ground.

"Let me explain!" Frankie said trying to wriggle free.

"I don't want to see your face in here every again Mr. Iero." She said.

"Don't make me release my ninja powers on you Mrs. Hovel, cause I will." Frankie said kicking the air in front of him. She wasn't letting go.

"Damn you, miss." Frankie said biting her hand hard.

She let go immediately and Frankie ran off through the bookshelves looking for Gerard. He found him in the back room reading comics.

"The things I do for you, I'm probably banned from here for life, and my children probably will be too." Frankie said sitting down at the table. Gerard didn't even look up.

"Why didn't you tell her you like her?" Frankie demanded. "I mean, she likes you. What's the problem?"

"She does?" Gerard asked looking up.

"Yes, probably not now though. You screwed her over Gee." Frankie said ripping the comic away so Gerard would look at him. Gerard just looked down at his hands.

"Now I have a plan, because well, I am so smart." Frankie said proudly. He grabbed Gerard's bag and reached for a notepad and pencil.

"What do you want me to do with that? How will that fix my problem?" Gerard asked looking down at the stationary Frankie had just placed in front of him.

"There is two days until Valentines Day, figure something out." Frankie said getting up from the table. "And Gerard, no creepy skeleton dudes walking around on fire like you drew for that other chick in year 6." Frankie added leaving the back room. Gerard looked around the bare room, trying to get an idea. Suddenly he began to write, he had his idea.


Frankie got back down to table and sat next to me.

"Where did you go?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No where special." Frankie said.

"Okay, well I'm going to go and walk. This whole thing is nuts," I said getting up and grabbing my bag.

"I'll see you later?" Frankie asked.

"Yeah, okay." I said slightly waving before turning and making my way around D block. I continued to the quad and from there I made my way down to the oval. Little did I know the whole cheer squad was down there with the jocks. They saw me coming, I immediately turned around and rushed away. Brittany, the lead cheerleader, stopped me.

"Where's your emo boyfriend?" She asked.

"What? You mean Gerard? You know what?! Fuck Gerard. He could never be my boyfriend because he doesn't want to be! HE FUCKING MESSED ME AROUND AND I'VE KNOWN HIM 3 DAYS AND YET I'M GETTING ALL WORKED UP OVER HIM. I'M SICK OF GERARD. I'M SICK OF LOVE. I'M SICK OF YOU CALLING ME EMO, YOU FUCKERS! I HATE YOU ALL, GO AND DIE!" I shouted collapsing in a heap. Brittany looked shocked.

"Okay, maybe I misjudged you." She said offering me a hand. I looked up at her, her blonde hair falling over her face as she leant down and took my pale hand. She pulled me up.

"If you hate Gerard, then you're cool. Why don't you come over to my house this afternoon, we can do the whole make-over thing." She suggested. I nodded. She gave me the address and then pulled me into a tight hug. My only thoughts were, what is happening? Suddenly the bell rang,

"See you at my house!" She said smiling as she waved. I set off for A block, I had math class. When I got in, Gerard was sitting at the back, drawing. I took a desk in front of him and tried to see what he was doing but it was no use. Suddenly a girl with dark blonde hair and platinum highlights took a seat next to me.

"I'm Maddie, Brittany's friend." She said getting out her books.

"Hi." I said.

"So what are you wearing to the Valentines ball? I mean, first we have to make you over but I'm sure you can still find a date." She said.

"Umm, I didn't even know there was a Valentine's Day ball." I said.

"That's cause the rejects you were hanging out with don't attend. They would much rather go to some concert where they are covered in sweaty bodies in the mosh pit." She said rolling her eyes. "Oww!" She suddenly yelped turning to face Gerard. He had stabbed her with a compass.

"Sorry, I could never really get the hang of these things." He said smiling smugly.

"What's you're problem?" I demanded as Maddie collected her things.

"Come on, Trish." She said gesturing me to move up the front with her.

I followed her. As soon as I left Gerard took out the comic he had been working on. The cover was already done. It had a guy, resembling Gerard and a girl, resembling Trish on it. The title said, 'The Adventures Of Gee and Tee: Volume One, Saving The World From Plastics.' He ripped it straight down the middle, crumpled it into a ball and threw it behind a pile of math textbooks.

As soon as the bell rang, Gerard got up and left straight away from home.

"See you at Brittany's house," Maddie said hugging me before turning and leaving. I took the math textbook back to the pile sitting on the desk behind where Gerard had been sitting. I pushed it on top of the pile and turned to go myself but something stopped me. I saw a piece of paper, crumpled up into a ball. I reached for it and unfolded it.

"Wow..." I said looking at it. It was definitely done by Gerard. I shoved it into my bag before hurrying off to Brittany's house.

It took me 15 minutes to walk there. She lived in a huge mansion almost. I tapped on the door and waited for a reply. She appeared almost immediately.

"Trish, come in and let the make-over begin." She squealed pulling me inside.

[A/N] So what are they doing to do to her? Shave her head? You'll have to wait and see. Hopefully a new chapter will be here shortly but now I really do have to finish my homework especially since its due this week. see you all and please review!
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