Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Romanced Love

Call me

by xoxodancingirlxo 0 reviews

Ok i no that Bob didnt start out in the band. Also i have to repost the story cuz ficwad messed it up

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-24 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 317 words

Jessie was shopping in the supermarket in her town. She was 30, had black hair with purple high-lights, red-like brown eyes, and loved Rock music. Especially My Chemical Romance. She was a single mom. She was raped when she was 15 and did not regret it. She now had a beautiful daughter named Margo. Margo was 15 now. She had light brown hair with blue high-lights and the same eyes as her mother. She also loved My Chemical Romance.

Jessica was looking for milk when she spotted in on the highest shelf. She turned around to see a man. "Excuse me, could you please get me the milk?" she asked sweetly. "Yeah. Sure." said the man. 'Oh my god! That is Bob Bryar' Jessica thought in her head. She also happened to have a huge crush on him. "So let me guess? You're a big fan?" he asked pointing to her shirt. "Yes." she quickly responded, "Me and my daughter, Margo, have been wanting to go to one of your concerts since we bought your first CD." "Well why haven't you come to one yet?" "Well I'm a single mother and cant afford to. I work half the day and my daughter baby-sits our neighbor whenever she gets the chance." she said. "Oh, that sounds tough" said Bob. "Do you have a pen?" He asked. "Um...yeah" she said pulling one out of her bag. "Why?" He took her hand and wrote a number on it. "Call it later at six. Ask for me and add the number to your cell phone" he said seeing that she had a cell phone which was clipped onto her belt. "Okay" said Jessie. "Ill call." "Can I have your number?" he asked. "Sure" she gave it to him and they both left. 'Oh my gosh. I just met Bob Bryar! He is so much cuter in person.' she thought as she was driving.
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