Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Chemically Romanced Love

Getting ready for the concert

by xoxodancingirlxo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-03-24 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 306 words

Normal P.O.V

Jessie walked into the house and scanned the room for Margo. She spotted her at the table eating cereal. She was wearing a black My Chemical Romance shirt and short shorts that said 'ass' on the back. "Hey mom" she said. "Hey." "What do you have?" asked Margo. "Nothing, just the best things in the world." replied Jessie as if she were her best friend. This was true because her daughter did not have any friends and Jessie's friends left her as soon as they found out she was pregnant. She has not been able to trust anyone since.

"What is it?!" asked Margo excitedly. "My Chemical Romance tickets and backstage passes!" "WHAT?!!?!?! Oh my God! What time is it at?" "5:30" Margo looked at the clock. 12:30. "Well, we gotta get ready. Get rite in front of the stage!!" she said. "Sure" said Jessie.

They both to their rooms. They were both pretty much the same. Painted blue with band posters everywhere. Jessie decided on tight black jeans, a My Chemical Romance shirt, black vans, and added a bar across her face like Gerard. Margo decided on a denim skirt with black leggings, a My Chemical Romance shirt, converses, and X's over her eyes because Frank was her favorite.

"Wow mom. You look good" said Margo. "You too. Now lets get going I want to get in front." "Does it really matter?" asked Margo, "I mean, we get to meet them anyway" "Yea. So who are you most excited to meet" asked Jessie. "Frank." "Well don't get any ideas. He's 13 years older than you." "I no mom, I no. But you can meet someone." Said Margo in a 'you-better-try-to' voice. "Maybe I will and maybe I already have. Now lets get going" And with that they went in the car and started driving.
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