Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Romance Is A Very Strange Thing

Make all of us happy!

by ThePatient 0 reviews

Nope! I refuse to give you a summary.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-25 - 1343 words

The next day Abby awoke to the sound of her phone's alarm. She groaned as her mother shouted at her to get up. She slowly got out of bed and headed towards the shower. After her shower she headed for her closet. She skimmed through all her clothes and was about to pick out some of her more slutty clothes when Gerard's words came back into her head. "At least I'm not pretending to be something I'm not!" She grabbed all her old slutty or preppy clothes and threw them into the bin. It was time to make a fresh start and show everyone what she was really like! She shoved on some baggy black jeans and her Misfits tee. She messily put on some eyeliner, put on her white powder and made sure her eyeliner was on Egyptian style. How she always liked it. She smirked at herself in the mirror. This was the real her. She had always been like this but no one ever saw her like this. Only the people she had been to gigs with. She slid on her Converse all stars and grabbed her Iron Maiden hoodie. She ran down the stairs.
"See ya ma!" She shouted as she raced through the door. She was excited. What would everyone think? Would people like her like this? Probably not. Why should I care? It's a new start for me! I'm going to be me for once!" She thought to herself. Abby had decided to take her dad's Black Mercedes instead of her car. She would get wrong. She never did. When she got to school she saw Gerard and Mikey get out of Gerard's car. That must mean she was late. Oh well. What a shame. She smirked. She glanced up at them and saw Mikey staring at her. When he relised who it was he looked gob smacked. Abby giggled to herself. She was hoping for this reaction.
Mikey nudged Gerard. That wasn't Abby! It couldn't be! She didn't look like that did she? No. It was some other new girl. It had to be. He saw Gerard look at him angrily.
"What do you want Mikey? Or were you just trying to annoy AGAIN?" Gerard hissed. He kept looking at Mikey exasperated. God he was taking his time. He saw that Mikey staring at someone. He followed his gaze. It was another new girl by the look of it. He sighed. "Mikey it's just a new girl." He glanced up at her again. This time he saw her face. "Or not!" He said shocked. He stared at Abby. She was staring back at him.
"Is there something I can help you with Mr. Way?" She asked. Gerard just kept staring. He suddenly relised what she had said. He coughed.
"No. There's nothing you can help me with." He spat at her and stalked off. Mikey walked over to her.
"Will you look after him today? You have all the same lessons, I checked you time table. I think he likes you." He said. Abby looked at him skeptically.
"I doubt that Mikey. I think he hates me in all honesty!" He laughed a little. She gave him a puzzled look. He just muttered you'll see then went into school. Abby followed pursuit and made her way into the building. She walked over to Mrs. White's door, took a deep breath and walked in. The class glanced up at her then went back to work. Well some did. Most stared at her like she was an alien. Mrs. White walked over.
"Abby this isn't really the kind of start you want to be making to a new school! It's only your 2nd day for Christ's sake! Please remember that school starts promptly at 9:00am, thank you. Now please go and take your seat." She stalked over to her desk. As soon as Mrs. White had turned her back Abby had flicked her off. She looked up and was sure she saw a smile flicker on Gerard's lips. She walked over to the desk and slammed her bag down. Mrs. White looked up at her and gave her The Look. Abby sighed and took her seat. Gerard glanced at her and saw that she had her feet up on the desk and was drawing in a little black notebook. He couldn't believe the change in her since he had last seen him.
"What's happened to you?" He whispered. She looked up from her artwork.
"Nothing." Was the short reply he got. He was taken aback. He had been expecting an explanation. But then again why should she explain to him? He hadn't explained anything to her yesterday.
"I'm sorry about yesterday." He muttered quietly. Abby's head shot up. Had she heard right? Had Gerard just said he was sorry for yesterday? She gave him a look, "You should be as well!"
He glared at her. "The least you could do is accept it gracefully!" He angrily whispered. She laughed.
"I'm not accepting it because you did me a favor. I did you a favor and did me one. Were even now." She smiled at him. He looked at her puzzled. What favor had he done her? She laughed again. "You said something like "At least I'm not pretending to be something I'm not!" You reminded me just to be myself so really I should be thanking you and not angry at you." She explained. Abby could see realization drift into his hazel eyes. He looked into her eyes.
"Well what can I say? My words are magic." He smiled. Gerard's head snapped up as Mrs. White shouted his name.
"If your quite finished your little chat Mr. Way maybe you can tell us what it was about?" She said expectantly. Gerard stood up. He laughed at her expression. You could tell she hadn't been expecting him to actually tell her.
"Well we were just discussing our English project Mrs. White. You see yesterday when I was...out," He glanced at Dan, "You set the rest of the class a project to work on with a partner and poor little Abby here didn't have one so I said I would be her partner since we sit next to each other!" Gerard explained. Mrs. White looked quite taken aback.
"Well that's very ....kind...of you?" She nodded her head and stalked off. She had told the class to discuss plans for the project and ask others for help if it was needed. The perfect time for Dan to come over, which he did. He made his way over to Gerard and Abby as there were talking. Abby looked up to see him first.
"You're not welcome here!" She told Dan. Dan looked at her the way he would look at a piece of gum stuck on his shoe. Gerard rose to his feet but Abby caught him in time and pulled him back down. Dan laughed.
"Awwwww would you look at that! The little freak has a girlfriend! How sweet!" He exclaimed. This time it was Abby's turn to stand up. Gerard wasn't far behind her either.
"What the matter are you jealous? Can't get enough sluts for yourself and wanted one more? Awwww poor little mother fucker!" She retaliated. Dan glared at her.
"Watch what you say Emo! I'm sorry to tell you that your words don't cut nearly as well as the knives you use on your arms!" He sneered. Gerard made to pounce on him but Abby grabbed a hold of his arm. She was angry herself but wasn't going to let Gerard get hurt again.
"Oh how foolish you must feel. Calling me Emo when every single person in this room saw me yesterday! I think you should just walk away now before you are fooled even more! Poor poor prep boy!" She said as calmly as she could. Dan stared at her coldly.
"Go kill yourself and make all of us happy bitch!" He whispered menacingly before he slouched off with his "crew" following him.
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