Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Sisterly Love

Sweet Home, Chicago

by GeeDeexx 3 reviews

El get's a little close to PeteyFeetey.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Crossover, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Mikey Way, Other - Published: 2007-03-25 - Updated: 2007-03-26 - 2119 words

"OKay, so she's gonna hand with us for one day?"
"Back to that same old place," I kept singing.
"Yeah." There was a sigh.
"Sweet home, Chica-" Pete scowled and hoisted me up by my wast to have the upper half of my body dangle behind him, his shoulder digging into my waist.
"Ooh! Free ride!" I said as he began to walk. "If you fart, I'll kill you." He hooked his arm around the back of my knees.
"Can't fart on command, sorry. I would like to see you try and kill me, though." He said, picking up my backpack and slinging it over his shoulder.
"Uh-huh. Before you eat your p.b. and j.'s, check them very thoroughly." He laughed and I bit my lower lip.
It was then that his cell phone rang, and he fished it out of his pocket. Boredly I looked up at Pat, Joe and Andy, who were talking about the end of the world.
"When civilization falls, there will be no music... No entertainment like that whatsoever." Said Andy as we continued to walk.
"The blood has rushed to the top of my head... Owwwwieeeeeee..." I complained, placing my hands on my head.
"Hah! Finally! Taxi!"
"You sitting in the front, Peter Pan?" I asked as he slid his phone into his pocket.
"Hate the front seat with taxis." He said, letting me drop to the ground.
"Ooh, then you can share a seatbelt with me!" I shook myself and saw Joe close the trunk to the taxi and slide into the back, followed by Pat and Pete. Andy took front, so I plopped down next to Pete and shut the door. Once Andy relayed the address to their apartment they temporarily shared.
"Buckle up, it's the law." The driver reminded us, and Pat and Joe instantly claimed their own seatbelts. I watched Pete for a moment as he atempted to get the seatbeld over both of us. Finally he gave up with a sigh.
"You flipping crushed me," I said softly, and he ignored the comment.
"Get on my lap, Ells." He said, and I rolled my eyes. Trying not to feel like we would meld together, I sat on his lap.
"Hey hey, you could've sat on my lap, Elly." Joe said, smirking smugly.
"Funny, you jerk." I said, and he chuckled softly.
"Fucking thing!" I heard Pete mutter to himself, finally getting the courage to pull me deathly close to him as he clipped it on over him and I, all scrunched up together. I was uncomfortable mentally, not physically...

Did I have a little crush on PeteyFeetey? As the thought crept into my head, I began thinking about Mikey. I loved Michael Way, and not even the gorgeous Pete Wentz could change that.
"For once, the girl isn't asleep and she isn't talking." Patrick said quietly, and I rolled my eyes.
"You have a bony butt." Pete complained, so I wiggled on top of him until he placed his hands on my hips to steady me. I frowned and crossed my arms, secretly thinking to myself. It's not supposed to be Pete, it's supposed to be Mikey. If I even think for one second that Pete and I would be a couple, you're going to get so fucked up that Frankie won't even look at you! If you hurt Mikey, it affects Gerard, Ray, Bob and Frank. Chain reaction. Bing, bang, boom.
I let out a quick puff of air and looked up to see the taxi driver looking at me through the rearview mirror. When we made eye contact, though, he looked away.
The butt began to vibrate.
"Oh, fuck!" Pete yelled, and I burst out laughing as I began to fish my cell phone from my pocket.
"Did I scare Little Petey?" I said quietly with a smirk as I answered the phone. "Hiya. This is El."
"ELLY!" Somebody yelled, and I recognized the voice as Mikey's.
"Mikes, hiya. I would scream back but I'm in a taxi." He laughed slightly and I smiled.
"I miss you already."
"Same here." I said, happy that I was talking to him again. I didn't know why I hadn't called him before. "Congratulations, you scared the crap out of Little Petey over here."
"Do you mean Little Petey as in..."
"Yep, I do. I had to squish in the taxi, and I ended up next to Pete." I could almost hear him smiling through the phone.
"Oh. Right. You can tell him I feel sorry for him." I wrinkled my nose.
"Mikey says hi and how lucky you are to be able to hang out with the mini Iero." It seemed as if all of them rolled there eyes or shook their heads.
"So now you're the mini Iero?" Mikey asked, and I shrugged mentally.
"I just randomly made up that nickname. Okay, I have a joke for you."
"Oh great." Mikey said, and I beamed.
"What is Beethoven doing right now?" He paused.
"DE-composing! Get it?" He made some sort of a fake laugh noise.
"Moron." Joe called, and I kicked him.
"Just for Joe calling me a moron, I'm gonna say another one. What does a farmer get when he steps on a rake?" Pete moaned.
"No idea." Mikey said, and I beamed once more.
"A couple of ACHErs. Bet you didn't see that one coming." I could just picture the boy smiling.
"Mor-tard. Moron/retard." Joe said, nodding his head.
"Okay, I have another one. Just thought of it. How did the baby cross the road?"
"Will you shut up, please?" Joe complained, and I smiled.
"He was stapled to the chicken that crossed the road!" Everybody shook their heads. "Okay okay, why didn't the stick cross the-" Pete covered his mouth with my hands, and I glared at him, then licked his hand.
"Ew, ew eww! Nasty." He yelped, and I laughed.
"Yeah, you think it's nasty to be licked. I don't know where that hand has been." He smiled wickedly at me, and I heard Mikey chuckling softly on the phone.
"Oh, yeah. Total masturbation before we got on the plane." I grimaced.
"Mikey, Pete is admitting to jacking off to himself."
"Hiiiiiii Ellly!!!!" Yelled someone from the background, and I recognized it as Frank.
"Um, hi."
"Yeah, Frankie's a little hyper today. Don't know why... I think he stole your energy." I smiled. "No- Frankie, don't-" A crash, "Fuck you, Frankie! I can't believe you broke that!"
"A lot of people do fuck me, thank you very much!" I smiled.
"Sorry, El, gotta go. I'll make sure to tell your jokes to everybody, and I'll even tell them that you were the one to tell me them, and you thought they were funny..."
"Okay, seriously now, what do you want me to do to get out of that?" I asked, crossing an arm across my stomach and leaning against the window.
"Say you love me... And that I am the bestest bestest bestest guy in the world. Oh, and that I'm awesome in bed."
"Can't say the last one out loud. If I get to sexy I might get the fellow passengers hard just by looking at me." I winked at Pat, who hare stuck out his tongue. "But I love you, and you are the bestest bestest bestest guy in the world."
"Fine. Say that I'm sexy."
"And you're sexy."
"No, when you call me sexy, you need to say it all sexy."
"I can't say it sexy, then everybody in this car'll get hard." I heard Pete snort. "You bet'chya, PeteyFeetey. YOu haven't seen me be sexy... And you won't."
"Love you, El." Mikey said, and I was smiling dreamily instantly.
"Love you too."
"Now you hang up."
"No, you hang up." I said, looking out the window.
"No you hang up-" There was another crash. "Fuck. Guess I'm gonna hang up. Love you, bye!" I flipped the phone shut as the dialtone sounded from the phone.
"Why did Mikey make you call him sexy?" One of the guys questioned, but I just shook my head. The taxi came to a stop, and I looked out the window at the apartment.
"Ooh. What floor are you on?" I questioned, then opened the door and felt rain slam onto me instantly. "Haha! Warm!" I jumped around before I realized I should help pay for the taxi.
"Oh, how much was it?" I asked, trying to get my wallet out of my pocket.
"Don't worry about it. By the way, here's your backpack." Pete tossed my dark blue backpack over to me and I slid close to the door of the building to be shielded from the rain. Once they had their luggage, I opened the door and held it open for them.
"Thanks." Pat said, and I let it slam closed. With a bow at the waist, I responded,
"At your service."
"Since you're at our service, could you make me a p.b. and jelly sandwitch?" Asked Pete, looking at me hopefully.
"Only if you tell me that I am the bestest person in the world. And MEAN it." He shrugged.
"I can't mean it." With a sigh, I walked up the stairs.

- - - -
"I get the couch!" I yelled, dropping my bag and falling onto the couch.
"You can have the couch. Wait, maybe not. Dunno. How many beds do we have?" Pat said, dropping his pack on the floor.
"One, two, three... Three." I rolled onto the floor.
"I get the floor!" I raised my arms, and then staired at the ceiling. "Your ceiling is interesting..." I said quietly, cocking my head to the left.
"You can have a bed. Pete will only sleep for two hours, anyway." Somebody said, and I blinked several times.
"Nah, I'll end up on the floor anyway. It's cool."
"Cereally." I responded, placing my hands on my stomach.
- - - -
I was sitting on the couch, watching a movie with Pete. It was simple: he didn't sleep much, I didn't sleep much.
"Why do you always lay across me?" He asked, and I shrugged.
"You have comfortable thighs." I responded, shifting slightly. My belly was laid out over his lap, and like usual, he didn't care.
"Now I get a blankie." I smiled.
"I don't have a blankie." I complained, and he reached behind him and somehow produced a blanket. He threw it over me messily and I instantly snuggled with the arm of the couch.
"You seem to be liking that arm." I smiled.
"Arms are cool."
"Is my arm cool?" I looked at his arm that he held out for inspection.
"It's hairy." I said, turning to the TV.
"That arm probably has hair too." I shrugged. "Hair from both people's heads and..." I slammed my elbow into his gut. "-armpits." He finished, and I smirked.
"You know you were thinking it."
"How do you know I was thinking it?"
"The same way you know that I know that you know you were thinking it. It was obvious."
- - - -
9:49 AM
- - - -
"Oh my God. He has his hand on her butt." There was a soft chuckle. "That is so nasty. Think he did it on purpose?" I shifted slightly from my warm spot on the floor, and as a matter-of-fact, I did feel something on my backside.
"No, he knows she loves Mikey Way."
"Oh yeah." There was another chuckle, and I slowly opened my eyes. Then I saw what they were talking about. Pete's hand, sure enough, was on my butt. I was facing the couch, curled up in a ball, and he had his arm hanging off the couch.
"Pete you bitch!" I yelled suddenly, slapping his hand away.
"Wa-what?" He asked, and then fell off the couch- and across my stomach.
"Ow. Okay, yeah, ow. Total owiness."
"Oh... Sorry." He stood and rubbed his eyes. "I think I got a full night's sleep last night."
"You fell asleep at four." I told him, standing up and realizing the time.
"Fuck! It's an hour drive and... and... Where's your shower?"
- - - -
I was ready in thirty minutes, since I took the time to shower nicely. I was wearing nicer-looking shoes, yet without heels. I had on a black skirt and a black blouse on, with a white jacket on over that for the yin and yang of the outfit. Simple, like usual- I hated dressing up. Absolutely hated it.
"I need a car, guys!"I said, and Pet stumbled from the kitchen.
"I'll take you, don't worry." He rubbed his eyes. "Where is it?"
"A town called Warrenville. Wow... Warrenville..." I sighed. This was going to be... Amusing.
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