Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Love Won't Hurt You


by mcr_lover103 5 reviews

Roxanne and Gerard have some fun together

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-03-27 - Updated: 2007-03-28 - 567 words

Roxanne counted down the days to summer, which finally arrived. She said goodbye to her mother and headed on an early flight. Roxanne met up with Gerard and the band in Canada, where they were currently touring. She couldn't describe Gerard's face when she surprised him by arriving an hour early at the hotel. They started making out as soon as they saw each other.

"Thank god you're here Rox", Frank said as he passed them, "I couldn't deal with Gee anymore"

"Aww fuck you", Gerard said to him as he stopped kissing Roxanne, "You know you love us"

"If you say so..." Frank playfully replied, walking off to another room happily.

Gerard and Roxanne laughed for a minute or so before sitting down on the couch to actually talk. They hadn't seen each other for almost a month. The last time Gerard had made a day visit in May, but they didn't really count that time. Roxanne realized just how much she had missed him. She also didn't realize just how much Gerard had missed her.


After a fun first day, Roxanne had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room. She was half asleep when she was awoken by some sound. She looked at the clock - 2am maybe. Roxanne felt weight go down on the other end of the couch. She felt someone pressing a hard kiss on her lips, and a tongue finding its way into her mouth. Her eyes now adapted to the dark to see the outline of Gerard - black hair hanging loosely and no shirt in sight. It was exactly who Roxanne was expecting and she was so happy he was here.

"Gerard", Roxanne said, not making sure it was him but more to say his name.

"Bleeding Heart", was the response from Gerard. He had remembered the talk they had about what goths would call each other instead of sweetheart. Gerard had decided on bleeding heart. "I love you"

Gerard laid on top of her now, biting gently on her neck to which Roxanne only managed to dreamily whisper 'vampire' to, something Gerard loved to hear. He only gave a small laugh. Gerard gave her one strong bite. After this Roxanne was too happy to fully concentrate on what was happening.


Roxanne woke up around 6am next to Gerard in his bed. She realized that he must have brought her in here after the fun in the living room. Roxanne felt a bit of pain on her neck and got up to look at it in the mirror. She had Gerard's shirt and boxers on again. Looking at her neck, she could see the bite mark from Gerard last night. She wondered if it would scar. Hopefully.

Roxanne got back into bed where Gerard had been looking at her and saw his bite mark on her neck.

"Roxanne, I'm sorry about your neck", Gerard said softly, "That vampire thing makes me go crazy happy"

"Its alright", she whispered softly back, running her hand over his black hair.

"You tryin to make me go crazy again?" Gerard asked softly but playfully.

"Maybe", was all Roxanne had to say.


(Hey! Sorry if the whole Gerard/Roxanne love scene wasn't good. I was trying my hand at a love scene because I haven't done one before. also no offense to any goths if you would take offense at the Bleeding Heart thing)
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