Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Well I guess this is growing up
Well I guess this is growing up
0 reviewsJoel and Benji Madden are 17 years old going through tough times at home school and just all around life
Joel's P.O.V
(Joel and Benji's bedroom)
"Same shit different day" I thought as I woke up early monday morning.
I really can't be bothered anymore, I try and I just get put down the only one who understands me is Benj, I bet he feels the same way.
No other teenager goes through what we go through, some kids may look forward to going home whilest at school, but not us we would prefer to stay there, even though it's bad but nothing compares to home. Mum. Dad. Family. That hole mess.
"Come on Benj, time to get up." I said wacking his big butt sticking up in the air.
"mmhhmmm" He murmed under the covers.
(Walking to school)
"Look at all these people, all happy, they don't even know what happens behind closed doors." I said
"I know Joel, I know, but it won't do us any good moaning about it, so I just don't think about it." Benj replied sounding fed up with me going on.
Joel: I'm glad we didn't get the bus, I can't be dealing with them today.
Benji: Me too, but hey, you know what? When we're famous we can just laugh about them.
Joel: Ha ha yeah, but thats IF we ever make it.
I just gave him a laugh as to say you muppet.
(In first class in school)
Me and Benj sit at the back, we thought this would be a good idea because no one can throw stuff at us then and plus we can fall asleep easily.
(Teacher walks in)
Teacher: Morning class.
Class: mmm
Teacher: Come on look alive, ah forget it so today....
Thats when i switched off i knew he was just gonna mumer on, he mentioned something about exams but I was too busy getting comftable. Ahhhhh finally a nice sleep. But no I was wrong, it was what Mr Knewman said that got my attention, well what happened after he spoke.
Teacher: Class we have a new student today, I would all like you too meet Debbie Smith.
(Debbie walked in the classroom)
When I first saw her my heart stopped, but then maybe that was something else I don't know.
I was the only one who was actually paying attention to her everyone else was busy doing their own thing, even Benji, he was trying to sleep just like me.
MrK: Right I need someone to look after Debbie for the next couple of days, just to show her how things work and where everything is round here.
I sat there, I wanted to put my hand up but I would know for sure I would just show myself up and anyway why would SHE wanna be seen with me, ah just stop staring Joel before you end up looking like a even bigger creep then you already do.
"JOEL!" Mr Knewman shouted to catch my attention, was I saying my thoughts out loud?
"Er yes sir." I said coming back down to reality quickly.
"Seems your the only one not messing around, would you care to look after our new student?"
"YES! I mean yes of course I would." whops said that too fast.
"Good, Debbie there is a space next to Joel go sit with him and get to know the place." Mr Knewman said giving Debbie a push in my direction.
"Hi." she said with a big smile, sitting down next to me shuffling her chair and desk next to mine.
"Hello." I said quite shyly.
"Well between you and me im glad I got chosen to be with you, I didn't really fancy being put with the jocks and bitchy girls, you know?" Debbie whispered
"Really, wow, thats cool." I said, not quite sure what I ment.
She looked at me as if SHE didnt know what I ment.
"So Joely, looks like your gonna be my first new friend, who do you hang around with?"
"Just me and my brother." I said pointing to Benj who was in a deep sleep by the looks off things."Him there Benji, the one sleeping." OK Joel you sound like a loner, just me and my brother.
"Thats cool, I don't really like big groups."
"Well there is also our other 3 friends, Billy, Paul and Aaron, they are in different classes, we're in a band together." JOEL SHUT UP you are talking too much, she don't care about your band.
"WOW!" she said sounding interested.
"You have a band? That is soooo cool, you will have to show me some of your stuff sometime, your girlfriend won't get jelous will she?"
"GIRLFRIEND!? ha ha" what is she thinking, me and a girl.
"What..... d d don't you have one." she sounded worried now
"No, to be honest I haven't had a proper relationship in a very long time." YOU LIER you have never had a relantionship with no one.
"YOU!? don't have a girlfriend? why? I mean I don't mean to sound forward, but your cute, why wouldn't anyone be your girlfriend? And don't worry about the relationship thing." she leaned in closer to whisper. "Cos I never had a one." she moved back, smiling.
"REALLY!? you are not serious?" I exclaimed really shocked.
"It's true, no guy ever fancies me, im the one they stay mates with, no one has ever seen me cute, beautiful or any of that stuff before." she looked down after saying that.
I put an arm round her, this is a bit forward for first conversation, but hey she don't seem to mind.
"It's alright, I said I haven't had one in along time, when really I haven't had one at all.
That seemed to cheer her up, she looked up with a smile and ruffled my hair.
"Ha! you little freak, your just like me." she laughed.
The first time I didn't mind being called a freak.
Weeks passed by and me and Debbie got to know each other really well, Benj, Billy, Paul and Aaron, even mom, josh and sarah all like her and she loves our band.
Then there was the day where things were differnt.
Debbie came in not in her noraml cheery self, but unhappy, upset about something.
She sat next to me, she didn't even speak.
When form peirod was over everyone left, Debbie was the last one out, I waited for her and I took her outside where no one could see us.
I sat her and myself down and put an arm round her.
"Debs whats wrong?" I asked really worried.
She sniffed, I saw some tears roll down her cheek.
"It's my parents." she sniffed
"Dad flipped out at mom again and she left. Dad blamed me for it and said I was no use to the family, no one wants me and to not bother coming back here because this is no longer my home."
I didn't know what to say, I know how she feels, things are the same at my house.
"Aw my darling, nothing is your fault.I know what your going through." I said trying to comfort her.
She sniffed. "But you don't Joel."
"I do, my dad left last christmas, him and mom always used to row, me and Benji would always suffer for it, last christmas time was a really bad time for us, mom ran out with our sis and on christmas morning it was just me and Benji, with nothing.Mom came back, but we haven't seen dad since then. It has been more peaceful round the place without him, but it's my dad I still miss him." God I thought I was going to cry.
She hugged me.
"Im so sorry Joel. I didn't know that." she hugged tighter
"It's ok no one knows apart from our famiy .........and you."
"Im so glad I met you, you have been te best friend I have ever had."
"Same here." I said letting go of her.
We dried our eyes and smiled at each other and gave a little laugh because we knew we both sounded stupid.
"Joel, just say no if you don't want me to." she asked quitely
"What, what is it." I asked.
"You know with all that going on? Would I be able to stay at your house tonight?" she asked looking shy.
"Of course you can, stay aslong as you want." I said quite eager
"Your mom won't mind?"
"Of course she won't, she loves you to bits." I said smiling
"Good, thank you Joel, your a life saver."
(In the gym hall)
Later on that day we had sports for last class, I didnt fancy getting changed so I just stayed in my sweaty gym kit and shot a few hoops waiting for Benji to get ready (which takes for ever)
The door opened as I caught the ball, I turnt round and it was Debbie, which is surprising because she normally waits outside for us.
"Fancy a little one on one." a happy voice said, which is better than earlier.
"Yeah, but if you think you can beat me." I said challenging her.
She walked over to me, took the ball and stood quite close, so close she stood on my shoe lace and untied it.
"Your wearing my old basketball shirt from 5th grade and my gym shorts." I said looking oddly at her.
"I am, you gave me this shirt and I found your shorts in your locker, plus I think this shirt looks shit hot on me.... don't you think?" she said giving me a look.
All I could think of was REALLY how dam hot she looked, the top wasn't that tight but you could see how big her boobs were.
"mmm yeah you may do." I said giving her a look back.
"Well before we start you'll have to tie your lace cos its undone."
"Yeah cos you stood on it." I said
I bent down on my knees to tie my lace, why did she do that for, is she gonna bounce the ball of my head?
I wasn't ready for this next bit, as I was on my way up Debbie bent down to meet my face with hers, she took my face in her hands and place her lips onto mine slightly, she pulled back and looked at me.
"You have never looked more beautiful ever then right now." she whispered to me.
What was she talking about, I was all sweaty and out of place, she could feel that I wasn't clean.
I could feel her push her self closer to me as she kissed me again, this time slipping her tounge inside mine, we stood there for a while masaging each others tongues. It felt much longer than that, it felt like the world had stopped.
She slowed down, eventually stopping.
"Why did you stop?" I asked wanting to do it again.
"Im sorry I didn't think you would want to."
"Debbie, I have wanted to do that to you for a long time." I really DID mean to say that.
"Really? Me too." she sounded relived.
We both stood there holding each other smiling.
"So am I still staying at yours tonight." she asked as she winked.
(Joel and Benji's bedroom)
"Same shit different day" I thought as I woke up early monday morning.
I really can't be bothered anymore, I try and I just get put down the only one who understands me is Benj, I bet he feels the same way.
No other teenager goes through what we go through, some kids may look forward to going home whilest at school, but not us we would prefer to stay there, even though it's bad but nothing compares to home. Mum. Dad. Family. That hole mess.
"Come on Benj, time to get up." I said wacking his big butt sticking up in the air.
"mmhhmmm" He murmed under the covers.
(Walking to school)
"Look at all these people, all happy, they don't even know what happens behind closed doors." I said
"I know Joel, I know, but it won't do us any good moaning about it, so I just don't think about it." Benj replied sounding fed up with me going on.
Joel: I'm glad we didn't get the bus, I can't be dealing with them today.
Benji: Me too, but hey, you know what? When we're famous we can just laugh about them.
Joel: Ha ha yeah, but thats IF we ever make it.
I just gave him a laugh as to say you muppet.
(In first class in school)
Me and Benj sit at the back, we thought this would be a good idea because no one can throw stuff at us then and plus we can fall asleep easily.
(Teacher walks in)
Teacher: Morning class.
Class: mmm
Teacher: Come on look alive, ah forget it so today....
Thats when i switched off i knew he was just gonna mumer on, he mentioned something about exams but I was too busy getting comftable. Ahhhhh finally a nice sleep. But no I was wrong, it was what Mr Knewman said that got my attention, well what happened after he spoke.
Teacher: Class we have a new student today, I would all like you too meet Debbie Smith.
(Debbie walked in the classroom)
When I first saw her my heart stopped, but then maybe that was something else I don't know.
I was the only one who was actually paying attention to her everyone else was busy doing their own thing, even Benji, he was trying to sleep just like me.
MrK: Right I need someone to look after Debbie for the next couple of days, just to show her how things work and where everything is round here.
I sat there, I wanted to put my hand up but I would know for sure I would just show myself up and anyway why would SHE wanna be seen with me, ah just stop staring Joel before you end up looking like a even bigger creep then you already do.
"JOEL!" Mr Knewman shouted to catch my attention, was I saying my thoughts out loud?
"Er yes sir." I said coming back down to reality quickly.
"Seems your the only one not messing around, would you care to look after our new student?"
"YES! I mean yes of course I would." whops said that too fast.
"Good, Debbie there is a space next to Joel go sit with him and get to know the place." Mr Knewman said giving Debbie a push in my direction.
"Hi." she said with a big smile, sitting down next to me shuffling her chair and desk next to mine.
"Hello." I said quite shyly.
"Well between you and me im glad I got chosen to be with you, I didn't really fancy being put with the jocks and bitchy girls, you know?" Debbie whispered
"Really, wow, thats cool." I said, not quite sure what I ment.
She looked at me as if SHE didnt know what I ment.
"So Joely, looks like your gonna be my first new friend, who do you hang around with?"
"Just me and my brother." I said pointing to Benj who was in a deep sleep by the looks off things."Him there Benji, the one sleeping." OK Joel you sound like a loner, just me and my brother.
"Thats cool, I don't really like big groups."
"Well there is also our other 3 friends, Billy, Paul and Aaron, they are in different classes, we're in a band together." JOEL SHUT UP you are talking too much, she don't care about your band.
"WOW!" she said sounding interested.
"You have a band? That is soooo cool, you will have to show me some of your stuff sometime, your girlfriend won't get jelous will she?"
"GIRLFRIEND!? ha ha" what is she thinking, me and a girl.
"What..... d d don't you have one." she sounded worried now
"No, to be honest I haven't had a proper relationship in a very long time." YOU LIER you have never had a relantionship with no one.
"YOU!? don't have a girlfriend? why? I mean I don't mean to sound forward, but your cute, why wouldn't anyone be your girlfriend? And don't worry about the relationship thing." she leaned in closer to whisper. "Cos I never had a one." she moved back, smiling.
"REALLY!? you are not serious?" I exclaimed really shocked.
"It's true, no guy ever fancies me, im the one they stay mates with, no one has ever seen me cute, beautiful or any of that stuff before." she looked down after saying that.
I put an arm round her, this is a bit forward for first conversation, but hey she don't seem to mind.
"It's alright, I said I haven't had one in along time, when really I haven't had one at all.
That seemed to cheer her up, she looked up with a smile and ruffled my hair.
"Ha! you little freak, your just like me." she laughed.
The first time I didn't mind being called a freak.
Weeks passed by and me and Debbie got to know each other really well, Benj, Billy, Paul and Aaron, even mom, josh and sarah all like her and she loves our band.
Then there was the day where things were differnt.
Debbie came in not in her noraml cheery self, but unhappy, upset about something.
She sat next to me, she didn't even speak.
When form peirod was over everyone left, Debbie was the last one out, I waited for her and I took her outside where no one could see us.
I sat her and myself down and put an arm round her.
"Debs whats wrong?" I asked really worried.
She sniffed, I saw some tears roll down her cheek.
"It's my parents." she sniffed
"Dad flipped out at mom again and she left. Dad blamed me for it and said I was no use to the family, no one wants me and to not bother coming back here because this is no longer my home."
I didn't know what to say, I know how she feels, things are the same at my house.
"Aw my darling, nothing is your fault.I know what your going through." I said trying to comfort her.
She sniffed. "But you don't Joel."
"I do, my dad left last christmas, him and mom always used to row, me and Benji would always suffer for it, last christmas time was a really bad time for us, mom ran out with our sis and on christmas morning it was just me and Benji, with nothing.Mom came back, but we haven't seen dad since then. It has been more peaceful round the place without him, but it's my dad I still miss him." God I thought I was going to cry.
She hugged me.
"Im so sorry Joel. I didn't know that." she hugged tighter
"It's ok no one knows apart from our famiy .........and you."
"Im so glad I met you, you have been te best friend I have ever had."
"Same here." I said letting go of her.
We dried our eyes and smiled at each other and gave a little laugh because we knew we both sounded stupid.
"Joel, just say no if you don't want me to." she asked quitely
"What, what is it." I asked.
"You know with all that going on? Would I be able to stay at your house tonight?" she asked looking shy.
"Of course you can, stay aslong as you want." I said quite eager
"Your mom won't mind?"
"Of course she won't, she loves you to bits." I said smiling
"Good, thank you Joel, your a life saver."
(In the gym hall)
Later on that day we had sports for last class, I didnt fancy getting changed so I just stayed in my sweaty gym kit and shot a few hoops waiting for Benji to get ready (which takes for ever)
The door opened as I caught the ball, I turnt round and it was Debbie, which is surprising because she normally waits outside for us.
"Fancy a little one on one." a happy voice said, which is better than earlier.
"Yeah, but if you think you can beat me." I said challenging her.
She walked over to me, took the ball and stood quite close, so close she stood on my shoe lace and untied it.
"Your wearing my old basketball shirt from 5th grade and my gym shorts." I said looking oddly at her.
"I am, you gave me this shirt and I found your shorts in your locker, plus I think this shirt looks shit hot on me.... don't you think?" she said giving me a look.
All I could think of was REALLY how dam hot she looked, the top wasn't that tight but you could see how big her boobs were.
"mmm yeah you may do." I said giving her a look back.
"Well before we start you'll have to tie your lace cos its undone."
"Yeah cos you stood on it." I said
I bent down on my knees to tie my lace, why did she do that for, is she gonna bounce the ball of my head?
I wasn't ready for this next bit, as I was on my way up Debbie bent down to meet my face with hers, she took my face in her hands and place her lips onto mine slightly, she pulled back and looked at me.
"You have never looked more beautiful ever then right now." she whispered to me.
What was she talking about, I was all sweaty and out of place, she could feel that I wasn't clean.
I could feel her push her self closer to me as she kissed me again, this time slipping her tounge inside mine, we stood there for a while masaging each others tongues. It felt much longer than that, it felt like the world had stopped.
She slowed down, eventually stopping.
"Why did you stop?" I asked wanting to do it again.
"Im sorry I didn't think you would want to."
"Debbie, I have wanted to do that to you for a long time." I really DID mean to say that.
"Really? Me too." she sounded relived.
We both stood there holding each other smiling.
"So am I still staying at yours tonight." she asked as she winked.
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