Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Bitter With A Sweet Aftertaste.


by SucksToSayTheLeast 0 reviews

Calvin's house

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-29 - Updated: 2007-03-29 - 711 words

"Its my friend Calvin's house." Eric said before exiting the car.
"Here we go again..." I muttered opening the car door after Eric had already gotten out.
Eric and I walked up to the disgusting house. You could tell already from the outside that Calvin didn't care about cleaning or even think about the possibility of leaving the house. Eric knocked on the door and when the door swung open there was a tall man standing there in jeans and no shirt. Now this would have been a not half bad experience but with his tubby belly and amazingly noticeable farmers tan it was disgusting. "Ew." I blurted.
Eric smacked me on the arm trying to hide it from Calvin, but just like a lot of other things that he was incapable of doing Calvin saw and frowned at me. I gave him a 'don't look at me' look back. I was a master at making faces that matched my mood.
Once Calvin finally let us in, I looked around the room taking in all of my surroundings. Everything was everywhere and the house was musty, I could almost feel it on my cheekbones. The house reeked to be honest; I had never smelled anything so vile in my entire life.
Eric noticed the look on my face and could tell I was about to say something that could possibly damage Calvin. "Don't say a fucking word." He said through gritted teeth.
"I'm trying my hardest." I put my hand under my nose trying to block some of the smell. I truly was trying my hardest to not say anything, because usually at this moment I would be speaking my mind about how disgusting this place was and I would probably rip into his appearance as well, because once I get started, I wont finish until everything is off my chest.
I almost gagged when I saw a used condom on the floor by the couch. "I'll be outside." I quickly left the house and exited out the front door. I sat on the porch steps and thought to myself 'who in their right mind would ever even think about sleeping with that loser?'
I pulled out my sidekick and began fiddling around on the Internet. I was so insanely bored that I would kill to find something interesting to do. I was just about to check my email when I noticed there was two feet approaching me. When I looked up there standing in front of me was the last person I thought I would ever see outside of a magazine.
"Is Calvin and Eric inside?" He asked while looking at me through his sunglasses.
"Yep. Probably planning what to do next on World of War Craft or something along those lines." I snarled. I was really in no mood to talk to the one prick on earth that I honestly wanted to punch in the face.
"I'm Pete." He introduced himself probably expecting me to stand up and smile at him or throw myself at his amazingly attractive smile. Or whatever the hell else 14-year-old girls would do if they saw him.
"I know who you are." I looked up at him unimpressed.
"Oh. Well, care to tell me your name?"
"Nope." I said into my sidekick while checking an email from Neil, my best friend.
"Alright...." I could see out of the corner of my eye that he walked passed me and into the house.
About 25 minutes later Eric came outside. "Are you gunna come inside and meet Pete?" he asked, sounding like he genuinely cared that I meet that jerk.
"I already met him." I looked up at Eric through my dark sunglasses.
"Don't be a bitch and come inside."
"There is no way in hell that I am ever going back inside that house, and I'm not being a bitch. I just don't think I would like to get to know an ass hole that thinks he's better than everyone else... I already know enough of those guys thank you." I said looking at Eric who looked like he was about to strike me. But I know he wouldn't.
"Sisely. Get up and go inside." Eric demanded.
I smiled to myself and got up. "Alright DAD"
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