Categories > Original > Romance > SeaMello

Sea Salt

by sesshyfanchick 0 reviews

Sea docks insane asylum. Why am i stuck with a boy who's so detached from the world that its nearly impossible to get through to him? Why did he nearly choke me to death and why do I keep on waking...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-03-29 - Updated: 2007-03-30 - 1189 words

this was a dream i had one night and i liked it very much so i decided to write it down

Chapter 1: Sea Salt

The air smelt of salt, the crisp sharpness of it all wading in like a torrent of raging waves. I had stepped up upon this little island, covered with forest moss and jungle trees. To me, it was beautiful. Tiny antique shops aligned the docks, waiting patiently for the town's people to reel in. I walked across the docks, my shoes tapping lightly against the planks, making a hollow sound. I had no idea how I had gotten here, but I just had, suddenly appearing out of nowhere on a small, tranquil island that looked more like a jungle of trees.

I walked along the strip of shops, my brown hair fanning out before me and whipping against the gentle tug of the sea air. Ahead, the seagulls made their squaws, their beady eyes scavenging the ground for their next meal.

I suddenly felt a sharp tug on my arm and with that I was led away, my legs running against the wind. I looked out in front of me. A boy around my age had his hands around one of my arms, dragging me like a rag doll across the little island. I watched, as his shoulder length golden colored hair warped into a raging pillage of waves, just like how the air had done previously. He was wearing a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt, his pants the same color hanging down on his hips exposing his midriff. He was beautiful.

'Isn't he cold?' I wondered. The scenery changed before me, the array of trees mixing in together like a bleeding color of vivid green. Finally, the boy halted, sending me hurling into his back. My collision course didn't seem to affect him; he just stood there, his hair blowing out every which way while his tall lithe form scanned the area before him. I watched as his dark, black eyes scavenged the area.

I took the opportunity to look around. It seemed he had led me into another neighboring docking house, yet this one was much smaller and more...cute. Tiny boats were lined along the docking ports, ready and waiting to be used by their owners. Again, this tiny docking area was littered with all sorts of tinier shops, the trees cascading over them giving an effect of a sort of magical world. I took in a gulp of fresh air. This docking area was away from the sea, hiding itself away from the outside world.

A moment or two had gone by, with me silently taking in the view of my new surroundings. I looked around and I was shocked to see that the boy had disappeared. A numbing sense of panic began to take hold, growing with each step I took as I tried to find him. After five minutes worth of searching, I decided to give up. He was nowhere to be found, and there was no use in trying to find him.

I stepped out into the bright sun, away from the shade that was provided from the trees. The air whipped at me again, splaying its salt crystals and fresh crisp air. I trotted along the gravel pathway leading towards the array of tiny shops. Oddly, there was no one out today, not even an ounce of human movement. A fresh layer of goosebumps traveled up my arms. I hadn't even noticed it before, that there was no one here besides me and that boy who had left.

All the shop doors were closed, signs reading "Come Back Tomorrow" for the unfortunate people who had come and had found it closed. I was startled when I heard the faint chiming of a wind chime. I looked out about me, trying to decipher where the noise had come from. I spotted an open doorway far off into the distance. I ran towards it, not really sure as to why I was running. It was as if I were running away, away from something inexplicit and yet fascinating at the same time.

I placed my hand upon the doors wooden frame, throwing my weight upon it and taking in big gulps of air. Once regaining my posture, I entered the doorway. An eerie silence swept over me as I stood in the tiny room. It was an odd room indeed but not as odd as other things. I walked about the room, noticing that the entire expanse was baby themed. I saw coathangers adorned with small baby costumes, a kimono on one hanger, a ballerina dress on another, and a tiny jean dress on another.

I was surprised to find a huge refrigerator, one of those refrigerators that are usually found at someone's house. My mouth felt suddenly parched and I went over to it, placing my hand upon the handle and gently pulling it open. I stared within its contents, wondering where the soda was.

My mind was telling me this wasn't right.

'You're on an unknown island by yourself, ransacking someone else's refrigerator!'

I tucked the thought away; it seemed that nothing made sense anymore. My eyes widened with splendor as I found a bottle of Diet Coke. I halted, my mind envisioning black. It was funny, as I stared at the dark colored beverage, that it would get my mind to play tricks on me. As I looked within the depths of the soda's liquid, I found myself envisioning darkness, solitude, detachment. I woke my self up from that reverie, closing the refrigerator door in a rush. I wasn't thirsty anymore.

I quickly walked out of the room back outside. I ran towards one of the anchored boats. Why I was running, I haven't a clue. It was as if someone where leading me here, tugging at my body. I walked out onto the wooden dock where the boat was anchored. I threw my legs over the boat's side and clambered in.

I stared out into the water and I almost screamed when I saw a familiar reflection. I heard laughter from behind me and I quickly spun around, coming face to face with a little boy who had short shaggy brown hair. He laughed again and came closer.

'What's my brother doing here?' I asked myself, bewildered that my brother had unceremoniously showed up. I didn't even have time to think more on the matter when I felt something hit my stomach and I fell, careening towards the blue seawater. He had pushed me and I had fallen.

My body hit the water with a loud splash, the liquid sizzling around me with a gentle sting. Oddly, I didn't have to hold my breath and I could open my eyes without feeling that sore sting of sea salt. Then, my vision began to blur. I could see a faint darkness, creeping soundlessly within the water like spilt ink. I tried to pull away, tried to swim out of its reach. Yet it swirled around me, enwrapping my body into a black blanket. Then, there was nothing.
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