Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Bitter With A Sweet Aftertaste.

Chapter 6

by SucksToSayTheLeast 0 reviews


Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-03-30 - Updated: 2007-03-30 - 1026 words

The movie ended and when I looked over at Pete, he turned to me.
"You realize that if you smiled once and a while you would be super hott?" He bluntly told me
I frowned at him "And you wouldn't look like such a donkey if you didn't have that stupid smile and such a wide jaw." I snapped back.
Pete smiled. "You're the first person who has ever said that to me."
"Because I'm not 14 and in love with you." I was just getting started.
Pete smiled.
"What are you smiling for?" I asked completely confused and frustrated that he was making fun of me inside that thick skull of his.
"Because you're really not as mean as everyone thinks you are."
"I'm being nice." I was being honest but I hid it with a sarcastic tone.
"Why would you be nice to me? You hate me."
I rolled my eyes. "Its because your being annoyingly nice to me." I looked back at him with a hard look.
Pete took a breath as if to say something, but held it back. I was happy that he didn't speak. I turned to the TV and watched the blue screen that simply said DVD on it.
"Why don't you and Eric get along?" Pete asked after a moment of silence.
I looked sharply at him "I don't know, we never really have."
"I couldn't imagine not getting along with my family..." Pete said, but it seemed like to me that he was saying it to himself more so than to me.
"I don't get along with ANYONE." I accented the 'anyone' simply because I honestly did not get along with one person that I knew. I didn't look at Pete this time around because I knew he was going to give me the look again.
I changed the subject quickly, before he could say anything else that would make me feel like I was an okay person. "You can leave if you want to... if you have better things to do then you should go."
"Your brother told me that if I left then he would let you slit my throat."
"I'm not going to slit your throat." I felt the overwhelming urge to cry again. It was stronger than before.
"Well then I'll stay, I have nothing better to do."
"I'll be upstairs." I got up before I started to cry and ran up to my room.
I broke down in my room. Doing this wasn't very normal. But on the other hand it wasn't unusual either. I don't care if I scared Pete off, I hated when people would force themselves to be nice to me because they 'wanted to get to know me'.


The next day I sat outside by the pool while Eric was at work. After when he came home he brought along a ton of people for a barbecue, which he failed to inform be beforehand so that I wasn't in my bathing suit with my scars out for the world to see. I ran upstairs and covered my arm with cover up once again. As I headed down the stairs again in my bathing suit and shorts there he was standing at the bottom of the stairs with one other standing behind him.
Pete looked up at me as I was descending the stairs and smiled at me "Hey."
"Hi." I said in an annoyed tone. Was he following me?
I walked passed him and his friend and as I did so I heard a small whisper "Dude, she's hott."
I smiled to myself and turned around. "Come in." I rolled my eyes before walking into the kitchen then into the backyard. I grabbed my package of cigarettes and lit a smoke.
"You realize that's going to kill you sooner than you think." An unfamiliar lisped voice said into my ear.
I turned to see that it was Pete's curly haired friend. "Hopefully." I growled before walking away.
"Dude, she's like that." I overheard Pete say. I smiled to myself as I took a seat beside the pool.
I dipped my feet into the cool water of the pool and was content. For the first time in a long time I was content right there with a cigarette in hand and my feet in the pool. I was content all until Pete came over and sat his ass right beside mine.
"You seem in a better mood today." He smiled at me with those warm eyes again.
"That's because I didn't have to go to any nerd conventions and I had the day off." It was really hard today to deny his warm eyes like I had before.
"Can I ask you something?" Pete asked after a couple minutes of complete silence.
"Do you ever hurt yourself?"
I looked at him furious; did he always have to butt in on MY business? "No." Anger flashed through me like a giant lightning bolt.
"Well I was just wondering because you know... last night..."
I cut Pete off. "I had a nose bleed and I wiped it with my sleeve." I almost yelled. I had never before wanted to put someone into a coma as much as I did now. I pulled my feet out of the water and walked away towards the table on the deck. I sat down furious and wished that Pete would drown in the pool. Why does he care if I hurt myself? It's none of his business. I don't ask him questions that he doesn't want to answer.
I stewed there and counted all the ways I hated Pete Wentz. So I made a hate list in my head.
1. He always wants to get to know me better.
2. He wants to be my 'friend'
3. His smile was too big
4. His jaw was too wide
5. He had warm eyes that made me want to give in
6. He gave me 'the look'
7. He always finds a way to be near me and I hate it so much!
8. And he waits for me to come downstairs to start a fucking movie.

He's a Dick. I hate him.
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