Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Would you carry me to the End

Stranger in the Crowd

by WillBertluverX 0 reviews

This is a story of hidden feelings... ........Grace Lithe a 20 year-old with a bad family history and the looks of a Suicide girl, has met what she thinks is the love her of life. He thinks so ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero, Other - Published: 2007-03-31 - Updated: 2007-03-31 - 787 words

2 months later

2 months later and I have finally made a home, the sad part is I will be leaving it in 3 months for school in New York. Tonight is one of Bert's gigs, I thought I would go along and support him plus he said he had some friends he wanted me to meet. I ate a quick dinner then got ready, he wanted me to meet him at the On the Other Side for the gig. Pulling up into the parking lot there were tons of scene kids running around, showing my I.D. I made my way back stage.

" Hey Gray!", it was Quinn he is the only one who calls me that.

" Quinn. You look really nervous, it will be okay ya know. You guys are extremely talented."

" Yea I hope your right. If your looking for Bert he is somewhere in the back."

" Thanks."

Getting closer towards the back I could hear screams, obviously it was Bert warming up. I popped open the door and he was jumping around but he stopped when he saw me standing by the door.

" Bertie don't stop because of me."

" I was just about finished warming up anyway. I'm really nervous."

" You nervous? You're never nervous, what's up?"

" It's just I'm afraid you wont like the performance." he looked down at the floor.

" Bert, its not like I haven't seen you play before."

" Yea but that was just practices and stuff, we changed things a little.", he looked so worried which isn't him at all. I grabbed his hand and tried to comfort him.

" No worries Robert. You have everything you need to be successful with your music, and if anyone in the crowd doesn't like it then they can suck an egg!" , he gave me a slight smile and unclasped my hand, it kind of surprised me.

" Well, since you are our number one fan I want you to introduce us.", I gave him a mixed look of horror and anger.

" Bert! You know I don't like being on stage! How do you expect me to do this?"

" It will only be for a split second." , he gave me a puppy dog face. He knows I cant turn down this face.

" Agh! Fine Bert I will do it but you owe me one."

" Oh, don't worry about that you will get your payback tonight."

" Huh? What are you ..."

" No questions its time for you to go introduce us now."


" Yep get to it missy."

Giving him an evil look I stormed off, " I hate you Robert!", I slammed the door before I could get a response back. By backstage people I was pushed to the left side of the stage and they told me to wait for my cue. From the right of the stage a guy with short brown hair got the show started.

" Hey everyone! Tonight we have some local bands onstage, but first here is Grace to introduce the first one."

He was moving away from the mic, so I was guessing this was my cue. I took a deep breath and gave it my best shot.

" Hey everybody!"

The crowd started screaming, I got more comfortable.

" I hope your ready, I want you to scream as loud as you can when The Used comes out. I'm a personal friend so it would mean so much to me if you did, but enough of the sappy stuff here is what you asked for...THE USED!"

The boys came running out and the crowd went wild, Bert picked me up and carried me back off the stage whispering in my ear a quick thank you. As soon as his lips started pouring out the words to Choke Me he came to life jumping wildly across the stage, I was so proud. When he is on stage this is the one moment of pure ecstasy for him.


Frank Iero's POV

God who was that girl on stage, she was beautiful. I'm guessing that was the Grace Bert was talking about, she seemed kind of nervous. I bet I could fix that quick, oh god I can't believe I'm thinking about her like that. I just found out who she is and I already have someone. God why must you make things so difficult? Maybe I should try to forget about her, I mean she isn't that great...ha who am I kidding she is the one can already tell. I don't even know her and she gives me a feeling of love, but god what am I going to do about Valerie? Things always have to be screwed up like this.

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."-Aristotle
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