Categories > Celebrities > Lord of the Rings > Dommy for the People

For Jay

by Joy 1 review

Jaye gets a very unexpect surprise on a rainy day.

Category: Lord of the Rings - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2005-10-15 - Updated: 2005-10-15 - 284 words

I never got a response from you, Jaye, but since it has already been published once, I presumed that it was alright to publish it again. Enjoy anyways!

As far as I remember, the boxers, butterfly, and red roses came from a mail which Jaye wrote.

Jay looked around her livingroom. The popcorn leftovers were only poorly covering the bottom of the bowl she had been eating them from during LotR:RotK:EE. The box the pizza had been delivered in was casually thrown aside after eating during Hetty Wainthrop Investigates. She took a drink of the already semi-flat soda. All in all, she looked at something looking like the poor leftovers of a great movie night.
But then again - she didn't feel all that great. She had no idea why (or maybe she did?), she just felt plain crappy. She looked out the window. The rain was pouring down. What she wouldn't give for something cheerful. Perhaps the lotto draw the next day?...
She looked out the window again. The weather seemed to be lightening up. The doorbell rang. She didn't believe her eyes as she opened the door: Dominic was standing in the doorway. He was wearing nothing but boxers, jeans, and a butterfly, and carried a dousin of long, red, blooming roses. Between the boxers and the jeans was an envelope, saying "The Sushi Bar". Dom smiled as Jay blushingly took the envelope and opened it while walking back into the hallway - it was a gift certificate for two people. Dom followed her into the kitchen, putting the roses into water. They smiled at each other. Dom tugged a lock of Jay's hair behind her ear, and gave her a kiss.
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