Categories > Original > Poetry > depressing poems

depressed cry

by crusnic-vampire 3 reviews

depressing poems no. 1-8 chapters will be on here shortly i'm getting writers block write now and i own thease poems cause i made them

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Parody - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-03-30 - Updated: 2007-03-30 - 216 words


why do you keep trying to find a way,
when i don't want you to get hurt i send you away.
i do not know what i need,
but why do you try to lead me?
i want to die,
but strangely you don't seem to lie to me.
i miss you so much now,
but your memory of me is probably bliss.
anti-depressed is my aim,
but others keep me in my pain.
i'm in kuro, my katanna in aka,
blood still leaks from my wound,
it has finaly been done
but why are you still aloom?
why do you want it to heal,
even when i tell you it's all too real.
you wanted to make me happy,
but i wouldn't listen now i feal so snappy.
you made me cry when you soon left,
but you were the only favorite person i ever wanted to have and love.

........"so i must ask will you please come back?"....................i miss you too much now i want to die.........

a/n:tearcatcher, i thought your story was great mine was the horrid one how can mine make yours look like shit when i'm only 11yrs old i've only been in depression for 7rs I say yours was better and in more detail way to go
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