Categories > Original > Poetry > depressing poems

another day another year in hell

by crusnic-vampire 1 review

sigh just read

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-02 - Updated: 2007-04-02 - 148 words

the heart is dead to me,
pain to the heart is lead to you.
why dream for happiness is aim,
when that aim goes to pain.
it's hard to decide happiness,
or suicide.
you screw the hinge,
while i scream for revenge.
you nock at my heart and mind
but i mock you for tying to grinde inside me.
while you act like you take meth,
I know what is to come is your death.
you rule the mark on my soul.
while i rule the dark that is near.
you moved the rail that supports me,
but i move the nail i drove in you.
you're the looter,
i'm the shooter.
you hold the award for idiots,
i hold the sword for life.
you're the preppy gutter,
i'n the emo cutter.
you're level,
but i'm the devil. all i'm satisfied as long as you feel pain...
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