Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Wedding Crasher

The Make-up

by darkangel666 2 reviews

Julius makes up with Delilah after there fight.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2007-04-02 - Updated: 2007-04-02 - 283 words

Julius's POV

"Where did Delilah go? I asked Al and Scarlett.

"I don't know man, she was crying and left to go to the hospital." Replied Al.

" She's gone to get that abortion. What happened between you to?" Scarlett answered.

" Ill tell you later. first I got to go save my baby." I answered.

"Wonder how hes going to get to the hospital in time? He doesn't have a car." Scarlett asked Al.

"Yeah he does." Replied Al.

" What? Since when?" Scarlett questioned Al.

" Yeah, he took yours." Replied Al.

" What!!!!" Screamed Scralett.

" Yeah, he did look out the window if you don't believe me man." Said Al.

" Julius! What are you doing?!?!" Yelled Scarlett.

" Borrowing your car to save my kid and my realtionship. Thanx for letting me use your car!"

" I didn't let you use it you took it." Yelled Scarlett.

" Wait did I say he can use my car?" Scarlett asked Al.

" Nope." Replied Al.

" Didn't think so." said Al.

Delilah was in the hospital waiting for the doctor to come back, then Julius came bursting through the door.

" Delilah, don't do it you were right I was wrong im sorry but please don't kill our child." Julius said.

" Julius I don't know if I can handle much more of this." Delilah said.

" De, you can get through anything." Julius whispered into her ear.

" Thank you Julius your always there for me even when im losing my mind." Said Delilah

" Lets get out of here De." I suggested.

" Yeah lets get out of here before the doctor comes back." Delilah replied.

At the point Delilah Julius walked out of the hospital. Delilahs arm around julius's hip and his around hers.
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