Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never Be Alone Again

Chapter 2

by MCRANDFOBLover 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-03 - Updated: 2007-04-03 - 969 words

"Mommie, mommie! I made this for you!" Haylie said and handed mom the drawing she'd made.
"Wow, it's beautiful. Thank's, honey!" Mom was picking us up from kindergarden. I had made a drawing too, but some mean kid had destroyed it, saying it was ugly. I was still crying as I told mom what had happened.
"Oh, honey.. But I bet that you can make one even better at home." she said and huged me. We got into the car and mom drove home.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I've had the same dream the past week now. It's always me and Haylie in kindergarden, mom comes to pick us up and then I wake up. I took out the picture of my mom and Gerard. I have to find him, tell him that I am his daughter. I sighed, put the picture back where I keep it, in a drawer underneath the clothes. I don't want anyone to find it. I walked to my desk and turned on the computer. I hadn't got any emails (not a big suprise though) and no one was online. Well, it was in the middle of the night, so that wasn't a suprise either. I sighed and turned off the computer. I went back to bed and fell asleep.
My alarmclock beeping woke me up. I got up, got dressed and put on some eyliner. Sandi, my new 'mom' knocked on the bedroomdoor.
"Nadia, are you up?" she asked softly behind the door.
"Yeah, I'll be right out, Sandi." I said, knowing I would annoy her.
"Okay. Just so you know breakfast's ready."
"Not hungry.." I said and opened the door. "If you exuse me, I have to get to school.." I said and walked downstairs.
"Hey, sis, if you want to I can give you a ride." my 'sister' Winter said.
"No, I rather walk.." I muttered, grabbed my bag and slamed the door behind me. I hate it when they act like I'm a part of their family. As I walked to school I started to think about Gerard. When I came to the school the corridors were empty and scilent. I went to my locker, threw in my bag and grabbed my stuff. Then I slamed the door shut. I like slaming doors, it gets out a bit frustration and anger. Then I sat down on the floor, drawing. Another thing mym mom said I got from my dad; my artistic tallents. Strangly only I got it, Haylie sucked at both drawing and singing. I don't know how long I sat there, but when I looked up I saw students getting books from their lockers, talking to friends or just listening to music. I sighed and stood up. At least I have a doublle hour art now. I walked to the artroom and sat down, waiting for the class to start. After about ten minutes the classroom was filled with studants and the teacher started the lesson.
"Today I want you to do a family portrait. I want you to draw your family the best you can. Okay, start." the teacher said and I starder drawing. I drew myself in a cemetary with three toombstones behind me. When I was done with that I started drawing Gerard.
"Yeah, like he's your father!" Amanda, an extreamly bitchy girl, said. I hadn't even noticed that she was there.
"No, he isn't.." I lied. She wouldn't belive me anyway.
"Then why are you drawing him? We are supposed to draw our family, remeber?" I just wanted to slap her.
"Well, I'm done with my familyportrait." I said, trying so hard not to punch her.
"Oh, really? Let me see." She took my familyportrait before I could say anything. She looked at it for a while, then she laughed. "This is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen!" she said and threw the drawing at me. I knew that I would get in trouble if I did anything, so I didn't. I just picked the drawing up from the ground and continued to draw. I started a new drawing, this time I drew Amanda with a knife in her heart. When the lesson was over my art teacher collected all familyportraits, finished or not. I handed my in and hurried away.
"Nadia!" I heard Mary, the only one I spoke to in the whole school, call out. I turned around and smiled. "Nad, have you heard the news?"
"What news?" I asked, geting curious. Mary isn't the type of girl who loves gossip so this must be important.
"My Chemical Romance are comming here!! Can you belive it?! And you can win a backstagepass on this website! Wait, I write it down for you.." Maria wrote the adress on a pice of paper and gave it to me. "All you have to do is to answer one question and then you can win. It's a pretty har question though.."
"Okay, I'll check it out when I come home.. Thanks, Mary."
"No problem.. But I have to get to class, and so do you I guess.. So I'll see you later."
"Yeah, see ya.." I said and walked to my locker as Mary set off in the other direction. I got my english books and decided to go to the library before class started. I sat down on the only avalible computer and went to the website Mary had given to me. I giggled when I saw the question. It was't that hard. I wrote the answer and then filled in som infomation about myself. Now I just have to wait and see. Before I went to class I checked my email. Nothing, as usual. The rest of the schoolday went fine, since I didn't had anymore classes with Amanda.
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