Categories > Original > Fantasy > Agent Angel

Chapter 5 Shadows

by Nessrox444 0 reviews

Zero is fighting Ten, with bad results. Ten seems to be a step ahead of everything and to make things worse, Ten has a special ability that puts Zero at a huge disadvantage. Zero vs. Ten

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-03 - Updated: 2007-04-04 - 1393 words

Disclaimer: I created all these characters, the plot, the setting, the story, everything about this story short of the English language was created by me. Never use this story/idea and
claim it as your own. Enjoy!


Chapter 5


"Well I guess it's my turn then..." Ten said deactivating the barrier and stepping in. "Well then shall we begin? It's fair to warn you that I'm different than the other three, the first two were weak and skeleton here was filled with rage which clouded his judgment. I am neither, I won't lose like they did." he said putting the dark candle on the floor and blowing it out, revealing his true form.

His body was that of an angel's. The difference is his wings were gone, no doubt folded into his body. He had tan skin and wore a dark green cape which concealed his body. His hair was jet black with a small strain of silver down the middle. His eyes were a dull red.

"Are you another exiled angel?" Zero asked.

"I am not. I am a run away demi-angel, I just folded in my wings for close quarters combat." Ten said. "Your name... Zero? Is that because..." he stopped looking at Zero's changed expression. "I see, so you're like me, your expression tells it all. I'm sure you haven't told those three but I guess it doesn't matter. Anyway enough talking, let's get this over with." He said dropping the cape to the ground revealing multiple sheathed swords around his body. Ten smiled, his teeth were pointed like that of a sharks. He unsheathed two of the swords, held one in each hand and charged at Zero.

"Wait, did he just say something about Zero's name?" Zan asked AoG and Gin.

"Yeah, why? Don't you know why she calls herself Zero?" Gin asked.

"No, she wouldn't tell me at all." Zan said saddned.

"Stop talking, just watch." AoG said in a low, harsh voice.

Zero materialized the staff of energy and defended as the swords came down. She spun around and caught Ten off balance with a crack to the head. She hit him again in the chest but before she could hit him again he jumped back. He threw a sword at her.

"You're going to have to try better than that." She said confidently. She jumped well out of the way of the sword, but then the unthinkable happened. The sword split into a cluster of about fifteen kunai knives. Three of the knives hit Zero in her left arm.

"You were saying? I told you I'm not like them. The thing is Denver is stronger than me, but I'm so much smarter than him it doesn't matter. If you want you can give up now and the seal can just take your life." Ten said with a shark toothed smile and a menacing look in his eyes.

"Not a chance." Zero said with determination. Damn, he's already got hits on me and nearly disabled my left arm and he hasn't even shown off his special power. She ran at Ten who had already unsheathed another sword. He threw two swords at her unsheathed two more swords and charged at her. "This time it won't work in your favor." She said. The swords turned into kunai but Zero was ready. She put her staff in front of her and moved her arms to enlarge the staff, spreading it thin and creating a makeshift barrier. The kunai all stuck to the barrier. Zero pulled the barrier back behind her ear and quickly threw it in front of her. The kunai all flew at the oncoming Ten. Got him now. she thought.

"It won't be that easy." Ten said with his shark smile and devious eyes, not changing expression. The oncoming kunai transformed back into two swords. In one motion Ten stabbed his swords into the ground, caught the two swords coming at him, sheathed them and took the swords out of the ground again. "I'm a genius, and that's not the first time that's ever happened to me." He chuckled. They charged at each other and when they were in range they exchanged blows. His swords hit her staff. She stepped back and swung her staff after narrowly evading his swords. She missed him but it caused him to retreat several feet. He threw four swords at her which transformed into fifteen kunai each. Zero charged towards them.

What the hell is she thinking? Is she suicidal? both Gin and Zan thought. AoG was apathetic and didn't really seem to care about what was happening. Just when Zero was in within a few seconds of being hit she jumped high into the air and turned her staff into a hammer.

I knew she was thinking of doing something but I didn't know what, I wasn't expected this. Ten thought in amazement. He jumped back as the hammer hit the ground where he stood moments before. But he didn't expect what was going to happen next. Zero emerge from the smoke charging at Ten with her staff form out. She quickly turned the staff into a hammer and hit him upwards with as much force as she could muster. He went flying through the air, blood gushing out of his chest. He hit the barrier and fell to the ground.

"Not yet!" She said yelling as she unfolded her wings and flew into the air. "Death ball!" She yelled as she quickly produced a round ball and fired it at the area where Ten fell. The ball traveled at a high velocity and collided with the area, creating a large explosion.

"You think that would kill me?" He asked. She darted down, avoiding his sword.

How did he get behind me? Was he really that fast? Or does he know how to teleport?" Were some of the thing going through Zero's mind as she touched down in the small crater on the other side of the arena.

"You're wondering about how I got behind you? I guess it's time to reveal my special ability. Shadow! Show yourself!" he said landing by the large field of kunai. A shadow came from the crater Zero was in and touched her back, burning her back. She jumped out of the way, into the light hoping the shadow couldn't go into the light. She's blindly running into the light, it's a shame that won't do anything for her. Soon I will end this, and I can do it with these. He thought transforming the kunai into four swords. He lifted them up and threw three of them to the edges of the arena. "Now it's time to end this. My shadow can burn your body if you didn't figure that out already. But he can also blend into all the darkness around us. You see how little light there is in here? That's going to be your demise." He said resuming his shark-like smile and devious eyes.

"Yeah but there are patches of light everywhere, your shadow can't enter the light." Zero said knowing that Ten would find a way around it.

"So true, here's my solution to that." He said. He quickly kicked the shadow candle at her and the shadow jumped and lit it on fire, enveloping the area in shadow. Zero jumped out of the way as best she could, getting her right arm and foot burned in the process. She hit the ground, rolled and stopped in the only sliver of light there was left.

Shit, he pinned me in this small fragment of light on purpose, what's he planning? She thought. Ten took his time going over to all the swords and threw them all to the edges of the arena. In the end there was an octagon shape of swords placed in the ground. Ten smiled again.

"Shadow why not move the candle now? We were right, she was too afraid to move from the light. Now three of her limbs are injured and the stage is set. Time to end this!" he yelled. Just then the candle moved, and the light disappeared. It was then that Zero knew that she couldn't beat Ten.

To be continued...


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