Categories > Original > Fantasy > Agent Angel

Chapter 4: Skeleton's Rage

by Nessrox444 0 reviews

Zan's battle continues. Denver proves to be faster and stronger than Zan and throughly beats him. How will Zan defeat him in such a weakend state? Zan vs Denver.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-03-07 - Updated: 2007-03-07 - 1224 words

Disclaimer: I created all these characters, the plot, the setting, the story, everything about this story short of the English language was created by me. Never use this story/idea and
claim it as your own. Enjoy!


Chapter 4
Skeleton's Rage


"Heheheh Hahahahahah" Zan heard the man laughing! "You must have thought I was another rouge agent of the angels by my appearance, fool. You can't beat me so easily, this battle's just getting started." Zan saw red eyes penetrating through the smoke, he knew that this was in fact, going to be a long battle...

As the smoke cleared Zan saw his opponent. No longer did he have the hair, skin, or eyes of the man he attacked earlier. All that stood before him was a skeleton; inside the skeleton's rib cage were various pumping organs. The skeleton looked down at his body.

"You little shit, you vaporized my skin." The skeleton said in rage. "That skin took me forever to make!" he yelled. His eyes began to glow a brighter red for short moment. His organs began falling out of his exposed rib cage. As the organs hit the floor they started to melt, liquefy. The seal deactivated and a gem over the door started to glow red, a sign that the battle was over. "Damnit, my heart liquefied so it registered me as dead...." The door opened and the next opponent came in, he was carrying a blue flame that obscured his face from view.

"That man has a dark candle." Gin said "but why...?"

"My battle isn't over yet Ten, go back into the main room." The skeleton told him.

"I see, well then, I see you show your true form. However, you can't activate the seal without your heart sensor. So it looked like I'm here to stay Denver." He said. The only part of this man that was visible was the black robe he wore. His feet, hands, and face were not visible because of the dark candle.

"Then activate the seal with your sensor, it's not like I'm going to lose." She said. Ten walked up and activating the seal.

"There, you can have your fight now, if you lose though, we have a problem." Ten told him.

"I won't" Denver responded. "Time to die now, angel agent!" Denver yelled. He stepped forward, firmly planting his foot. He threw a right, punched left down, and managed to hit Zan in the sight of the head with a right. The force of the punch sent Zan into the barrier. Zan recovered to see Denver, having closed the distance between them, about to punch a hole in him. Zan ducked and uppercut Denver. Denver fell to the ground, but recovered instantly and got up "That was pointless, my body is harder than your fists. You busted your hand up just hitting me." Denver said with a skeleton-like smile.

"Damnit..." was all Zan could say. Shit, he's stronger and faster than me. He also seems indestructible. I only have one more energy shot, so how am I going to hurt him...? Zan thought.

Denver charged at Zan, Zan jumped in the air but Denver predicted that he would do that and jumped in the air as well. He kicked Zan square in the chest. A small amount of blood shot out of Zan's mouth as he collided with the rock hard barrier again. He slumped against the barrier and Denver got close to him and hit him in the chest. He repeatedly battered him in the chest and stomach. Zan was starting to lose feeling all over his body as blood leaked out of his mouth.

"Zan!" Zero yelled.

"This isn't good." Gin said drawing his sword and pointing it at the barrier.

"If you try to break the barrier, I will kill you." Ten said appearing suddenly.

"This will finish it." Denver said, bringing his hand back to punch through him. He punched but Zan got out of the way just in time, but collapsed on the floor. "Fine, then I'll just cut off your air, you angel's need air after all." He said holding Zan in the air and squeezing his neck. Zan grabbed Denver's right hand, the one that was strangling him. "It won't do any good to resist, like I said, I'm stronger and faster than you are." He said, smiling as best he could. Then Zan did something that stopped his smiling. He placed his foot on his ribs and pushed, while he pulled at the arm that was strangling him. He ripped the arm clean off of him. Denver was shocked, so were Gin and Zero.

"You... YOU BASTARD!" Denver yelled out.

"Heheh." Zan said getting up as best he could. "I figured you couldn't use your limbs if I ripped them off, now I've evened the playing field." He said, still bleeding. Denver ran at Zan at incredible speed. He punched right with his left arm, barely missing Zan. Then he twisted his body left to hit with the right arm that wasn't there. Denver caught his mistake too late and Zan grabbed his left leg. He started spinning him around, and slamming him against the barrier every time he spun the full 360. After hitting him against it about 6 times he started to weaken and released him. He flew to the other side of the arena and hit the floor with a dull thud. "See, I saw the way you fight, you always twist your body and hit with your arms." He said, half-slumping against the barrier.

"Incredible, he was able to make a small come-back." Gin said. "Let's just hope he can keep it up." Gin sheathed his sword.

"You... BASTARD!" Denver got up and ran, but his leg snapped beneath him. So he crawled at him. He even crawled quickly.

"This battle is over." AoG told them.

"How so? Denver looks like he still has enough strength to kill Zan." Gin said.

"It's true, Denver does have more than enough strength to kill your friend. This battle could go either way, but Denver is too angry. He recklessly charged at your friend when he could have re-attached his leg first." Ten told them.

Denver heard them and decided to turn around. It was too late, Zan opened his wings flew and landed folded his wings, elbowing Denver in the back and causing his own elbow to bleed. "You made two mistakes, your rage made you forget about your missing limbs, and apparently you forgot to attach your leg." Zan ripped off Denvers head and threw it at the barrier. The red eyes stopped glowing.

"Well I guess it's my turn then..." Ten said deactivating the barrier and stepping in. "Well then shall we begin? It's fair to warn you that I'm different than the other three, the first two were weak and skeleton here was filled with rage which clouded his judgment. I am neither, I won't lose like they did." he said putting the dark candle on the floor and blowing it out, revealing his true form

To be continued...


Thanks for reading, the truth is I'm going to try to upload another chapter tonight so be sure not to miss it. Also be sure to check out my other stories (I'm not going to list them here, look it up!).
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