Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Make My Heart Burn & My Mouth Foam


by haleyxhomicide 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-04 - Updated: 2007-04-04 - 896 words

Chapter 4.

We had ordered Sushi, by my demand of course, because I mean, hello, I'm the king of sushi. Apparently, Bucky HATED sushi, and decided to pitch a fit by grabbing ahold of my glasses and running around with them, threatening to throw them down the bus toilet. Luckily, I bargained with him, by offering to order him seseme chicken instead. He was pretty much happy about that.
Bob was however, crushed when told by Bucky, that he too had to eat seseme chicken, when he adored sushi and would have much rather had that.
But, not wanting to piss off his little 'friend' he ate the chicken instead.

So, we're all sitting in the tourbus, eating our sushi, or in Bucky and poor old Bob's case, seseme chicken. No one said a word, only the slight tap of wooden chopsticks filled the room.
Bucky looked up from his chicken and eyed us all suspiciously; but we all pretended not to notice, and continued to suck down piece after piece of sushi.

Bucky scoffed and threw his empty plate across the room, sticking his nose up in the air, he grabbed ahold of Bob's plate and tossed it alongside his plate.
"Come on Bob, let's go watch princess Barbie Ponies." He grabbed ahold of Bob's hand and forced him to his feet.
"But, Bucky, I wasn't done eating." Bob said, lowering his head and mumbling his words quietly, making sure not to upset Bucky.

But, Bucky, being the tempermently phsyco he is, got red with rage, "No, Bob, you want to watch Princess Barbie Ponies, don't you?"

Bob shook his head and followed a now smoking Bucky out the door, shuting it quietly behind him.
Everyone continued to eat, but I just sighed and threw my chopsticks onto the table, "Dosn't anyone see something wrong here?"
Everyone looked at me like I was a giant green bug, "We don't talk about things like that Mikey, now eat your sushi." Gerard said, eyes wide with paranoia and a hushed voice, as if Bucky could hear him.

"No, I won't be silent anymore!! This had to stop!! Bucky, has to go." Frank dropped his chopsticks, mouth agape.
Gerard froze with his sushi to his lips, eyes as wide as dinner plates.
Brian dropped everything onto his plate and burried his head in his hands.
And Ray just continued to eat, he has never been the same since Bucky tore out his hair. Poor guy.

"Well?!?!?!?!??!?!?!" I said, getting frustrated and pretty much disgusted with their fear of some little, stupid, insignificant racoon.
"Mikey, listen, I know you love Bob, we all do." Brian gestured around the room, "But, he's too far in. We're nothing against Bucky, I mean, look what he did to Ray."
Brian pointed to a quiet Ray, who was poking at his sushi, and running his hand over his now bald head, mumbling about french fries and Barney. He had pretty much lost his sanity when he lost the rest of this hair.

I sighed and turned my attention back to Brian, "But, Bucky has it out for the rest of us!! He's already threatend Frank!"
Frank nodded and pouted out his lips like a little kid, "Yeah, twice. He said, that if I hadn't grown at least an inch by the end of the week, he was breaking my legs."
"You see Brian, that's only two days away, what's Frank gonna do with two broken legs?"

Gerard nodded, "He's right Brian, we have to do something."
"No!! I won't have Bucky hurting anyone else!! " Brian said, trying to hold back the tears forming in his eyes. Such an emotional man, my god.
"But Brian!! That's what he's gonna do if we don't act now!! No matter what we do, somone, is going to get hurt, but maybe, just maybe, if we act now, we can save a few more, so we don't all end up like Ray."

We all turned out attention to Ray again, who was now talking to his fingers, petting them lovingly and telling them how much he missed his momma's fried chicken back in Georgia.
Simultanous sighs went around the table, and silence filled the air.
"Well, we have to think of something." Gerard said, picking up his chopsticks again and shoving another piece of cucumber and tuna sushi into his mouth.
Brian rolled his eyes and ran into the bathroom, crying dramatically loud, so we could hear him.
Frank rolled his eyes and propped his chin in his hands.
Two days had passed and no one had thought of anything, and today was the day that Frank was to be measured by Bucky.
Frank pased the tourbus 'livingroom' nervously awaiting Bucky's arrival for measurment.
"I don't think I've grown any Mikey, what am I going to do??" He asked me, biting his nails.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Of course you havn't grown Frank, you're a grown man for fuck's sake!!"
The tour bus banged open, turning mine and Frank's attention towards Bucky, who was sitting on Bob's shoulder, holding a measuring tape.
"Hey, short shit! Ya' ready?" Bucky said, jumping off Bob's shoulder and pushing up the sleaves of his ugly blue sweater and stubbing out his cigarette in Bob's offered hand.

Frank gulped loudly and nodded, absolutely terrified.

Ahahahahahha, poor Ray. Rate and Review? I'm hungry.
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