Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Hate You, Gorgeous.
I Hate You, Gorgeous.
(#) GwenMerlon 2007-04-06
AHHHH! These two make me soooo frustrated! (In a good way, because obviously, I keep reading.) They clearly need to just sit down and talk. Oh well, come up with another chapter asap! You have me on the edge of my seat my dear!I Hate You, Gorgeous.
(#) angel_angy 2007-04-06
nyeh, right now write more.
immediately por favor.
I just read this entire story, and I like it...necesito más.I Hate You, Gorgeous.
(#) fobgal1 2007-04-06
God things just keep getting worse. They need to get back together. Update soon.
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