Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Perfect

Chapter 011

by pengz 0 reviews

Warped Tour, baby!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-04-06 - Updated: 2007-04-06 - 1760 words

Thanks to everyone who read/reviewed last chapter. I hope this one is little more up to par compared to the last one.

Perfect 011

[Play], Andie

"So your dad doesn't know you're going on tour?" Atiana inquired with widened eyes.

"Nope. Dad, Jamia, Frankie... none of them know about it." I threw some more clothing into my suitcase as Atiana giggled.

"Ohh... rebel, rebel, eh?"

[Pause], Andie

Okay just so we're clear about everything, I'm going on Warped this summer with Aiden and Atiana. The only thing is, you know how I wasn't allowed to go to Grandma Elena's funeral even when I asked for permission? Well, I decided that, since asking didn't do any good, I'd make my own decisions and not give a damn about those stupid safety precautions for hazards that never come about. You see, I'm turning twenty-one in six months, seven years ago I never had to ask permission from my father for anything. Then at nineteen my family history came to confront me and all of a sudden I'm moved across the country and away from all the things and people I'd grown to love. Worse than that, I'm treated like a freakin' kid who can't do anything on her own and always needs permission to get on a fucking plane. I mean, give me a break! I mean, I know that there's people who want to kill me, but c'mon, if they haven't found me in a year and a half, they must not be really looking, right?

Anyway, back to my point; I'm going on this tour and Jamia being on it too (inevitably finding about my will to traipse about the country for the summer) is not going to stop me. She can definitely try, but that's if she can cope with the shock of my surprise of me being there in the flesh. I know there's going to be a problem about my decision sooner or later and that Jamia might call my dad about it, but hell, I'm an adult and I'll do as I damn well please.

[Play], Andie

"I think that's it. You ready to rumble Warped, Ati?"

"Let me think about that one..." She grinned as she smoothed out one of her dressed-down outfits of a Bauhaus shirt and a pair of monochromatic printed shorts. "Fuck yessssssss!" With that she bolted out of my room like the ball of energy she was.

Following her down the stairs, she slid down the bannister and into Nick's arms. I saw Will was waiting for me to do the same, his arms held up ready to catch me. When I didn't slide and reached the foot of the stairs by foot instead, he pulled a mock-frown. "Party pooper," he grumbled as he wrapped an arm around me.

"No, my fat ass would have killed you on impact. I was looking out for you," I replied before kissing him.

[Pause], Atiana

Did you see that? Did you see that? HAHAHAHA! Yeah, they're together now. It happened about two months ago when the band came back home in mid-march. So Will, he swings by her house and woos her with some cute stuff from the European tour they just came back from. Andie later told me that the things that Will said, about how much he wanted to be a more intimate part of her life, made her realize that her past should get over itself and that she should live in the shadow of her ugly-ended then sudden meeting with Mikey. I dunno about you but I think they make an amazing couple. Almost as amazing as me and Nick.

[Fast-Forward], Atiana

So after loading up the bus we drove all the way over to Ohio, the starting point of all this madness that is Warped Tour. There we have to check in and get badges for all the band members, crew, and whatnot. Andie looks all jittery now at the prospect of seeing her cousin Jamia again. I don't know what she has to be afraid of. How much reprimanding can a 20-year-old woman get for wanting to have fun?

[Play], General P.O.V.

Jamia paced back and forth in the small recording space in the back of My Chem's bus. She tried to put together her thoughts properly and without yelling. But it didn't work. The stress of knowing that Andie was in plain sight just made her--

"How could you be so careless, so stupid?!" Jamia bellowed in Andie's face. "You don't understand anything. All you want to do is have fun. Well, news flash Andie, you can't execute your plan here on tour. Do you know how much trouble I'm going to be in if your father finds out? Do you even think about the other people you're putting in danger because of your childish actions? Do you?"

Andie's face had twisted into an irate one. "You think you're the only one with a burden don't you? You don't think for one second that I'm a human being like you? That I want to be out and about and be with my boyfriend while he's on tour. Of all people I thought you'd understand."

"I understand more than you think I do. I know full well that Bill--


"--Whomever! I know that your boyfriend means a lot to you. But if he meant so much to you, why haven't you told him what you're really all about?" Jamia raised an eyebrow, in a challenge.

"Because I'm not supposed to!"

"Then, if you know so well what you're supposed to and not supposed to do, why the hell did you decide to come out here?"

Before Andie could respond, the door opened to reveal Frank. "Jamia, who are you talking to---ANDIE!" In an instant, Frank had Andie in a monster hug as he screamed about how much he had missed her. "You're here, you're really here! Oh my God You should have called us about it!"

"I know, I know. But, I wanted to surprise everyone." Andie supplied with a grin as they separated.

"And surprise you did. Mission accomplished, Andie. Now you're going straight back to Seattle." Jamia said resolutely.

"What are you talking about? Ah-oh." Frankie's expression changed from bemused to enlightened to saddened. "Jamia, don't be a party pooper. Let the gal have some fun. I mean , she's been in hiding for over a year. Cut her some slack."

"Slack is what's going to be the murder of her." Jamia replied without pause.

"Run along, young one, I shall battle the fierce dragon, be she the murder of me," Frank said to Andie out of the corner of his lip-ringed mouth. And Andie did not need telling twice, she was out of there just as Jamia began to breathe fire on her boyfriend.

As soon as Andie stepped off the bus, two very familiar faces greeted her. Well, more like a face and bush of hair. "Whaaaaaat?! You little rascal!" Bob whooped as he squeezed the life out of Andie. Ray simply ruffled her hair. After a few minutes of playing catch-up with Ray and Bob, they kindly pointed Andie in the helpful direction of where Mikey or Gerard would be.

"So what do think is gonna happen between them?" Ray asked of Bob as they watched Andie walk away.

"Mikey and Andie?"

"Yeah, yanno, especially now that she has a new boyfriend."

Bob scratch his chin in thought before replying, "They're bound to meet sometime soon." He gave a sideways glance at Ray.

The thing is, "sometime soon" is right about now.

[Play], Andie

"Andie!" (Will)

"Mikey!" (Andie)

"Andie?" (Gerard)

"Gerard!" (Andie)

"Mikey!" (Gerard)

"Andie!" (Mikey)

[Pause], Andie

We had a Rocky Horror moment, didn't we? How cliche.

[Play], Gen. P.O.V.

And a Rocky Horror moment they did have as Will spoke first upon catching sight of his girlfriend who called to her ex-boyfriend (unbeknownst to Will). Gerard, who's brother was temporarily deaf from a foghorn blasted by a passing Bert McCraken, exclaimed at seeing Andie who greeted him all the same. Back, then, to Gerard who smacked his brother and yelled louder who, in turn, came about to gaze and shout in surprise at his ex-girlfriend (Will still in the dark about that). Then, an awkward silence took place until Andie spoke up.

[Play], Andie

"Okay, awkward moment. Umm..." I couldn't think of anything to say. All this time I was preparing to face off with Jamia, which I did for a total of five minutes, I forgot about this. What with Will being a fan of their band and I never having said anything about being personal friends with them... this was going to be a sugar sticky piece of--

"So, wow, Gerard Way. It's great to finally meet you," Will said evenly. I could tell that, beneath his reserved manliness, he was nearly pissing himself at meeting Gee. "I'm a fan of your work."

"Thanks. I heard some of your stuff after reading an article tearing at your band. It's far from AFI, seriously, it's all you own sound," Gerard complimented him back earnestly. I just started breathing properly at the prospect of this whole thing going off without a hitch. That was before Will opened his goddamned mouth.

"My girlfriend, Andie, is a fan of you guys as well,"he said, slipping his arm around my shoulders.

[Pause], Andie

I fucking hate myself. I should've told Will about this before now...

[Play], Gerard

A confusion dance began in my head as I looked from Andie to Will to Mikey. "Um. Andie--"

"Andie, she almost got me!" Frank, out of nowhere, leeched at Andie's elbow dramatically. "But it's okay, bestie, you shall nurse me back to health."

The look of panic running along Andie's features made it evident, at least to me, that she was hiding her New Jersey life from Will. Being the good friend I am I swooped in to smooth things over. "Yanno Frank, there's a Starbuck's around the corner from here, let's get a cup before we don't have time to." With that I draggerd him away, hoping the situation would get better with a smaller group.

[Play], Andie

"Apparently there's no better way to say this but," I began bracingly, "Will, this is Mikey. He and I used to date when I lived in Jersey. "


Lemme tell you all one thing, never hire Andie to be your wedding planner. She sucks a timing and planning.

New chapter soon!

06 April 2007//1218am
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