Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Sable and ivory


by Marilena 1 review

Chapter 3!

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Vincent Valentine, Yuffie Kisaragi - Published: 2007-04-06 - Updated: 2007-04-06 - 1785 words

Chapter 3



'Routine. Dear old routine,' Tifa thought, irritated, as she picked up Barret's empty plate along with Yuffie's almost polished one.

Dinner was over and all she had left now was a table practically made of leftovers and dirty utensils. The bar was a mess. She should blame Cid for that. And not only did the place look like it was hit by a ShinRa bomb, she also felt the usual melancholy of the hostess, displayed when everyone leaves after a feast.

'Why couldn't they have stayed at Barret's place? Nooo, they wanted dinner! Now I'm tired and depressed at no reason. Damn Yuffie and her hole of a stomach...'

She slammed the pile of plates on the sink and turned the switch of the faucet to the red sign. The warm running water soon became hot and she yanked her hands immediately away. She cursed under her breath and failed to notice the presence behind her, until two arms wrapped around her abdomen and she was pulled in a gentle embrace.

Cloud rested his chin on her shoulder.

"What's the matter, Tif?"

Tifa relaxed a little.

"Nothing important. I guess I don't want to lose contact with them again, what with everyone taking his own, separated way now and the fact that each passing year makes it harder for us to gather as we used to..." She exhaled noisily.

"Mm-hm. But this time we have an extra reason to keep a close eye on them, don't you think?"

Tifa turned to face him and looked at him curiously. The blond man grinned mischievously.

"Oh, that expression on your face is never a good sign! What do you m- aaaah..." Her eyes widened in realization before she mirrored Cloud's expression.

"Do you think they'll be alright?" she asked.

"We'll know in 24 hours. If she doesn't make him shoot her and if he doesn't make her jump off the railing from lack of conversation, they'll do fine. We might even have unexpected results-"

"Like Yuffie and Vincent becoming friends? Humph! Since when did you become a sociologist?!"

Cloud shook his head and wore a Sphinx grin. "I never said they'd become friends! I'm simply guessing-"

"Oh, are you now?" She pinched his nose playfully and he winced half-heartedly.

"Hmm... I'll help you clean these dishes and then perhaps..." he finished the presentation of his plans in a whisper in her ear.

Tifa nodded vigorously. Things weren't bad after all.

For her.

'I won't kill him, I won't kill him, no, I won't. My name is Yuffie Kisaragi, I am the princess of Wutai and a kick-ass ninja; I have enough self-restraint to stop myself from grabbing that glorious mane of hair and banging his head on the elevator door,' the girl stomped her foot on the floor as a small 'whoosh' sound signaled the elevator's ascent.

Vincent was standing in the other corner, still and silent as a statue, just like he had been for the last half-hour, ever since they'd left the others. He cast a semi-interested look at the ninja's sounds of frustration.

Then, he resumed his usual apathy.

Yuffie sighed again.

'Is staying with him going to be like that? Ow, I think one of us is will be dead from the other's hand within a week. If I can make it that long...'

The elevator stopped and Vincent was the first to get out. Without giving it a thought, he held the door open for the girl to come out. Not that it was anything really special; just a reminder that he really was from another time.

Yuffie hurriedly got out. She couldn't help but be impressed at his unexpected gesture.

This probably showed on her face.

"Is something wrong?" he asked mildly, while taking the key out of the pocket of his leather uniform. It was never easy to say whether his tone was that because he was uninterested or it was just his nature.

It sure annoyed Yuffie.

"No," she answered grudgingly.

They entered the room and she immediately threw the bad with her belongings -weapons and just a few clothes- on the couch.

Vincent closed the door and strolled lazily to the kitchen.

"Are you sure?" his voice came from the kitchen, flat and smooth as always.

"You have a nice apartment."

"Thank you. Now, to the question I asked you," he said, emerging from the kitchen with a mug on his hand and his cloak folded neatly on his other arm. He didn't cast a single glance at her and he moved to the bedroom. With his enhanced hearing however, he could hear her even from there. Another one of Hojo's little gifts.

"Well, actually, I was thinking that you'll drive me insane with your silence and I'll become a lunatic ninja, walking around in a trance and mumbling for all eternity," she snapped.


Yuffie knew she was being harsh. After all, he had agreed to let her stay with him. She should be at least a little grateful. When he didn't respond immediately, Yuffie started to ponder her words. Had she insulted him? She didn't know him that well to be able to tell.

Deciding she should apologize, she got up from the armchair she had been sitting and walked to the bedroom. She peered inside from the corner.

There was nobody inside.

'What the-'

She tentatively got inside the small room. The bed looked comfortable and the windows' drapes were indeed shut. Yuffie was too preoccupied in her attempt to find him in order to remember her plan to open every window in his house.

It was then, however, that she noticed another door in the room.



"What are you doing in there?" she asked through the closed door.

Then, before she could take a step back, the door opened and Vincent came out.

"I'm changing. I don't sleep in a leather uniform," he replied as he finished putting on a black shirt.

He had stepped out during the process of wearing that shirt and Yuffie couldn't help but stare. Her eyes wandered over what she had the time to see and she was very excited by what was under Vincent's attire. Smooth, pale skin that was toned by strong but subtle muscle. He was thin but also very... masculine.

Yuffie could feel her face warming up again.

She fought to cover it by talking.

"So, sorry for what I said before, I know I was unfair. And thank you for agreeing to put up with me. I know that sometimes I really annoy you and the others..." the tiny ninja said quickly.

Vincent shook his head.

"It's quite alright. Now..." he started showing her around the various facilities; the fridge, the cupboards, the bathroom she'd use and finally, the reached the subject of sleeping arrangements.

"Tomorrow we'll get a divan. For tonight, you can take the bed."

Yuffie fidgeted with her short hair, a wave of guilt washing over her. "I'm intruding, I know I am! I shouldn't take over your bed too! You should sleep on the bed. I'll be alright!"

Vincent started to unfold his crimson bandana. In his head a thought passed as fast as an arrow. 'No, you won't.'

Had she realized that what she was trying to say came out with an entirely different meaning? Apparently not. He was feeling strange around the girl, as if she could dull his pain for a while and his feelings were more human and normal again. He would feel the urge to tease her; an urge he hadn't felt for a long time.

And tease her he would.

He fought to keep his eyes unfathomable.

"Are you suggesting something?" he said in a darker tone than usual and turned his red gaze on the girl, whose jaw suddenly dropped just a little bit.

"N-no, I didn't mean- I was trying to say that I should sleep on the couch..." she stammered.

"Hm. I see... But, since you are the guest tonight, I will have the couch and you will have the bed." He neatly folded the headband and put it on a chair.

Yuffie nodded. It would be a while before she'd forget what a fool of herself she had made that night. She stole a glance at the taller man's long, messy hair. He looked different without the uniform, cloak and bandana. He looked... nice.

Alright, alright, he looked great.

"Fresh sheets are over there. Goodnight, Yuffie. Sleep well."

With a small smirk, so small it almost wasn't there, he turned his back on her and left.

She could hear him preparing the couch.

Yuffie pondered whether she should change the sheets. The more mature part of herself told her that she should. Yet, the little girl that was also part of Yuffie Kisaragi disagreed. There was something incredibly alluring in the thought of sleeping in a bed that still kept Vincent's scent. But, then again, perhaps... An idea popped to her mind.

She changed the sheets of the mattress but she kept the pillow as it was.

'There. Perfect,' she thought satisfied. Except that she didn't know where to put the old sheets.

'The washing machine. Where is the washing machine?' she wondered. She didn't want to disturb Vincent.

"I forgot to tell you that the washing machine is in my bathroom," came a low voice from the doorway, causing Yuffie to spun on her heal.

Vincent was leaning against the door, his arms folded in front of him.

"You scared the hell out of me!" she chocked.

"Really? I thought you were a ninja... Give me these, I'll take them."

"I am a ninja-"

"Is that all?" he asked, a curious gleam entering his eyes.


"The sheets..."

"Ah, yeah. That's all," she said, hoping he wouldn't notice what was missing.

"Okay," was his reply, before leaving.

Yuffie felt relieved. Only...

He paused and added as an afterthought, "Although, I would have sworn that last night I had a pillow case..."

And this time he shrugged and really left.

Yuffie didn't see his small grin or couldn't have known that his dreams that night were, for once, free of demons and memories. All she knew was that she was very embarrassed and hoped that the 'pillow case' operation was worth the trouble.

Only when she had hugged said pillow and buried her face in the soft material did she admit to herself that the faint scent of bitter almond and something she couldn't quite place was certainly worth it.

Her last thought before finally giving in to sleep was, 'Judging by tonight, tomorrow will be one hell of day...'

And she was looking forward to it.
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