Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Hate You, Gorgeous.
I Hate You, Gorgeous.
(#) Danishgirl9 2007-04-06
Is it really?
Cause I'm willing to bet
My last album that she's wishing she was kissing me.
That is probably what Rachale is thinking right now, and I bet she will cause problems, right? or maybe I'm just asuming and well I guess it's true what they say about asuming, you know... not to :)
Well me asuming or not, this was great
LauraI Hate You, Gorgeous.
(#) GwenMerlon 2007-04-06
So, for this happiness, I'm reviewing and I even dropped a point because I'm SOOOOOOOO glad they're back together. (Yes, I KNOW they aren't real, but they just seem so!) Update again soon, dearie!!!
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