Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected


by joey001 1 review

Anna is working as a tour manager for her brothers band. How will she react with being around four different bands of all guys for four months? Will more then friendship grow from this tour? (rat...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 358 words

Not What You Expected

Here is my disclaimer (and it is going to go for the whole story). I do not own any members of My Chemical Romance. This is a purely fictional story. So don't sue me. I have nothing but a bunch of debt from this thing called college.


Anna Marie Sawyer
Age: 25
Occupation: Tour manager for "Facing the Unknown", which is her 21 year old brother's band.
Look: She has shoulder length hair that is cut with shorter layers on top and longer layers on bottom and her bangs sweep over her left eye. It is brown with red streaks throughout the hair and blond streaks in her bangs. She is an average size girl (not fat or skinny) and stands at 5'4". Her style usually consists of wearing jeans and band tee with a white studded belt and her very old beat up black converse. She also has 5 tattoos of stars randomly on her body and her lip and nose are pierced.
Interesting bits of information: She graduated from Northwestern with a master's degree in college student development. She is dating a guy named Nathan, but most of the time feels like she puts more into the relationship then she gets out of it. She is also very close to her brother (even though they are 4 years apart in age they are told they look a lot like twins).

Michael Andrew Sawyer
Age: 21
Occupation: Drummer for the band "Facing the Unknown"
Look: Long shaggy brown hair with bright red streaks through the front. Very skinny and stands at about 5'8". His style usually consists of wearing jeans (not girl jeans) and a tee with black and red high top converse. He has a tattoo of a cross on his left forearm and his lip is pierced.
Interesting bits of information: Has been in multiple bands in the past. Really likes indie music but won't admit it to anyone. He is very close to his sister, Kiera. Hates his sisters boyfriend, but won't tell her.

Other members of "Facing the Unknown"
Lead vocals: Jordan Thatcher
Rhythm guitar: Steve White
Lead guitar: Anthony Mendes
Bass guitar: Derek Mitchell
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