Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

Giving Up What You Never Wanted

by joey001 5 reviews

Anna gets a phone call.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-07 - 1096 words

Giving up what was never wanted

"Flight 287 American Airlines to LA has been delayed 5 hours due to weather, sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused." I heard over the intercom at Chicago O'Hare airport. I groan thinking that this was already starting out to be a bad idea.

"Hey Anna, you ok?" I look up and see Michael, my little brother, standing there looking worried. I nod and go back to looking out the window to the rainy runway. He shrugs and walks away. He knows that I get into these moods where I am in my own little world, trying to make it all make sense.

So here's the deal. I am tour managing for Michael's band "Facing the Unknown", they are this kick ass band and I absolutely love every one of those guys. They were offered a spot on My Chemical Romances headlining tour, and of course they jumped at the opportunity. Why would they want to pass it up?

Currently we are waiting for our flight to LA, which is where the tour kicks off. I look up to see everyone on the tour scattered throughout the waiting area. A few guys are sleeping, a few talking with others, and couple of the guys have video cameras and are walking around "interviewing" random and unsuspecting people. I can tell that the next four months are going to be awesome, especially with me being the ONLY girl on the whole tour. Do we sense the sarcasm?

My thoughts were interrupted by my sidekick vibrating in my lap. I look at the caller ID, its Nathan.

Nathan and I have been together for almost 3 years. According to my brother he does not treat me the way I, or any other woman, should be treated. See, the thing is, I love him, but im not in love with him, I think im only with him because it is comfortable.

"Hey Baby!" I say hoping to hear a loving reply back.
"Hey, what are you doing?" he asks 'that wasn't loving at all' I think
"Sitting here in Chicago because my plane was delayed yet again."
"O that sucks." He reply's with a tone that says he could care less
"Yeah it does" I reply in the same tone "what are you doing?"
I hear him hesitate on the other end "What's wrong?" I ask
That is when I heard the four words that no one in a relationship wants to hear come out of his mouth. "We need to talk".
I am pretty sure my breath got caught in my throat and my heart began to slowly ache. I look up to make sure I was not drawing attention to myself and I see Bob Bryar, the drummer from My Chemical Romance, sitting across from me staring at me. As soon as I caught his eyes he looked away. I thought nothing of the interaction and reluctantly went back to my conversation with Nathan.

I then pulled out the dumb card hoping I was reading too much into it.
"We need to talk about what?" I ask almost afraid to hear him answer.
"Well, I have been thinking that we need to see other people." He says rather bluntly and with no emotion in his voice.
I held back the tears that I knew were coming, and I spoke softly "If that is what you want".
"Yeah it is" he says with a smirk in his tone.

That is when I heard it or shall I say her. In the background of the phone I heard a girl laugh and say "hang up, your done with that bitch now". I was pretty sure that I recognized the voice too. It was Amberlynn, my supposed best friend. I was freaking out on the inside. I wanted to scream and punch something so badly, but I couldn't, I needed to act as if I was not affected. I composed myself enough to say "Ok, that works for me. I have had my eye on something much better" (even though I didn't, but he didn't need to know that) "O and Nathan, tell Amberlynn I said hi." With that I hung up the phone.

I took a deep breath and that is when it started, the tears came running down my face like a waterfall. I think I would have been alright had it not been for the fact that he had been cheating on me, and with my best friend no less. I sat hunched over in my chair with my head buried in my pillow. I really did not want anyone to see me crying. I hate being so vulnerable.

A few minutes went by and I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see Bob sitting there with a comforting look in his eyes. I don't know why but I let him put his arms around me and pull me into a hug.

Besides the few minutes of introductions about 4 hours ago I had not talked to Bob. He did not know me and yet here he was showing more affection then Nathan ever showed me. 'Wait, why am I comparing him to Nathan? He is just a friend, and this is a friendly hug, Right? But why does it feel like there could be more'. Argh, I just want my thoughts to stop.

I slowly pull away from the comfort and look him in the eyes. "Man he has gorgeous eyes" I think to myself.

"Do you want to talk about it"? He asks
A bit surprised at the amount of attention he is giving me, I look away. I take a big breath and then start with the story. I knew that talking about it would make me feel better. I usually talk to Michael about things that I am upset about. But the words "I told you so" kept popping up into my head. It was also a lot easier talking about the situation with someone that did not know me.

"Wow, what an asshole" is all he says when Im done. I just nod my head in agreement.
"Well, do you wanna go grab some coffee, my treat, and we can talk about something besides the asshole"? He asks. I look at his eyes again, and they have a hopeful gleam to them. How could I say no to that?

"Yeah" I reply "I would love that".

*This is my first fic. So review your heart away. Let me know if it is worth continuing or not.
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