Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

I Can Feel It

by joey001 0 reviews

Some bad news and Franks Prediction!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-08 - 1028 words

I Can Feel It

~Bob's POV

I don't know why, but Im infatuated with Anna. She is not like most girls that come on tour. Most girls are usually trying to get with a member of the band. But Anna is the polar opposite to those other girls.

This is going to sound corny, but I feel as if I've known her forever. She is very easy to talk to. I look down at my watch and realize we have been talking for over three hours.

"You know a casual glance at your watch during a conversation usually indicates that you are bored with talking to that person" she says while laughing.
"Oh no, I wasn't... I didn't mean..." I stutter out.
"Relax, I was only joking" she says
"Haha, I was only checking the time because our plane should be leaving soon".
"Yeah, do you want to head back to the waiting area" she asks
"Yeah, but listen... I really enjoyed talking to you." I say feeling a bit foolish
"Me too" she reply's with a grin that shows in her eyes.

We walk back to the waiting area in a comfortable silence. When we walk up I hear a squeal beside me. I look over to see Anna on the floor with 3 of the members of the band on top of her. They are all laughing. Michael, who is the only one not on top of her, bends down next to her and says "Hey sis, you know we love you soooo much right"?
That is when her smile slowly faded and she pushed the other boys off of her and stands up looking Michael in the eyes.

~Anna's POV

"What happened" I ask. I could see in his eyes that something is wrong, and I have to fix it.
"Um" he backs up a bit "well see derekleftandsaidthathenotlongerwantedtobeintheband" he says really fast and backs away a bit more.
"Are you shitting me" I yell. I immediately grab my cell and call Derek and get his voicemail. I then turn to Mikey (which only I am aloud to call my brother). "What happened?"
"Well, we were all talking about the tour and different things that we want to do and he walks up and says 'hey guys ive been thinking and I don't think I want to do this anymore' and he walked away. He wouldn't even answer our questions, he just left.

"So what do you guys want to do about a bass player for this tour, do you have anyone in mind?" I ask and turn to look at the whole band standing in front of me.

Anthony gets this smirk on his face and says "yeah we have someone in mind".
"Well, who so I can call them up and see if they'll play?"
"You" Anthony says with the smirk still plastered on his face.

My mouth dropped open. "Me, Why me.... Isn't there anyone else?" Jordan (the singer) speaks up "we don't want anyone else, you know the songs by heart, you know what we want and like, and you're really good at bass."

I look around and notice everyone is staring at the situation unfolding. I take a deep breath "Ok, ill help you out... for this tour only, afterwards you find someone else." Its not that I don't want to play bass for the band, it's just that I hate being put in front of a large crowd of people. And we are playing with My Chemical Romance for Christ sake, so the crowds are bound to be massive.

"Alright, it's settled... you're playing and there is nothing you can say to get you out of it." Michael said
'It can't be that bad, can it." I say to myself.

"Now boarding American Airlines flight 287 from Chicago to LA" The announcement brought butterflies to my stomach. I knew that the next four months where going to change my life. Let's just hope that this change is a good one.

Have I mentioned I am scared to death of flying? Well, I am. We start to board the plane and I find my seat and settle in. As I sit in my seat, I put my head back and close my eyes. I try to block out everything that is going on around me. I start thinking about Bob. He is such a sweet guy. I really felt like I could open up and be myself around him. I was never that comfortable with Nathan, and we were together for three years. We talked for three hours today, about the most random things. He asked me about school, my family, my friends, what I like to do. Basically we talked about anything and everything to get my mind off of Nathan.

~Bob's POV

"Hey! Where have you been?" I look to my right and see Frank
"Having some coffee, why?"
"Just wondering, who were you with?" he asks
"What is up with and 100 questions today?"
"You know, I have no clue... do you like her?" he questions
I just stare at him for a second "Who?" If I play dumb maybe he'll go away.
"Don't play dumb with be Bob... I saw you too, and I see the way you look at each other."
"Wait, she was looking at me" I say more to myself.
"Yeah dude, so you gonna ask her out"
"Don't think so, her boyfriend just broke up with her today".
"Damn, that sucks... well it will all work out for you all. I can feel it, your like both made for each other." He says as we board the plane.

I just stare at the back of his head. He can feel that we are made for each other. I don't know what Frank is on. Let's just hope that he turns out to be right. I done lying to myself. I really like Anna.

* Hey!! Thanks for the reviews, they are a real motivator. Let me know what you think about this chapter. Im going to try to have another one up late tonight/early morn cause I have to work and will write it there.
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