Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

Sit Back and Relax

by joey001 3 reviews

Frank and Anna become friends.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-08 - Updated: 2007-04-08 - 1355 words

Sit Back and Relax

~Anna's POV

While sitting there thinking I must have dozed off, because when I opened my eyes we were in the air. I looked to my left and saw Frank sitting on his laptop playing a game. I just sat there and watched him for a few minutes. He was really concentrating, he had his tongue sticking out and his eyes were glued to the screen. After a few minutes, he looked over at me while I was studying his action and smirked.

"Morning sunshine, did you have sweet dreams?"
I laughed a bit "of course, I was dreaming of not being on a plane", but I lied I was dreaming of Bob, but I wont tell anyone that because there is no chance of anything coming of it. I feel like I have a jr. high crush on him, you know the kind that makes you get butterflies and shake anytime they talk to you, but you know it will never happen.

"You're lying to me" he said while looking me in the eye and then looking back down at his computer screen.
"What, no.... why would I lie."
"It's ok, I wont tell anyone you like Bob." He says in a whisper. My eyes widen, and my breath hitched in my throat. Frank had a smirk on his face. I sighed, was it that obvious?

"Am I that obvious?" I ask him while he continues to play his game.
"Just to me. Everyone else will be oblivious to it. I just know Bob really well. That and I can see it in your eyes."

I put my head back against the seat and close my eyes. It hasn't even been a full day and so much has already happened. This is so stressful.

"Hey Frank" I say looking over at him.
"What's up?" He asks without even taking his eyes off the computer screen.
"Please don't say anything... to anyone." I say with pleading eyes.
He looks over at me with a genuine smile. "Don't worry about it, your secret is safe with me." It was at that time that I realized Frank and I were going to be really good friends.

We landed in LA and walked to baggage claim to get all of our belongings. When everyone had gotten all of their things we pilled into three 15 passenger vans that were to take us to the hotel we were staying at tonight. I was so exhausted and wanted to take a nice long bath and curl up in bed and sleep. Tomorrow was going to be the start of a very long four months.

We pulled up to the hotel and all of the tour managers check in their specific bands. It turned out that we were all on the same floor. I shared a room with Michael, and Anthony, Jordan and Steve were in the connected room next door. When we got up to the room Michael found this as an opportunity to find out what was going on with me.

"So are you going to tell me what is wrong or am I suppose to act like I didn't see you crying earlier?" He asked while looking out the window at our view of the city.
"You saw that?" I asked
"Yeah, well I saw that Bob had you pulled into a hug, which to me seemed a bit off. So I continued to watch and when you pulled away I saw the tears. What happened?"
"Nathan cheated on me with Amberlynn... and before you say 'I told you so'... let me remind you that it hurt, it hurt a lot, and you telling me that I made a mistake by being with him will only push the knife farther in my back" I say with a shaky voice. He gave me a slight smile and walked over to hug me. "I would never say that to you. I love you." He whispered in my ear. 'Man I could not have asked for a better brother' I think to myself.

When he pulled away there was a knock at the door. Michael went over and opened it for find Frank.

"Hello gorgeous, come to dinner with us?" He said looking at me. I looked over at Michael to find him looking extremely confused.
"Um, I was going to relax and head to bed soon. Today has been a long day." I say trying to sound convincing.
"Come on, its only 7pm. You'll be back here by 9 at the latest, it will be fun, and you can get to know the rest of the guys." He whined and pleaded.
I looked over at my brother as if asking if he wanted to go. "Get out of here you crazy kids... Frank, I want her back no later then 9pm. Ill be sitting on the porch with a gun if you one minute late." Michael said with a devilish grin. I shot him a glare.
Frank then turned to me "Ok, well let's go." He said while leading me out of the door.

We went to this local restaurant down the street from the hotel. I felt extremely out of place. It was me and all of the guys from My Chem. Frank is doing this on purpose. He has a plan. I can see it when I look him in the eyes. I start walking a bit slower, because I know that Frank will start slowing down to walk with me and I want to talk to him.

"Hey, why are you walking so slowly?" he says turning around to me.
"I want to talk to you, but I don't want anyone to hear." I say in a hushed tone because we are still rather close to the other guys.
"Ok... what about?" he says looking worried. I stop walking all together.
"Frank, what is going on in that head of yours? I can see it in your eyes that you have a plan, and I want to know what it is so that I can tell you not to do it." I say with a serious face.
"Look, Im just trying to give you an opportunity to get close to Bob... I may also be giving him the opportunity to get close to you." The last part he said under his breath, but I could still hear him.
"What do you know that I don't Frank?" I ask with wide eyes.
"I may know thatbobmayhaveabitofacrushonyou." He says rushed.
"What?" I say more in disbelief then not understanding, but he repeats himself anyways.
"Bob has a crush on you. But I definitely just broke his trust by telling you that, so can we go now so I can feel like an even worse friend by having to look at him in the eye." He said upset. He was upset at the fact that he just broke a promise to a friend. A friendship that is much stronger then the one he had with me.
"Frank, im sorry, I didn't realize. You didn't have to say anything to me."
"Yeah I did. I wanted you to realize he likes you back so you can stop being so cautious around him.

My mind was racing now. Bob liked me. Oh my God, what am I going to do? I know that I shouldn't be thinking about being in a relationship with anyone due to the fact that my last one ended not even 12 hours ago, but technically that ended a long time ago, we just never wanted to admit it until now.

Frank and I walk into the restaurant and find that the guys have already gotten a table. There were two seats open both on either side of Bob. 'Well, if this wasn't planned' I state sarcastically under my breath. 'Wait, who else knows?' I think to myself. I look over at Frank and he gives me a reassuring smile. I then decided to make the most of this dinner and relax. Ill worry about killing Frank later.

*Hope you all liked the chapter. Review! Review! Review!
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