Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not What You Expected

All Smiles

by joey001 3 reviews

Bob gets the balls to do the unexpected.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-04-08 - Updated: 2007-04-09 - 1041 words

All Smiles

~Anna's POV

I was sitting at the table having a conversation with Gerard. We were talking about school, and how much different going to a four year university was different from going to art school. I think that art school would have been fun. He also pulled out a sketch pad from his bag and was showing me pictures that he has drawn. He calls them crap, but they are absolutely fantastic. I love how humble he is, it makes me laugh. But Im really glad that all these guys are really down to earth. It will make this tour a lot easier to get through.

~Bob's POV

Anna was really into her conversation with Gerard. I can't take my eyes off of her. I actually feel a bit creepy. When our food finally comes to the table I take this as an opportunity to see how she was. After the day she has had today, Im actually surprised she came out to eat.

"How you holding up?" I say to her in a hushed tone. She looks to me with a smile.
"Surprisingly I am holding up very well, thanks to you all."
"Well that's good to hear." I reply smiling at her. We both go back to eating.

When we had finished eating the tickets came to the table. As Anna reached for her wallet I grabbed her hand and told her that she was a guest, and her tab would be covered. However, she protested. "No, its fine... I can get it."
The waitress came back to the table and as Anna went to hand her the debit card I grab her hand and pull it away from the waitress and shove my card in her direction. Anna started laughing. I look at her and laugh "I told you that I was paying."

On our walk back to the hotel I finally got the chance to talk to her.
"Are you excited about playing on the tour?" I say trying to initiate some form of conversation with her.
"Yeah, but Im more nervous then anything. Ive never played on stage before."
"You'll be fine, just don't think about it while you're up there, just have fun." I say hoping that it's what she wanted to hear.

Ok, so im not usually a very out there, go get 'em type person. But I really needed to get this out. So I stop walking and grab Anna's arm to get her to stop as well. She turns to me with a confused look on her face. 'Ok back out now, you still have time." I think to myself, but for some reason I couldn't.
"What's wrong?" she asks me with a worried look on her face.
"Um, Well, I wanted to tell you something." I stutter out.
"Ok, what is it." She states with a slight smile on her face.
Ok here goes nothing. "I like you, I really like you." Oh god I can't read her expression, this was a bad idea. "I mean, I know you just got out of a relationship today, but I was wanting to know if there is any hope for us.... Basically, when you're ready do you wanna go out with me?" I say rather fast.
I still can't read her face. In a way she looks a bit confused, and then a smile slowly slides onto her face. Is that a good thing?
"I like you too Bob." She replied simply with a smirk on her face. "And I would love to go out with you when things have settled down." Oh God, she said yes! My heart is racing. I can't believe I just had the balls to actually do that.
"We should be getting back." She said to me with a sweet smile on her face. She grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together. At this point my stomach was doing flips, but we headed back to the hotel. We said goodnight and headed our separate ways.

~Anna's POV

I walked down the hall to my room. As I slipped the key in the door it flew open. Michael was standing there with an angry express on his face. "And where have you been young lady? It's nearly 11pm." The smile slowly showing on his face. I walk by him without saying a word and go to grab clothes so that I can take a bath. As I go into the bathroom I hear Michael say "Well someone's in a good mood." I just smile to myself and close the door.

~Michael POV

I really want to know what happened. She left in a bad mood and comes back on cloud nine. I walk down the hall to find Frank. He has to know something, she left with him. I knock on the door and Bob answers.

"Hey Man, what's up?" He says. He is all smiles too. What am I missing?
"Not much, is Frank here?" I ask still very confused.
"Yeah dude, come on it."
I walk in and see Frank playing an XBOX game. He pauses the game and looks up as I walk through the door.
"Hey, what's up?" He asks.
"Not much, just stopped by to see what happened tonight."
"What are you talking about?" He asks with a confused look on his face.
"Anna, she came home and is like floating around on cloud nine. She is all smiles. I just want to know what happened." As I finish we hear coughing, more like chocking over on the other side of the room. Both Frank and I look over and see Bob blushing and still coughing. "Are you alright?" Frank asks him. "Yeah" Bob reply's with a smile as he leaves the room.
"That was weird." I say
"Yeah, he has been in a really good mood since we got back too."
"Really? Weird. I wonder what happened." I say.
"Ill talk to Bob, and you talk to Anna. One of them is bound to tell us something." Frank suggests.
"Ok, Ill talk to her. Ill see you tomorrow for the show." I say as I leave the room.

*Hey guys. Hope you like it. Please Review. They make me happy!!
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