Categories > Original > Horror > The Wolfman Of Conner's Glen

chapter one

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

The People of Conner's Glen are afraid to go outside at night. Thats when the wolfman comes out and people die.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-07 - Updated: 2007-04-08 - 471 words

The woman ran through the woods sobbing in terror, she could hear the creature chasing her. She imagined she could feel it's fetid breath on the back of her neck. Her foot caught a root and she fell hard, twisting her ankle. She quickly began to crawl, than screamed as the creature lunged, sinking it's fangs into her flesh. The creature tore open her neck, sending blood spurting everywhere. The woman gurgled and died, than the only sound was the creature feasting on her torn corpse.

Quinn woke up with a start as the phone rang, he rolled over and squinted at the clock. "Who could be calling him at one am?" He thought as he fumbled for the phone. "Hello," he said groggily, "Sheriff?" The voice on the other end said, "it's Mark. There's been another killing." Wide awake now Quinn sat up, "damn" he swore, "Who?" "Mrs. Feilding" came the answer. "She didn't come home last night after work, her husband went searching for her and found her car with a flat tire. He called in help for a search, and her remains were found in the woods." Mark gulped,"she was torn up so badly she was almost unrecognizable." Quinn rubbed his eyes, "I'll be right there." He said and hung up the phone, he stood up as his wife stirred. "Who was that?" she asked, "that was Mark." Quinn answered, "there was another killing." He leaned over and kissed her, "I'll call later," He walked down the hallway and grabbed his keys from the counter. He got into the car and backed out of the driveway.

He arrived at the coroner's to find Mark waiting for him,"morning Sheriff," he greeted Quinn. Quinn nodded his head and they entered the building together. Inside they met the county coroner Dr Matthes. "Have you started the autopsy yet?" Quinn asked the coroner, Dr.Matthes shook his head,"I wanted to wait for you Sheriff. I thought you might want to see the body first." Quinn nodded and said, "lead the way Dr," he turned to Mark. "Are you coming?" Mark whitened visibly, "no thanks," he said gulping. "I saw the body once, I'd rather not again." Quinn and Dr. Matthes walked down the hall to the only autopsy room. Quinn stared at the blood soaked sheet mutely. "Sheriff are you sure you want to see the corpse?" Dr. Matthes asked and Quinn nodded his head, "I have to see this." He said, "maybe it'll give me some clues to what I'm up against." Dr. Matthes, grabbed the sheet and pulled it back. Quinn looked at the tattered body of Mrs. Feilding. "What's your analysis?" He asked Dr. Matthes, "well" the doctor said clearing his throat, "if I didn't know any better. I'd say she had been attacked by wolves."
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