Categories > Original > Horror > The Wolfman Of Conner's Glen

Chapter four

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

The People of Conner's Glen are afraid to go outside at night. Thats when the wolf man comes out and people die.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-04-09 - Updated: 2007-04-09 - 914 words

Quinn and Mark walked into the towns only library. "Hello Sheriff Long, Deputy Colsin," the librarian Mrs.Ovid greeted them,"how can I help you?" Quinn nodded his head and said "we're just here to look something up, Mrs.Ovid, thanks for the offer." Than he and Mark walked toward the computer, sitting in the seat Quinn typed in, large wolf like creature. The first thing that popped up was shape shifter. "What the hell is a shape shifter?" Mark asked confused, Quinn sat back and said quietly, "it's a werewolf." Mark looked at him in disbelief,"you mean someone who gets a little hairy when the moon is full? That kind of werewolf?" Quinn clicked on the link, "according to this thats not true. A shape shifter can change at any time. No matter if the moon is full or not." Mark peered over Quinn's shoulder, "does that say how to kill it?" Quinn starting scanning down, "there are three ways to kill a werewolf," he read. "Fire, using a silver weapon, or beating it to death with a club blessed by a priest." Mark stared at him in horror, "I say we go with the fire or the silver weapon. Theres no way in hell that I'm getting close enough to this thing to have to use a club." Quinn logged off the computer and stood up, nodding at Mrs.Ovid as they left. "We're going to end this tonight before anyone else is killed." Quinn said, "tonights the strawberry festival," Mark said as they drove out of the library parking lot. "There will be lots of things going on," Quinn nodded and said, "than we'll have to be in the middle of it."

Quinn walked through the laughing crowds, patrolling the perimeter around the woods. "Do you see anything?" He asked Mark through the walkie talkies they both carried, "nothing yet." Was Mark's reply, each of them carried two guns with silver bullet, matches, and lighter fluid in duffel bags. Quinn turned around when he heard someone screaming, than relaxed when he saw it was a girl on the ferris wheel. He began walking again until he reached the end of the festivities. Suddenly he heard another scream, this time a shriek of real terror. Quinn began to run through the crowd, as people stood frozen not sure what was going on. He reached a sobbing girl at the edge of the woods, "what happened?" He asked her, the girl pointed and sobbed out,"something big and hairy just dragged Betsy into the woods." Quinn straightened up and saw the Mayor, striding over he punched the mayor in the mouth, knocking him to the ground. "This is because of your unwillingness to do anything," he raged. Than he ran into the woods, giving his location to Mark in the walkie talkie. He stopped and took a gun out of his duffel bag, than followed the track farther into the woods. He burst into a clearing and saw in horror the dark shape of a beast knelt over the body of a young girl. The creature sensed his presence and turned around, bringing itself to it's full height. Quinn heard Mark and some of the townspeople run up behind him. "Holy shit," Mark breathed, as he saw the creature. The werewolf snarled at them, revealing blood stained fangs. Quinn spoke to the people behind him without turning around, "I want everyone to leave, except for Deputy Colsin." Than he began walking toward the creature, "Quinn what are you doing?" Mark hissed at him as the were wolf tensed as if to attack. "I'm making sure it's attention is on me, I want you to grab the girl and run." Mark swore, "there is no way in hell I'm doing that," he said. "Just do it," Quinn snapped "thats a order." Suddenly Quinn grabbed a flare and lit it, running at the creature and yelling. The creature snarled and backed away. Mark ran in and grabbed the girl, just as the werewolf noticed him. It loped toward Mark at high speed and Quinn shot it in the leg. The werewolf roared and lunged at Quinn, who shot it again. This time between the eyes, the creature fell over dead and began to transform before their eyes. Quinn rolled the body over and gasped in disbelief. Dr. Matthes lay there looking at him with sightless eyes.

Quinn and Mark walked out of the hospital, Betsy had been bitten several times and had died on the way to the hospital. Considering what he had seen, Quinn figured that might be a blessing. Quinn took out his cell phone and called his wife, "I'm coming out there as soon as I pack a suitcase." He told her, "I quit today, I lost a good friend. That can't be changed, now I'm ready for some new scenery as far from here as I can get. I love you too hon, see you soon." Than he hung up the phone, he walked over to were Mark waited for him, "Maybe you'll get the sheriff's job now," he said to Mark as the walked toward the car. Mark laughed and said, "I'm beginning to think of maybe joining the bomb squad. It's got to be a lot safer than what we just went through. Laughing, they got into the car and drove out of the parking lot. ready to put the small town of Conner's Glen behind them forever.
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