Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Happy Cake Day

Chapter 4

by horsie890 2 reviews

Chapter 4

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Published: 2007-04-09 - Updated: 2007-04-10 - 544 words

Frank was now in full-on panic mode. This would be the third attempt at creating the elusive cake. He had managed to leave the eggs out of the first one, and then thoroughly charred the second because he decided to play a few games of Burnout 3 against Bob while it baked. Ray couldn't have done anything to save it, since he couldn't cook with any more skill than Frank. It looked like both guitarists were doomed to a life of eating other people's cooking, if that could be considered a bad thing.
"Frank, for the love of all that is sane, calm down!" said a distressed Ray. Frank was sitting on the floor in front of the oven, trying to look at the cake with a flashlight to see if it was done. He had long since chewed off all of his fingernails.
"No...must brothers," he muttered to himself. Bob tried waving a hand in front of his face, but he seemed to be in a trance and didn't respond. The drummer shrugged and retreated to the back of the bus to play more video games. Suddenly Mikey burst in through the door and scared the other two guitarists half to death.
"He's coming!" he said breathlessly, nearly collapsing where he stood.
"Why are you so tired?" Ray asked as he recovered from the shock.
"I ran about a block away and saw him coming, but he didn't even notice me. So I sprinted back here and he's going to be here in about thirty seconds what do we do?!" His speech grew faster with each word, and he started shaking as his nerves took over. Ray was afraid he would go into the same trancelike state as Frank.
"Don't panic, Mikey, just stall him as long as you can. We'll think of something." Mikey smiled at him gratefully, but was suddenly pulled out of the doorway and thrown to the ground. Brian entered the bus with a glare on his face. Ray was about to say something when their manager unceremoniously dragged Frank out of the way, practically throwing him toward the front of the bus. He simply sat there for a second, pondering what had just happened, then shook his head and came out of his silent reverie. He jumped to his feet and was about to let their manager know exactly what he thought of that, but he froze in his tracks when he saw what was going on.
Brian opened the oven and grabbed a fork, stabbing the center of the cake with it. He checked it, then turned the oven off and pulled out the pan with a towel. He angrily kicked the oven closed, setting the cake on top of the stove. He searched through the cabinets for a moment and found a cooling rack that clearly hadn't been used for some time. He successfully removing the cake from its metal casing and placing it on the wiry object. He opened the freezer and set the cake on the top shelf. Frank sat down on the carpeted floor in awe, and Ray decided to join him. They felt like they were watching a movie and considered making popcorn.
They never knew Brian could cook.
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