Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Breaking Hearts, Bodies, and Minds

Strike One-Warning shot and a page out of a book

by Mist_Demon_Girl 0 reviews

Years have gone by and no one has heard from her. Many ninja don't even remember what she looks like nor what her name is. Now, she's back... and with a vegence. Author's notes: Theses symbols>< s...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gai, Other - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-04-10 - Updated: 2007-04-10 - 532 words

He deposited the girl onto his bed.

As he ate a snack and read, he heard the bed shift and lighten. She was awake.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She stood before him.

Kakashi stood up, "Hatake Kakashi. Could I ask you something?"

The girl looked puzzled before allowing it.

"Who are you? Why are you here, what happened, and why did you have that book?"

"I'm Miko Varya. The second answer was a trick, I don't remeber what happened..."

"You never answered why you have that book."

Miko smiled and took out a ten-sided dice, "If this lands on a number between 0 and 50, I'll answer all your questions. If it doesn't, you can do whatever."

Miko rolled it. It landed on 90.

"Hmm." Miko picked it up and put the dice back into her back pocket.

Her stormy gray eyes burned into Kakashi's as he stared at her. Suddenly, he could stare no more. He slipped her tank top off, revealing, smooth, flawless skin. He bent to kiss her. Miko touched his neck so gently, so tantalizingly. The gentle hands of the woman carressed down his back. Miko undid his vest. Next she removed the mask and headband.

The silver-haired jonin stood still, almost in a trance. He tried to wince in pain as sharp fingernails raked beneath his chin, across his cheek, and along his back, but found he was frozen.

Miko smiled as blood dripped onto her fingers. She lifted his vest and shirt off, taking
them off and placing them in her pack. She also took his headband and mask. Stroking his chest, she kissed him. A warmth spread throughout his body as she stroked his hair.

A few more moments. that's all. Just a few more... Miko thought about her mission.

After a moment, Miko pried herself from the man's arms.

Kill him.

The voice was of her demon, Mikale.

Do SOMETHING besides kiss him at least.

"I'm taking his soul after this. What else could you want?" Miko murmured to herself as she used blood to trace two words in Kakashi's special book:
Warning shot.

Next she held her dice in front of the man's mouth. Slowly Kakashi went limp.

"If you recover, come hunt me down. I'll be eager to fight you." She kissed him once more and vanished.


Sakura screamed. Naruto and Gai entered the kitchen as well.

"My God. I think something is wrong with Kakashi-sensi!" Sakura gasped.

"What gave you that idea?" Naruto drawled, rolling his eyes.

"Go find Tsundae." Gai murmured.

Naruto turned and left.

Moments later, Tsundae bustled in."What happened?! Where's that girl at?!"

"We don't know. We just found her like this!" Gai explained.

"Find her. And help me take Kakashi to the hospital." Tsundae growled.

Outside, Miko grinned. She had seen where he lived at, but, for the affect, she hit a pressure point, knocking herself out.

Gai found her and took her to his apartment. He was the only other one she was to kill for his brother. Gai and Kakashi got in the way when they first met. Now he could achieve his goal with little or no interference...

Assuming she could pull it off.
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