Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Breaking Hearts, Bodies, and Minds

Strike Two-A slow death and a quick plot

by Mist_Demon_Girl 0 reviews

Years have gone by and no one has heard from her. Many ninja don't even remember what she looks like nor what her name is. Now, she's back... and with a vegence. Author's notes: Theses symbols>< s...

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gai, Other - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-04-10 - Updated: 2007-04-10 - 305 words

As Gai placed her on the floor, Miko moaned. Gai stared at her for a moment before deciding it was safe to leave her.

When he had left, Miko stood up, shivering slightly. Surprisingly, none of the ninja had taken her bag.

All the better. Miko thought.

She took a bottle of black liquid out of her bag.
Smelling it, she nearly choked. She wasn't known as the Poison Master throughtout the land for no reason. This particular poison was as deadly as it was rare. It bloomed in the form of a black lily only during the summer. Also, it was rare nto find when it was in bloom because so many animals that were immune to it's toxins liked them as a midmorning snack. The Black Death Lily was Miko's favorite.

Perfect. Miko thought.

Gai was in the bathroom when she slipped out of the room. Red hair swished around her as Miko made her way into the kitchen where a glass of water sat. She dumped the poison in to it, smirking.

Gai came out, not even noticing Miko on the couch. He sipped the water and Miko watched as his chest rose up and down, slowly. Already, the lily was working. His lips tinged blue and began fading into white. His whole body shuddered and began losing it's color. At this point, Miko was barely containing her contentment. She had eliminated two problems. But suddenly a man grabbed Miko.

"Let me go!" Miko squirmed in his grasp. It only tightened as she felt his hot breath on her shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" The man hissed. His voice was barely a whisper.

"Excellent question." A voice growled.

Shit. It's that Sarutobi guy! We couldn't last if he decided to attack, but...

A plan formed in her mind. It would work...
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