Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Breaking Hearts, Bodies, and Minds

Strike three-You're out

by Mist_Demon_Girl 0 reviews

Years have gone by and no one has heard from her. Many ninja don't even remember what she looks like nor what her name is. Now, she's back... and with a vegence. Two targets down. Now, she must be...

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Asuma, Chouji, Hinata, Kiba, Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Tenten, Other - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2007-04-11 - Updated: 2007-04-11 - 387 words

"I've got an idea!" Miko gasped, taking Itachi's hand. She performed a clone jutsu of herself and Itachi.

The ninja and clones switched positions, each taking a different route.

One, which Asuma supposed was the actual, went right out the window.

"Catch us if you can!" Miko and her clones squealed.

Itachi escaped her grasp and kept stride. They had gone left, through a door.

"What are you doing?" He growled.

"Shadow Possesion!"

Miko nimbly dodged the jutsu.

Shikamaru ran after them.

They easily lost him but then had Ino, Chouji, Kiba, Shino, Neji, Hinata, and Shikamaru.

The other one was a clone! Miko relaized.

She slowed and stopped, searching for an ambush.

Out of the corner of his eye, Itachi caught a movement. A blur of green.

"Southwest side!" Itachi shouted.

Simultaneously, Miko spotted a dash of orange from the exact opposite direction.


The two fell away from eachother as the two ninja ran towards them.

Miko withdrew her dice from her pocket.

It went into five copies. Miko returned the original to her pocket.

"Explosive dice!" Miko shouted as she threw them. One caught Rock Lee, who had been healed, by the foot, arm, and stomach, knocking him away. Naruto dodged the other two, running towards Miko.

"Back off!" A man-if that is what he was- with a large sword sliced into him.

More clones...? How annoying.

Miko looked around.

"Don't think you leaving yet! Byakugan!" The Hyuuga boy ran at her. Miko caught him in her stare, causing him to slow.

"N-Neji..." Hinata whispered.

"NEJI!" Miko was bombarded by tools from above by Tenten.

Miko threw Neji away from her before running after Kisame and Itachi.

"Human Boulder!"

Miko shifted her long red hair out of her eyes before taking out a needle. She held it out behind her. Chouji stopped in pain.

"Let's get her Akamaru!" Kiba called.

"Alright. Now you're really pissing me the hell off! Shadow Clone Jutsu! Itachi, we'll catch up later. Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!" Miko performed the jutsu, burning all the genin and Shikamaru.

"That's better." Miko turned and began walking.

"That was quick." Kismae noted, slightly amused.

Itachi shrugged, "They are weak, Kisame."

"If they are so weak, then why'd you two run last time?" Miko said with a small laugh.

Itachi glared at her.
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