Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Diary of a disturbed mind

Another Boring Day

by ThePatient 1 review

Well...Gee writes about a boring day...duh!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-13 - Updated: 2007-04-13 - 577 words

Friday 23rd April

Well today wasn't any better then yesterday. I talked to Frank and Ray and told them what was wrong. Ray was nearly no help but he did know how to make me smile and Frank suggested i go see my GP and get counsling. I don't know i might go. I just don't want my parents to find out cause if they did it would hurt mum so much and i don't want to do that because no matter what she feels for me i feel alot for her. -sigh-

I've started cutting again and i know cutting only hurts myself but thats just it! I WANT to hurt myself. I was so close from ripping all my hair out yesterday! I want to hurt myself i want to feel pain physically and not just emotionally. I don't know why i just do. I cut again this morning. It doesn't even hurt. Just have to go deeper next time. oh well.

I decided to go out today. I grabbed my MP3 player and went into town for a starbucks. That's after the coffee i had this morning. I sat on the bus listening to my MP3 when these totall preps got on and kept staring at me. You have no idea how much i wanted to flick them off but i resisted cause i would prefer not to add even more problems to my already growing list.

Anyways i got to town and saw my MP3 player had hardly any battery left so i switched it off. I walked into starbucks and got a Caffe Latte then went and got AP.

I was walking for the bus back when i heard a shout of "Freak!" Behind me so i turned round and shouted 'Fuck You!' then walked off. I ended up with prep spit on my hoodie. It now has to be washed imeditaly! It could become contaminated. And it's my fave hoodie. Stupid Preps.
When i got back Frank phoned again. He was hyper. Debz had gave him M&M's. BIG mistake. He was ranting about how the school he goes to has the wrong sort of toothpaste and it acctually damages your teeth instead of cleaning them becaese the aliens invented it.

Frank goes to a catholic school cause his parents are really religous. But like i said, He was hyper. How can aliens swap toothpaste? I mean come on! Why would they swap toothpaste? So when they finally invaded Earth no one would have any teeth?

I told Frank this and he just said that just because i'm not a believer in supernatural forces doesn't mean he can't be wich really confused me cause aliens arn't supernatural!

My dad got in from work early and it was about that time i remembered i was supposed to Vacum and do the dishes. I was able to do the dishes cause i hadn't ahd anything to eat so i had something to eat and did them but i cant vacum now. He hasn't noticed anyways. He never does. He just follows my mum's pursuite and if she says i haven't vacumed i haven't vacumed. gah! Whatever.

I'm going to go now cause I have a new drawing i want to work on. It's a vampire picture wich i'm going to be hanging on my wall once i've finished cause i'm quite proud of it now even though i haven't finished it yet.

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