Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > All That I've Got

Let's Go Down In History

by ForNeverYours 3 reviews

What? It's over? Awwwwww. *sniff sniff*

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-04-15 - Updated: 2007-04-15 - 1781 words

Patrick put his hands on my hips and my back and pulled my closer, dipping me back. A few people 'aww'ed; a few even whistled. I smirked into the kiss and felt him whispered before leaning me back up and pulling away.
I let out the breath I was holding and smiled at Patrick before grabbing his hand and beginning the walk down the aisle as husband and wife.
We were followed by the wedding party into our respected cars and were off to the rec. center for dancing, drinks, and memories.
"Honey, I'm so proud of you!" My mom said rushing up and hugging me so tightly I thought my ribs would crack for sure.
"Thanks mommy." I said holding back tears.
She pushed me away and looked at my reception dress. She nodded in approval and quickly kissed my cheek before taking a seat at the table for her and her new boyfriend, along with Patrick's parents and siblings.
Joe came up to me and Patrick and smiled. I bit my lip and grabbed Patrick's hand as Joe nodded and pulled out the small velvet box I saw only a week ago.
"I'm really gonna do it." He swallowed hard and put it away before glancing around for Sabrina who was off talking to Travis.
She glanced at him and bit her lip and walked over to him. They kissed and she smiled at me.
"Congrats." She said hugging me tightly. "I'm so happy for you."
"I know." I smiled hugging back and pushing her away. "Nice dress."
"Thanks, Pete made it short notice." She sighed dreamily looking at Joe who was joking with the rest of the guys.
They were looking over at us, playfully punching each other and laughing. Even though they were probably just joking I always hated it when people were laughing at or about me. I bit my lip and tried to brush away the feeling as other relatives came and gave their congratulations.
Soon everyone found their seats and turned to face the table that held the 'wedding party'. Patrick reached for my hand under the white table clothe. He smiled at me and quickly planted a kiss on my cheek.
"I love you." He whispered as we were served our food and drinks.
"I love you more." I whispered back.
Patrick's dad stood and quieted the murmur of slight conversations drifting from table to table.
"Ok, ok." He raised his voice, the guests turned and looked at him with as much of their concentration could handle. "I know you want to stuff your faces; but we have a couple to toast."
He lifted his glass off the table and raised it above his head; everyone followed and turned to us.
"To a happy marriage and many more memories." He smiled at us. "To the past, present, and future."
"To the past, present, and future." Everyone said in unison then sipped on whatever they toasted with.
Everything went according to plan...all except for when Joe stood up in the middle of the meal and looked around. A few people glanced at him nervously.
"I have to admit I haven't been completely honest tonight." He said reaching into his pocket.
"Joe?" Sabrina looked at him nervously. "What are you doing?"
"I've been keeping a secret for almost five years." He said turning to look at everyone holding his gaze.
"Joe what are you talking about?" Sabrina said standing up and throwing down her napkin.
"Ladies and gents; I knew from the minute I saw this girl almost five years ago we were destined to be together." He grabbed her hands and looked deep into her brown eyes. "I've just been too afraid to say what I'm about to say."
She looked at him from a minute and smiled. He knelt down o one knee and pulled out the ring.
"I've been so afraid to say I love this woman more than anything on my life." He grabbed her hands again. "And now I'm not afraid to ask....Sabrina will you marry me?"
She pulled her hand up to her face in surprise and started nodding furiously. He slipped the ring on her finger and hugged her.
Everyone started clapping and cooing happily. As they sat back in their respected seats, Joe leaned over to me and whispered.
"Did I do good?" His blue green eyes twinkled.
"You did great." I whispered back as I noticed people were leaving the dance floor and the beginning notes of 'Can't Help falling In Love With You' by Elvis started to fizz and crackle over the sound system.
"Ok guys, it's the bride and groom's first dance so you know what ot do." The DJ said into the mic.
Patrick smiled at my and gripped my hand and walked with me to the dance floor.
"So that's what you were doing when you went to the bathroom for twenty minutes." I smirked as he put his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him. "You sneaky trick."
"That's my name." He laughed as he spun me carefully. "And the surprises are yet to come."
I giggled as he kissed my forehead (I STILL don't know how he does that) and pressed a finger to my lips. "Just enjoy the music."
He started singing it under his breath and dancing the same way he did when we first slow danced; with two left feet. When he stepped on my foot I just smiled at him and playfully stepped in his shoe. He laughed and kissed me again.
When the final notes ended we pulled away and looked around, everyone was quietly watching us and smiling.
"Ok, this is creepy." I whispered into his ear.
"Shh." He laughed and pulled me back to our seats as everyone else got up to dance to the personally picked songs that were pumping through the amps.
"So what's this surprise you were telling me about?" I laughed as I watched Andy dance with my six year old cousin.
"You'll find out." He said over the sound of the music.
Bouquet toss time came and Pete and Andy carefully spun me in a circle before pushing me up in front of the crowd of single woman all pining for the bouquet. I tossed it and turned to watch as it landed in the grip of Kaela's hands.
Then came the guarder toss. Patrick playfully flicked it into the air above the heads of all the single men. Ironically enough it landed into of Pete's head.
The DJ turned on some strip club music as I pulled up a chair for Kaela and a blindfold for Pete. She laughed and watched as Andy took the chair and pulled up his pant leg.
"Quiet." Joe said to everyone as Pete carefully pulled the guarder up Andy's leg.
About mid-thigh he stopped and left around a little. Quickly pulling his hands back and ripping the blindfold back he looked like he just saw his naked mother. His face was cherry red and he looked as shocked as every. The room erupted into giggles as the rightful person took the seat and got the guarder.
"What's the surprise?" I whined as we got to dance with each other as a break from the many people paying a dollar for each dance with the bride.
"Keep your panties on." He sighed as his clammy hands made contact with my arms. "You'll find out what I have planned."
"Well, the wedding's almost over." I said pouting.
He smirked and kissed me hard. "Whoever said the surprise was during the wedding."
I pouted a little more and he finally sighed and kissed my cheek.
"It's something to do with the honeymoon that you told me I could pick out where we're going."
"It that all I get to know?" I cocked my head and looked at him with big puppy dog eyes.
"Sorry dear, Pete does that face so much it doesn't effect me anymore." He sighed as his dad came up and tapped him on the shoulder for yet another dance with me. "You'll find out what it is later."
"I hope so." I called over his dad's shoulder.
Finally we were all pulled back to our seats as they announced the cutting of the cake. Me and Patrick stood side by side holding the knife as Pete snapped pictures. When we got our two pieces I held the piece just in front of his mouth before playfully shoving it in his face and smearing the residue on my fingers around on his face.
"This means war." He said grabbing a bigger piece and smashing it over the top of my head.
I opened my mouth in shock and grabbed another piece, smacking it right on his forehead. Pete had to step in or else there wouldn't be any for the guests.
"I love you and your cakey self." I laughed as we sat beside each other once everyone had left and the main group was left to clean up.
"Mmm." He smiled as he ate a piece of cake that hung from my cheek. "Tasty."
I rolled my eyes and started picking up the plates at our table. Soon everything was just about cleaned off (with the exception of me and Patrick) and ready to be used later.
Pete and Kaela were the first to leave; they said something about visiting with his mom more. Andy smiled and kissed my cheek before wiping his mouth and pulling on his coat.
Joe and Sabrina had already left to get in on some fiancé action. Leaving me and Patrick sitting on the only two chairs left in the middle of the dance floor.
"So, Mrs. Stump?" He laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me for the door. "Hoe does it feel being the wife of a certain hat clad, side-burned singer?"
"Well, how does it feel being the wife of a crazy diner girl that once had no life until she met the man of her dreams?"
"Hmm tough call." He laughed as he pulled out two overstuffed suitcases from the trunk of my car.
"So now what?" I asked as he hugged my waist and held up two plane tickets.
"How does Paris sound?"
"Sounds like a plan." I laughed as he kissed my neck and took off for the airport and for the newest chapter in our lives as a married couple.

The End

Wow, I can't believe it; my baby is all grown up. Yes, this is the last chapter of All That I've Got. Hats off for the end of a story!
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